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Author Topic: Batch upload process (scratching head)  (Read 4199 times)

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Batch upload process (scratching head)
« on: August 13, 2007, 04:22:59 am »


For the last several months I've not tried to upload more than one photo at a time. Tonight, I tried to upload some 100+ photos using batch upload and instead of it uploading, it reverted back to the SELECT DIRECTORY screen. It works for uploading ONE image, but not multiple images ....

Joachim Müller

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Re: Batch upload process (scratching head)
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2007, 11:49:21 pm »

Okay, I've followed the above link to the letter, and here is the debug info: (I get NO error messages). I CAN NOT understand why I can't upload multiple files. Any clue from this? Thank you for your help !!!

Test Account:

ID: test
pw: test

Code: [Select]
    [ID] => f53282fbbdd9dc6ba9dbe1247c4bd4a7
    [am] => 1
    [lang] => english
    [liv] => Array
            [0] => 10222
            [1] => 10223
            [2] => 10224
            [3] => 1049
            [4] => 1047

    [search] => Array
            [search] => Pretender Pilot.jpg
            [album] => search
            [newer_than] =>
            [older_than] =>
            [type] => AND
            [filename] => on
            [params] => Array
                    [filename] => on


    [lap] => 2
    [sort] => na

    [user_id] => 1
    [user_name] => jarodsafehouse71
    [groups] => Array
            [0] => 1

    [disk_max] => 0
    [disk_min] => 0
    [can_rate_pictures] => 1
    [can_send_ecards] => 1
    [ufc_max] => 0
    [ufc_min] => 0
    [custom_user_upload] => 0
    [num_file_upload] => 1
    [num_URI_upload] => 0
    [can_post_comments] => 1
    [can_upload_pictures] => 1
    [can_create_albums] => 1
    [has_admin_access] => 1
    [pub_upl_need_approval] => 0
    [priv_upl_need_approval] => 1
    [group_name] => Administrators
    [upload_form_config] => 0
    [group_quota] => 0
    [can_see_all_albums] => 1
    [group_id] => 1

    [0] => SELECT extension, mime, content, player FROM cpg148_filetypes; (0.003s)
    [1] => select * from cpg148_plugins order by priority asc; (0.003s)
    [2] => delete from `jarodsa_mtwscrapbook`.cpg148_sessions where time<1187037634 and remember=0; (0.004s)
    [3] => delete from `jarodsa_mtwscrapbook`.cpg148_sessions where time<1185831634; (0.003s)
    [4] => select user_id from `jarodsa_mtwscrapbook`.cpg148_sessions where session_id=md5("24effe14701c0bfa9963a1f7850925ece3ea72512417229148294faf3b4fd06f"); (0.003s)
    [5] => select user_id as id, user_password as password from `jarodsa_mtwscrapbook`.cpg148_users where user_id=1 (0.003s)
    [6] => SELECT u.user_id AS id, u.user_name AS username, u.user_password AS password, u.user_group+100 AS group_id FROM `jarodsa_mtwscrapbook`.cpg148_users AS u INNER JOIN `jarodsa_mtwscrapbook`.cpg148_usergroups AS g ON u.user_group=g.group_id WHERE u.user_id='1' (0.002s)
    [7] => SELECT user_group_list FROM `jarodsa_mtwscrapbook`.cpg148_users AS u WHERE user_id='1' and user_group_list <> ''; (0.002s)
    [8] => SELECT MAX(group_quota) as disk_max, MIN(group_quota) as disk_min, MAX(can_rate_pictures) as can_rate_pictures, MAX(can_send_ecards) as can_send_ecards, MAX(upload_form_config) as ufc_max, MIN(upload_form_config) as ufc_min, MAX(custom_user_upload) as custom_user_upload, MAX(num_file_upload) as num_file_upload, MAX(num_URI_upload) as num_URI_upload, MAX(can_post_comments) as can_post_comments, MAX(can_upload_pictures) as can_upload_pictures, MAX(can_create_albums) as can_create_albums, MAX(has_admin_access) as has_admin_access, MIN(pub_upl_need_approval) as pub_upl_need_approval, MIN( priv_upl_need_approval) as  priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg148_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1) (0.003s)
    [9] => SELECT group_name FROM  cpg148_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1 (0.003s)
    [10] => update `jarodsa_mtwscrapbook`.cpg148_sessions set time='1187041234' where session_id=md5('24effe14701c0bfa9963a1f7850925ece3ea72512417229148294faf3b4fd06f'); (0.003s)
    [11] => SELECT user_favpics FROM cpg148_favpics WHERE user_id = 1 (0.002s)
    [12] => DELETE FROM cpg148_banned WHERE expiry < '2007-08-13 21:40:34' (0.005s)
    [13] => SELECT * FROM cpg148_banned WHERE (ip_addr='' OR ip_addr='' OR user_id=1) AND brute_force=0 (0.003s)
    [14] => SELECT aid from cpg148_pictures WHERE pid='10493'  LIMIT 1 (0.003s)
    [15] => SELECT title,keyword from cpg148_albums WHERE aid='245' (0.003s)
    [16] => SELECT COUNT(*) from cpg148_pictures WHERE ((aid='245'  ) )   (0.002s)
    [17] => SELECT pid, filepath, filename, url_prefix, filesize, pwidth, pheight, ctime, aid, keywords, title, caption,hits,owner_id,owner_name from cpg148_pictures WHERE ((aid='245'  ) )   ORDER BY filename ASC  (0.003s)
    [18] => SELECT title,keyword from cpg148_albums WHERE aid='245' (0.002s)
    [19] => SELECT COUNT(*) from cpg148_pictures WHERE ((aid='245'  ) )   (0.003s)
    [20] => SELECT * from cpg148_pictures WHERE ((aid='245'  ) )   ORDER BY filename ASC  LIMIT 0 ,1 (0.003s)
    [21] => SELECT title, comments, votes, category, aid FROM cpg148_albums WHERE aid='245' LIMIT 1 (0.003s)
    [22] => SELECT name, parent FROM cpg148_categories WHERE cid = '70' (0.003s)
    [23] => SELECT cid, name, parent FROM cpg148_categories WHERE cid = '25' (0.003s)
    [24] => SELECT cid, name, parent FROM cpg148_categories WHERE cid = '7' (0.003s)
    [25] => SELECT msg_id, msg_author, msg_body, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(msg_date) AS msg_date, author_id, author_md5_id, msg_raw_ip, msg_hdr_ip, pid FROM cpg148_comments WHERE pid='10493' ORDER BY msg_id ASC (0.004s)
    [26] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg148_pictures WHERE approved = 'NO' (0.003s)
    [27] => SELECT title,keyword from cpg148_albums WHERE aid='245' (0.003s)
    [28] => SELECT COUNT(*) from cpg148_pictures WHERE ((aid='245'  ) )   (0.003s)
    [29] => SELECT pid, filepath, filename, url_prefix, filesize, pwidth, pheight, ctime, aid, keywords, title, caption,hits,owner_id,owner_name from cpg148_pictures WHERE ((aid='245'  ) )   ORDER BY filename ASC  LIMIT 0 ,10 (0.004s)
    [30] => SELECT count(*) from cpg148_comments where pid=10493 and msg_id!=0 (0.004s)
    [31] => SELECT count(*) from cpg148_comments where pid=10492 and msg_id!=0 (0.003s)

    [pos] => -10493


PHP version: 4.4.7 - OK
mySQL version: 4.1.22
Coppermine version: 1.4.8(stable)
Module: GD
GD Version: bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
FreeType Support: 1
FreeType Linkage: with freetype
T1Lib Support:
GIF Read Support: 1
GIF Create Support: 1
JPG Support: 1
PNG Support: 1
WBMP Support: 1
XBM Support: 1
JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support:

Module: mysql
MySQL Supportenabled
Active Persistent Links 0
Active Links 1
Client API version 4.1.21
MYSQL_SOCKET /tmp/mysql.sock
MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/local/include/mysql
MYSQL_LIBS -L/usr/local/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient 
Module: zlib
ZLib Support enabled
Compiled Version 1.2.3
Linked Version 1.2.3
Server restrictions (safe mode)?
Directive | Local Value | Master Value
safe_mode | Off | Off
safe_mode_exec_dir | no value | no value
safe_mode_gid | Off | Off
safe_mode_include_dir | no value | no value
safe_mode_exec_dir | no value | no value
sql.safe_mode | Off | Off
disable_functions | no value | no value
file_uploads | On | On
include_path | .:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php | .:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php
open_basedir | no value | no value
Directive | Local Value | Master Value
sendmail_from | no value | no value
sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
SMTP | localhost | localhost
smtp_port | 25 | 25
Size and Time
Directive | Local Value | Master Value
max_execution_time | 600 | 600
max_input_time | 600 | 600
upload_max_filesize | 16M | 16M
post_max_size | 8M | 8M
Page generated in 0.239 seconds - 32 queries in 0.097 seconds - Album set : ; Meta set: ;
« Last Edit: August 14, 2007, 07:43:39 am by GauGau »


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Re: Batch upload process (scratching head)
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2007, 11:58:33 pm »

Apparently you missed the section in red.

When asking for support on the coppermine forum, post a link to your site and a test user account (the test user mustn't be in the admin group!) with upload privileges, with the above mentioned settings in place - this way, supporters can see the error messages as well. Do not post debug_output unless requested.

Please try again.


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Re: Batch upload process (scratching head)
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2007, 12:01:37 am »



  • Guest
Re: Batch upload process (scratching head)
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2007, 02:06:26 am »

OK, now do this bit:

# Go to the "groups" panel
# Set the upload form configuration for all groups to "Single file uploads only" (set File upload boxes to "1", URI upload boxes to "0" and No. of boxes to "fixed")
# Save your new settings


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Re: Batch upload process (scratching head)
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2007, 02:33:27 am »

What now?

I did this, and uploaded a single file ....

Joachim Müller

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Re: Batch upload process (scratching head)
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2007, 07:48:16 am »

You're running cpg1.4.8, while the most recent stable release currently is cpg1.4.12. It is mandatory in terms of security that you upgrade asap. Maybe this will fix your issues on the way as well.
The error message you get is
Impossible to move Beispiel.jpg to albums/userpics/10034/ !
which means that you haven't applied permissions on the albums folder as suggested in the permissions section of the docs (it's a long section that you need to read and understand, because permissions on your webserver is something that you have to understand). Apply permissions so that the user the webserver runs under has read/write/execute permissions on the albums folder and everything within it.


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Re: Batch upload process (scratching head)
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2007, 12:17:59 pm »

I know I have a problem with the userpics folder .... for some reason the permissions on that folder do not trickle down to child folders. Can anyone tell me how I can fix that?

For my original problem, I have found that if I breakdown the number of files I'm trying to upload per folder, it will work ..... but before, I've uploaded 700+ pics from the same folder without an issue. Is this correctable?


Joachim Müller

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Re: Batch upload process (scratching head)
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2007, 03:40:03 pm »

On both issues: ask your webhost for support.
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