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CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
Download and info HERE

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 on: April 07, 2024, 03:43:54 pm 
Started by Made68 - Last post by Made68
If you mean config on the administration page, yes i change bot http:// url's to https.  (did not solve the problem.)

 on: April 07, 2024, 03:29:39 pm 
Started by Made68 - Last post by Made68
No, the only place where i have change it is on the admin page (General Parameters), URL to your Gallery and url to your Homepage, but that did not resolved the problem so i set back to http.

Do i need to change it into the config.php file only?

Thanks for your help.

 on: April 07, 2024, 02:18:05 pm 
Started by Made68 - Last post by lurkalot
Did you change the URL of your Coppermine gallery folder to https in config?

 on: April 07, 2024, 11:28:36 am 
Started by Made68 - Last post by Made68

I have created a free ZerroSSL SSL certificate and install it on my domain hosting provider.
The site works perfect in http, but it give give me an error in https, but when i edit the certificate it mention that the certificate is trusted and valid.

Error HTTPS: Blank page with mention
You don't have permission to access this resource.

Edit Certificate:
This page is secure (valid HTTPS).  See attachement

I have search to enable HTTPS option in admin panel but found nothing.

What do i need to do to get this to work?

Thanks for your help.

Version: Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.4.14 (will upgrade ASAP)

 on: March 27, 2024, 02:22:09 pm 
Started by Joe Carver - Last post by Joe Carver
This topic has been moved to cpg1.6 themes (visuals).

 on: March 27, 2024, 02:16:31 pm 
Started by Strawberry85 - Last post by Joe Carver
A link to your Coppermine site would be helpful for helping, however...

The Waterdrop theme in the CPG release 1.6.26 works as checked on my testbed.

  • See if it is only the fault of your browser. Try using: w w w . yourcoppermine . com /index.php?theme=xxx to reset it to your Config setting (theme=xxx can be used on any page)
  • Check your setting in Config >> Themes Settings >> Theme
  • Make sure that all theme-related files and folders are only located in the themes folder (yourcoppermine/themes/waterdrop). Sometimes if the themes folders are mis-located, problems arise.
  • Refresh what you have changed / modified with the theme files located in the Download package (links above here)

Moving to cpg1.6 themes (visuals)

 on: March 25, 2024, 11:48:38 pm 
Started by Strawberry85 - Last post by Strawberry85

I recently did an upgrade to the latest version. But somehow my theme (I used water_drop) isn't working. It's not showing the correct water_drop theme like I had before.
It looks like it doesn't recognize the css file? I tried uploading the new water_drop files to test it out. I changed some of the css settings. But it's still the plain blue theme. Can anyone help me?

 on: February 29, 2024, 09:39:45 pm 
Started by HVW - Last post by HVW
Fixed it by myself!

My conclusion is that the cause of this problem is in the 'sql_mode'. That setting is managed by the hosting partner, so I had to make a workaround.
In the logging of Coppermine I found errors:

GROUP BY r.aid
ORDER BY NULL' in index.php on line 362 the following error was encountered:
1055 : 'databasename.c.cid' isn't in GROUP BY

I edited index.php from this:
    // album stats for regular albums
    $sql = "SELECT r.aid, c.cid, COUNT(pid) AS pic_count, MAX(pid) AS last_pid, MAX(ctime) AS last_upload, depth AS level, lft
        INNER JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} AS r ON r.category = c.cid
        INNER JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} AS p ON p.aid = r.aid
        WHERE c.depth >= $CURRENT_CAT_DEPTH + 1
        AND approved = 'YES'
        GROUP BY r.aid
        ORDER BY NULL";
To this:
    // album stats for regular albums
    $sql = "SELECT r.aid, c.cid, COUNT(pid) AS pic_count, MAX(pid) AS last_pid, MAX(ctime) AS last_upload, depth AS level, lft
        INNER JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} AS r ON r.category = c.cid
        INNER JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} AS p ON p.aid = r.aid
        WHERE c.depth >= $CURRENT_CAT_DEPTH + 1
        AND approved = 'YES'
        GROUP BY r.aid, c.cid, c.depth, c.lft
        ORDER BY NULL";

Then the error dissapeared and Coppermine worked like a charm!

 on: February 29, 2024, 07:37:50 pm 
Started by HVW - Last post by HVW
I just finished a fresh new install of Coppermine 1.6.26. After a succesfully install I get an error on my Coppermine page.
All settings are still default, nothing changed yet.
I checked update.php, no errors.

These are my site settings:
CPG version: 1.6.26
PHP version: 8.2.15

Is there anyone who can help me with this problem?

 on: February 19, 2024, 03:02:15 pm 
Started by tadeuszd - Last post by tadeuszd
I'm not sure if this forum is still alive or not, but I have prepared the full Polish translation for the current version of CPG (1.6.26).
My translation is mostly based on Vurmil's earlier (outdated) translation. I added all new sentences in the new translation. Compared to the old translation, I also changed names of some options to make them more understandable.

In the attachment you will find the polish.php file (zipped).

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