Support > cpg1.6 install

Help iframes not available offline


I am running a stock installation of Bitnami WAMP Stack 7.1.8-0 (using PHP 7), and Coppermine Gallery 1.6.03 - develop, on localhost in Windows 10.

I am logged in as admin in the Configuration screen. I can access the icon-driven help iframes online, but offline all I get is empty boxes.

Now, this version of Coppermine does not pack a help folder, so I thought about copying one over from a previous CPG version, just to see what happens. Well, would that be the right thing to do, or is there a better option?

Again, I am trying to enable the help display in local-hosted offline mode.

Thanks for checking this out.

Download the most recents documentation from here. Place the files in a docs folder in your installation. The file must be in the folder for it to be recognized as local documentation.

Super! It works perfectly now. Thank you!


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