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CPMfetch for 1.5.6

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Starting this thread as requested,

My question is, can I use CPMfetch with 1.5.6? and apparently it can be used by modding one line of code.

--- Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on June 06, 2010, 01:52:54 pm ---with modifications to just one line of code CPM fetch will work with 1.5.x. I'm already using it on a site of mine.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on June 08, 2010, 10:02:59 pm ---Start a thread regarding cpmfetch and I'll post the details.

--- End quote ---

Thanks Phill, I would appreciate your help on this. ;)

Edit by lurkalot - March 2013:

With permission granted by vuud, I am attaching the edited version of CpmFetch to this post. 

Please note: This is the edited version to work with 1.5.xx versions of Coppermine only.

Additional Edit by gmc - March 2015:

Attaching an edited version of CpmFetch V2.1.1 to this post. This is a DEV/Beta version that was never released.
Several of us received a dev copy along the way - and it may help others to have access.
Attached the V2.1.1 release notes so you can determine if you need this release...
cfimageget was significantly changed here to work with CPMFetch V2 - it did not work in the 2.0.0 release.   

Please note: Both attachments are the edited versions to work with 1.5.xx versions of Coppermine only.
There is no need to make the edits referenced in this thread relative to p.owner_name around line 61 of install.php. It has already been done for you in these versions.

Greg (gmc)

Additional edit by ron4mac - June 2017:

Attached updated version (2.0.1) that works with mysqli/PHP7.  Find documentation in the 2.0.0 version.

Bear in mind that VUUD is working on a new improved version specifically for the 1.5.x line of Coppermine. This is what I am using now to continue using his excellent tool.

Open install.php and find the line  (around 61 )

--- Code: --- 'cfSQLPictureSelect' => 'p.filepath AS pFilepath, p.filename AS pFilename, p.aid AS pAid, p.filesize AS pFilesize, p.title AS pTitle, p.caption AS pCaption, p.owner_id as pOwnerId, p.ctime AS pCtime, p.hits AS pHits, AS pPid, p.pic_rating AS pPic_Rating,  p.votes AS pVotes, p.pwidth AS pWidth, p.pheight AS pHeight, p.user1 as pUser1, p.user2 as pUser2, p.user3 as pUser3, p.user4 as pUser4, c.cid as cCid, as cName, c.description as cDescription, c.pos as cPos, c.parent as cParent, c.thumb as cThumb',
--- End code ---

and replace with

--- Code: --- 'cfSQLPictureSelect' => 'p.filepath AS pFilepath, p.filename AS pFilename, p.aid AS pAid, p.filesize AS pFilesize, p.title AS pTitle, p.caption AS pCaption, p.owner_name AS pOwner_name, p.owner_id as pOwnerId, p.ctime AS pCtime, p.hits AS pHits, AS pPid, p.pic_rating AS pPic_Rating,  p.votes AS pVotes, p.pwidth AS pWidth, p.pheight AS pHeight, p.user1 as pUser1, p.user2 as pUser2, p.user3 as pUser3, p.user4 as pUser4, c.cid as cCid, as cName, c.description as cDescription, c.pos as cPos, c.parent as cParent, c.thumb as cThumb',
--- End code ---

That is for the benefit of others who may need this tool. Once again you have neglected to post your link. Please try not to forget in future.

Thanks Phill, I'll give that a try, cheers. :)

PS:  My link is permanently in my signature, so I can't forget. ;)

Also forgot to say, would it be a good idea to move these two threads in to 1.5.x support now that it has gone stable?

[cpg1.5.x]: Updates on a next releases of CpmFetch

[cpg1.5.x]: Open Q&A on the new CpmFetch 1.5 development efforts

The link in your footer would be fine if it linked to a coppermine driven page and not your homepage. We just do not have time to search for these things.

No problem, I'll change it. ;)


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