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Author Topic: 1.4.8: spiderfrindly plugin ignores sort order  (Read 7303 times)

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1.4.8: spiderfrindly plugin ignores sort order
« on: July 16, 2006, 12:24:57 pm »


my servernow allow me to use the mod_rewrite and so I try ot the spider frindly plugin in Coppermine 1.4.8
Seems to works but if I enter one of my gallerys I see that my sort order of the photos is ignored. When I disable the plugin the sort order is back. Can anyone confirm this and have maybe a solution?

/edit: I test it again ... strange ... now it work as it should. I must try a bit more. This post can be deleted.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2006, 12:33:52 pm by GauGau »

Joachim Müller

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Re: 1.4.8: spiderfrindly plugin ignores sort order
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2006, 12:33:42 pm »

We don't delete threads. They stay as a reference for others. Marking accordingly.


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Re: 1.4.8: spiderfrindly plugin ignores sort order
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2006, 06:28:38 pm »

It was the same problem untill I added some lines into original files ht.txt and codebase.php

in ht.txt -
RewriteRule thumbnails-([a-z0-9]*)-page-([0-9]*)-sort-([a-z]*)\.html thumbnails.php?album=$1&page=$2&sort=$3 [NC]
before the line:
RewriteRule thumbnails-([a-z0-9]*)-page-([0-9]*)\.html thumbnails.php?album=$1&page=$2 [NC]

in codebase.php -
    $html = preg_replace('/thumbnails\.php\?album=([a-z0-9]+)(\&|\&)page=([0-9]+)(\&|\&)sort=([a-z]+)/i','thumbnails-$1-page-$3-sort-$5.html',$html);
before the line:
    $html = preg_replace('/thumbnails\.php\?album=([a-z0-9]+)(\&|\&)page=([0-9]+)/i','thumbnails-$1-page-$3.html',$html);

Now it works properly.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2006, 06:53:20 pm by garry »


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Re: 1.4.8: spiderfrindly plugin ignores sort order
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2006, 03:58:34 pm »

One more addition to make correct links from user-profile (lastupby and lastcomby):

in ht.txt

add line:
RewriteRule thumbnails-([0-9a-z]*)-user-([0-9]*)\.html thumbnails.php?album=$1&uid=$2 [NC]
RewriteRule thumbnails-([0-9a-z]*)\.html thumbnails.php?album=$1 [NC]

add line:
RewriteRule displayimage-([a-z0-9]+)-([\-]?[0-9]+)-([\-]?[0-9]+)-user-([0-9]*)\.html displayimage.php?album=$1&cat=$2&pos=$3&uid=$4 [NC]
RewriteRule displayimage-([a-z0-9]+)-([\-]?[0-9]+)-([\-]?[0-9]+)\.html displayimage.php?album=$1&cat=$2&pos=$3 [NC]

in codebase.php

add line:
    $html = preg_replace('/thumbnails\.php\?album=([a-z0-9]+)(\&|\&)uid=([0-9]+)/i','thumbnails-$1-user-$3.html',$html);
    $html = preg_replace('/thumbnails\.php\?album=([a-z0-9]+)/i','thumbnails-$1.html',$html);

add line:
    $html = preg_replace('/displayimage\.php\?album=([a-z0-9]+)(\&|\&)cat=([\-0-9]+)(\&|\&)pos=([\-0-9]+)(\&|\&)uid=([\-0-9]+)/i','displayimage-$1-$3-$5-user-$7.html',$html);
    $html = preg_replace('/displayimage\.php\?album=([a-z0-9]+)(\&|\&)cat=([\-0-9]+)(\&|\&)pos=([\-0-9]+)/i','displayimage-$1-$3-$5.html',$html);

and reinstall plugin.


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Re: 1.4.8: spiderfrindly plugin ignores sort order
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2006, 02:02:37 pm »

Sorry, just forget a couple of lines  :) :

in ht.txt

add line:
RewriteRule thumbnails-([0-9a-z]*)-([\-]?[0-9]*)-user-([0-9]*)-page-([0-9]*)\.html thumbnails.php?album=$1&cat=$2&uid=$3&page=$4 [NC]
RewriteRule thumbnails-([a-z0-9]*)-([\-]?[0-9]*)-page-([0-9]*)\.html thumbnails.php?album=$1&cat=$2&page=$3 [NC]

in codebase.php

add line:
    $html = preg_replace('/thumbnails\.php\?album=([a-z0-9]+)(\&|\&)cat=([\-0-9]+)(\&|\&)uid=([0-9]+)(\&|\&)page=([0-9]+)/i','thumbnails-$1-$3-user-$5-page-$7.html',$html);
    $html = preg_replace('/thumbnails\.php\?album=([a-z0-9]+)(\&|\&)cat=([\-0-9]+)(\&|\&)page=([0-9]+)/i','thumbnails-$1-$3-page-$5.html',$html);


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Re: 1.4.8: spiderfrindly plugin ignores sort order
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2007, 11:22:17 am »

Thanks garry, it works perfectly.


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Re: 1.4.8: spiderfrindly plugin ignores sort order
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2007, 10:40:10 pm »

I'm not sure to open a new thread or replying in my own. Its just a note.

After doing a servermove I encounter trouble with rewrite. I get 403 errors. The server generel support it and I after some comparing I bring it to work again.
I disable the following line in .htaccess by placing a # in front:
# Options FollowSymLinks SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

After doing this, my rewrite works again.

For safety I add the following:

## make sure nobody gets the htaccess files
<Files ~ "^[\._]ht">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    Satisfy All
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