Support > cpg1.5 upgrading

i dont see my pics and cant login


Hi There

Please helpme i´ve upgraded from 1.4.24 to .1.5.4...

then i executed update.php

but i have 2 problems...

first i cant see any pic

i see this message
ˇEl álbum o el fichero no existen! "

file doesnt exist


and the second... i cant login

Warning your browser does not accept script's cookies..

and is imposible to login...


i re uploadeed 1.5 version with filezilla... but i still have error...

please helpme


Joe Carver:
Your theme has not been upgraded - cpg 1.4.x themes are different than 1.5.x themes and need to be changed.

Read your documents, make changes or try a different theme.

--- Quote ---<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---Your theme has not been upgraded - cpg 1.4.x themes are different than 1.5.x themes and need to be changed.

Read your documents, make changes or try a different theme.
--- End quote ---

i´ve solved the proble...also  IS VERY IMPORTANT to uninstall 1.4 plugins

Joachim Müller:
That's what we say in the upgrading section of the docs:
--- Quote from: ---Plugins
Plugins made for cpg1.4.x usually can no longer be run on cpg1.5.x, so you'll need to turn them off while you're still running cpg1.4.x (before you start upgrading). Some features that have been a plugin for cpg1.4.x went into the core of cpg1.5.x, so you may not need your plugins any longer. The safest way to make sure that plugins don't interfere is by disabling all plugins using the corresponding config option and then removing the content of the plugin folder using your FTP app. After performing the upgrade, get the plugin versions designed for cpg1.5.x and upload them, then re-enable the new plugins one by one.
--- End quote ---
. If you had issues with cpg1.4.x plugins acting up you haven't read the docs thoroughly.


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