Support > cpg1.5 upgrading

custom header file


After upgrading to the New CPG my custom header doesn't load the menu for the forum...

I have tried to use ssi.php but get an error - undefined function template_menu() in SSI.php. So it was switched to the SMF index.template.php and loads without errors but the menu isn't all there..


--- Code: ---<?php require("/******/smf/theme/index.template.php");

// <!-- Display the main header & forum menu -->
<table width="90%" align="center">
    <div class="logo-border">
    <div class="logo-box"><a href="index.php">
    <img src="../Themes/****.img  width="200px" height="75px" align="left" padding-left= "15px" border="1" ></a>
        <br />
        <span class="canvas">Collections</span>
<div class="navBar">
<!-- BEGIN mainNav -->
             ', template_menu(), '
<!-- END mainNav -->


--- End code ---

Joachim Müller:
You have another open thread where you report bridging issues. Maybe they are related? I doubt that you can include your SMF's SSI.php into a Coppermine-driven gallery that already is bridged. However, similarly to your other open thread this issue is related to third-party-code (SSI.php), which is not a part of coppermine and therefore doesn't get supported by us. We don't know how that piece of code works.


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