Support > cpg1.5 miscellaneous

Image view counting


Hallo, I have a little problem. Album view counting. Is constantly displayed zero / 0 /. Please help me, thanks.
Coppermine 1.5.4
Theme: Curve

From what I can tell, you are the admin and currently, the only registered user of your gallery. You seem to have "Thumbnail Only" set for guests/visitors/unregistered and probably haven't configured your gallery to "Count Admin Hits". Since the admin isn't being counted (or have you configured this?) and nobody else has album view rights, it stands to reason the count will remain zero until someone registers.

Have you tried creating a non-admin, higher-privileged test account for yourself? Or changed your user/group settings to allow image display? Or configured the gallery to include admin hits?

Thanks for the advice, you're right. Thanks.

Joachim Müller:
In fact that's a feature, not a bug. The admin views are deliberately not being counted out of the box and we recommend to leave it that way. In case you want to change that, read up
Please read the docs in the future before asking questions. Please resolve your thread as suggested.


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