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Author Topic: German install docs - Deutsche Installationsanleitung  (Read 16636 times)

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Joachim Müller

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German install docs - Deutsche Installationsanleitung
« on: February 24, 2005, 08:45:02 am »

The german group "" is about to create install howtos for variours open-source applications. They have just finished their german version of the coppermine install howto. It is rather short and should only be a first step into your journey to the coppermine world, reading the full docs (which are currently available in English only) that come with the coppermine package inside the /docs folder is still highly recommended, especially if you should run into problems after install.
To all german users of Coppermine: a full translation of the Coppermine documentation would be more than welcome.

Die deutsche Gruppe "" ist gerade dabei, kurze Installationsanleitungen für verschiedene open-source Anwendungen zu erstellen. Sie haben gerade die deutsche Version einer Coppermine-Installationsanleitung fertiggestellt. Sie ist noch ziemlich kurz und sollte nur ein erster Schritt sein auf Eurer Reise in die Coppermine-Umgebung, das Lesen der vollständigen Dokumentation (zur Zeit nur auf Englisch verfügbar), die im Coppermine-Paket im Ordner /docs enthalten ist, ist immer noch sehr empfehlenswert - besonders, wenn nach der Installation Probleme auftauchen sollten.
An dieser Stelle ergeht auch gleich ein Aufruf an alle deutsch-sprachigen Benutzer von Coppermine: eine vollständige Übersetzung der Coppermine-Dokumentation wäre mehr als willkommen.

German install docs / Deutsche Installationsanleitung:

« Last Edit: December 01, 2005, 07:44:13 am by GauGau »


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Re: German install docs - Deutsche Installationsanleitung
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2005, 01:47:26 pm »


ich habe gestern angefangen die coppermine-dokumentation zu übersetzen
link geht jetzt auf die dokumentation von version v1.4.1

leider habe ich nicht so viel zeit und mein englisch ist auch nicht das beste
vielleicht können ja einige deutsche user mithelfen einige textblöcke zu übersetzen
in den nächsten beiträgen werde ich ein paar textblöcke einsetzen
bitte schreibt welchen textblock ihr übersetzen wollt, damit nicht zwei benutzer den gleichen textblock übersetzen



ich habe mich entschlossen die dokumemtation der version cpg1.4.x zu übersetzen
nachfolgend die textblöcke der version cpg1.4.x
« Last Edit: October 03, 2005, 09:48:20 am by ben68 »


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Re: German install docs - Deutsche Installationsanleitung
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2005, 01:48:00 pm »

Textblock 1

4.3 Bearbeite deine Gruppen

This is where you define what members of a group can and can't do.

The disk quota applies only for groups where "Personal gallery" has been set to "Allowed". Both files uploaded by a user in his personal gallery as well as files uploaded to public galleries are included in the quota.

Use the anonymous group to define what non-registered users can and can't do. Quota and "Personal gallery" are meaningless for anonymous users.

Permissions control what the user is allowed to do in the gallery (Rating/Sending Ecards/Posting Comments).

Bear in mind that if a user is a member of a group where "Rating", "Comments" or "Public albums upload" is set "YES", he will have the right to perform these operations only in albums where they are allowed, ie. uploading files will only be possible in albums where "Visitors can upload files" has been set to YES.

If "Personal gallery" is set to Allowed, the members of the group will have their own gallery in the "User galleries" category where they will be able to create their own albums.

If "Approval" is set to NO, files uploaded by members of the group in albums created in their own gallery won't need to be approved by the admin. If "Approval" is set to YES, the users in the particular group will be able to upload, however the uploaded files will only be shown if the admin has approved them.

The group control panel enables you to control the upload experience of any group.

Upload method lets you select the type of upload form a group may use. Four form types are currently available.

    * Single file uploads only - The group may not use advanced uploading features. They may upload one file at a time. To enable single file uploads only, set File upload boxes to "1", URI upload boxes to "0" and No. of boxes to "fixed"
    * Multiple file uploads only - The group may upload multiple files at one time. To enable multiple file uploads, set File upload boxes to any number higher than "1", URI upload boxes to "0" - it's up to you to let users configure the No. of boxes, but it's recommended to set it to "fixed" to avoid confusion.
    * URI uploads only - The group may only upload files using URIs. Acceptable URIs must begin with 'http://' or 'ftp://'. To enable URI uploads only, set File upload boxes to "0", URI upload boxes to "1" or higher.
    * File-URI - The group may upload files using file upload boxes and URIs. To enable both file and URI uploads, set File upload boxes to "1" or higher, URI upload boxes to "1" or higher

No. of boxes set to "variable" allows the user to select the number of upload boxes for an upload. Usually, you will leave this option set to "fixed", as it presents the user with an additional step in the upload wizard that is not necessary.

File upload boxes controls the number of file upload boxes presented to the user. If the user may customize the number of boxes (No. of boxes set to "variable"), this setting serves a maximum limit for the number of boxes he may request. Otherwise, this setting determines the number of boxes that will appear on the upload form.

URI upload boxes is the same type of control as File upload boxes, but it controls the presentation of URI upload boxes.

Please note: on unbridged installs (standalone coppermine), the group "banned" doesn't actually do anything. A user who is member of this group is still able to log in and view pics, he's just not able to upload, rate, send ecards or post comments. If you want to accomplish a real, full ban you should use the "banning" feature (which isn't group-based) instead.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2005, 09:19:04 am by ben68 »


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Re: German install docs - Deutsche Installationsanleitung
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2005, 01:49:29 pm »

Textblock 2

4.6.1 Erstelle Alben

        * Choose a category from the dropdown list "Select category" where your album should go to (or choose "* No category *" if the album should go into the coppermine "root"). If you haven't created a category yet, go to the categories control panel first, but you can later move the album as well using the album properties page.
    * Click on the button "New" - your new album will appear on the list, by default labelled "New album"
    * Click on the text input filed at the bottom of the screen, highlighting the default name "New album"
    * Type the album name you want to assign
    * (repeat steps 2 to 4 to add more than one album)
    * Click "Apply modifications" to submit your changes to the database (if you don't, all changes will be lost)
    * Confirm the alert box with "OK" (Are you sure you want to make these modifications ?)

4.6.2 Renaming albums

    * Choose a category from the dropdown list
    * Click on the album you want to change
    * Click on the text input filed at the bottom of the screen, highlighting the album name
    * Type the album name you want to assign
    * Click "Apply modifications"
    * Confirm the alert box with "OK" (Are you sure you want to make these modifications ?)

4.6.3 Changing the album order

    * Choose a category from the dropdown list
    * Click on the album you want to move up or down in the list
    * Use the arrow buttons to move the album up or down
    * Click "Apply modifications"
    * Confirm the alert box with "OK" (Are you sure you want to make these modifications ?)

4.3.4 Deleting albums

    * Choose a category from the dropdown list
    * Click on the album you want to delete
    * Click the "Delete" button
    * Confirm the alert box with "OK" (Are you sure you want to delete this album ? All files and comments it contains will be lost !)
    * Click "Apply modifications"
    * Confirm the alert box with "OK" (Are you sure you want to make these modifications ?)
« Last Edit: October 03, 2005, 09:20:56 am by ben68 »


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Re: German install docs - Deutsche Installationsanleitung
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2005, 01:51:25 pm »

Textblock 3

4.11 Lade Bilder per FTP in deine Galerie / Batch-Add Bilder

t's recommended that the coppermine admin uses ftp to upload many pics in one go. Use your ftp software to create sub-folders within your_coppermine_directory/albums/, where your ftp uploads can go to. It's a good idea to have a folder structure within the albums folder that reflects your coppermine categories and albums, but it's not mandatory.

Important: do not create folders or upload to the userpics- nor the edit-folder by ftp: these folders are used by coppermine internally and mustn't be used for any other purpose! Folder names mustn't contain dots and it's even recommended not to use any special chars - only use a-z, numbers and maybe - or _. Make sure to upload in binary or auto-mode.

Once you have uploaded your photos by ftp, click on the Batch Add Pictures button. The batch-add is done in three steps:

    * find the directory under which you have uploaded your photos. Select this directory by clicking on it.

select the photos you wish to upload (by ticking them, the new pics are pre-selected, those that already are in your coppermine database are not selected) and the album you wish to insert them into. Click "Insert Selected Pictures" to start the batch-add process.

    * CPG will then display the results of the batch-add (allow some time untill all results are being shown).
      If the OK, DP, PB 'signs' does not appear click on the broken file to see any error message produced by PHP.
      If your browser times out, hit the reload button.
          o OK : means that the file was succesfully added
          o DP : means that the file is a duplicate and is already in the database
          o PB : means that the file could not be added, check your configuration and the permission of directories where the files are located
          o NA : means that you haven't selected an album the files should go to, hit 'back' and select an album. If you don't have an album create one first

Giving FTP-access to other users is a serious security threat, that's why batch-add is only available for the coppermine gallery admin.

Once files have been added to coppermine's database, make sure not to rename or delete them by ftp - use coppermine's admin menu to remove files instead, since this way they will be removed both from the file system and the database.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2005, 09:23:46 am by ben68 »


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Re: German install docs - Deutsche Installationsanleitung
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2005, 01:54:10 pm »

Textblock 4

4.9.2 Thumbnails/Möglichkeiten

Order of thumbnails:
Thumbnails are selected by level (user-defined, theme-defined, global) then by type (file-specific, extension-specific, media-specific) in order. User-defined thumbnails are stored in the folder where the file is located. Theme-defined thumbnails are stored in the themes 'images' folder. Global thumbnails are stored within the 'images' folder of the Coppermine root. Thumbnails can be either a 'gif', 'png', or 'jpg'.

Types of thumbnails:
File-specific thumbnails must have the same base name as the file. Using the example in the screenshot, its thumbnails could be 'thumb_thailand_waterfall.gif', 'thumb_thailand_waterfall.png', or 'thumb_thailand_waterfall.jpg', chosen in that order.

Extension-specific thumbnails are named after the extension of the file. (Examples: 'thumb_wmv.jpg', 'thumb_wav.jpg'.)

The base name for media-specific thumbnails are 'thumb_movie', 'thumb_document', and 'thumb_audio'. Images use file-specific thumbnails by default.

There are 2 ways to upload custom thumbnails:

1. Have an image already uploaded then upload a video via the upload page. (or vice versa) The video will share the thumbnail of the image.

2. FTP upload both the video and (thumbnail or image) then batch-add. If you FTP upload the thumbnail, the thumbnail will be shown instead of the default Coppermine thumbnail on the batch-add page. If you upload an image it will look like the screenshot. However, when the two files are added, the thumbnail of the image will be used by the video.

Final result.

Note: If methods 1 is used and the image is deleted, the thumbnail will be deleted also, and the default Coppermine thumbnails will be used.
If a previous video has be uploaded via FTP, the thumbnail must be uploaded via FTP to the same folder.

Video uploads are available for cpg1.3.0 (or better) as part of the distribution and for cpg1.2.1 as separate modification. Custom thumbnails aren't supported in versions prior to 1.3.0. Using these instructions, a custom thumbnail can be applied to any file, not just videos.

I have a video named 'movie.wmv', when I upload a thumbnail for it 'thumb_movie.jpg' it replaces multiple videos!!!!
Duhh. 'thumb_movie.jpg' is a media-specific thumbnail. Rename the video and the thumbnail to something other than just 'movie'.

I can't find my user's folder!
From within Coppermine, browse to the user's album. Look in the url of your browser and you should see the folder's name. (See screenshot for an example.)

Your users can upload their own thumbnails by using this trick: Create an album. Change the permissions on it so no one can view it except him. Then upload the fullsize images of the thumbnails to this folder. Files outside this album will be able to use the thumbnails of these images. (See above for naming.)

How do I stop my users from creating their own custom thumbnails?
Right now, you can't.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2005, 09:28:08 am by ben68 »


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Re: German install docs - Deutsche Installationsanleitung
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2005, 01:58:19 pm »

Textblock 5

4.12.2 Sprachen & Charset Einstellungen


This is the default language for your gallery. All language files are stored in the lang directory on your server.

The language files with an "-utf8" suffix are unicode encoded files. If you select an -utf8 file as the default language and you set "Character encoding" to "Unicode (utf-8)" then the script will auto detect the preferred language of the visitor based on what is configured in his browser. If the corresponding language is available it will be used else the default language file will be used.

When the script auto detect the preferred language, it stores the result in a cookie on the visitor's computer. To reset this cookie (and so force the script to do another auto detection) call it with something like:

Once you have added some comments or files to your gallery, you should not change the character set of your gallery. If you do so, non-ASCII character may not be shown correctly.
Fallback to English if translated phrase not found?

Enable this option if you're using other languages than english. If a certain phrase doesn't exist within your language file, coppermine will show the english phrase instead.

This feature has been introduced to allow the usage of older language files, as during the development of new coppermine versions only the english language file is being updated. To make up for translations being submitted later, you can use this option. Most translations affect the admin part of coppermine only, so mostly the admin will see some phrases in english instead of his language that don't exist in his language file. Currently this fallback option only works for 95% of all phrases, so there still might be some missing translations.

[cpg1.4.0 or better required]
Character encoding

This should normally be set to "Unicode (utf-8)" (or "Default (language file)"). See the discussion in the "language" section of this page.
Display language list

Enable this option if you want your users to be able to select their own language with a dropdown list (you can specify to display only the list itself or a label saying "Choose your language:" in front of the list). Edit your template file (/themes/yourtheme/template.html) to specify where the language dropdown list should appear on your gallery (look for {LANGUAGE_SELECT_LIST}).

[cpg1.3.0 or better required]
Display language flags

Enable this option if you want your users to be able to select their own language by clicking on a flag representing their language (you can specify to display only the flags themselves or a label saying "Choose your language:" in front of the flags). Edit your template file (/themes/yourtheme/template.html) to specify where the language dropdown list should appear on your gallery (look for {LANGUAGE_SELECT_FLAGS}).

[cpg1.3.0 or better required]
Display "reset" in language selection

This option only applies if you enabled language selection at all - it will show a "default"-icon or list entry to let the users go back to the original language of your gallery.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2005, 09:31:27 am by ben68 »


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Re: German install docs - Deutsche Installationsanleitung
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2005, 02:00:31 pm »

Textblock 6

4.12.4 Album Listen-Ansicht

Width of the main table (pixels or %)

This is the width of tables used on your main page or when you are viewing thumbnails of an album. You can enter a width in pixels or specify it in percents. The default value is 100%.
Number of levels of categories to display

The default value is 2. With this value the script will display the current categories plus one level of sub-categories.
Number of albums to display

This is the number of albums to display on a page. If the current category contains more albums, the album list will spread over multiple pages.
Number of columns for the album list

Self explanatory. The default value is 2.
Size of thumbnails in pixels

This is the size of the thumbnails that are displayed for each album. 50 means that the thumbnail will fit inside a square of 50x50 pixels.

If the size you specify there is larger than "Pictures and thumbnails settings/Max width or height of a thumbnail", the thumbnail will be stretched.
The content of the main page

This option allows you to change the content of the main page displayed by the script.

The default value is "catlist/alblist/random,2/lastup,2"

You can use the following "codes"

    * 'breadcrumb': navigation inside the gallery (e.g. "home > category > subcategory > album")
    * 'catlist': category list
    * 'alblist': album list
    * 'random': random files (leaving random files "on" for huge galleries with more than 10,000 pics might result in performance problems; switch random "off" in this case)
    * 'lastup': last uploads
    * 'topn': most viewed
    * 'toprated': top rated
    * 'lastcom': last comments
    * 'lasthits': last viewed
    * 'anycontent': inserts php-generated content that has to reside within the file 'anycontent.php' into the index page. Can be used to include banner-rotation scripts or similar.
    * 'lastalb': last created albums

Unless you really know what you are doing you should always keep catlist and alblist in "the content of the main page", as they are the most basic parts of the index page.

The ,2 means 2 rows of thumbnails.
Show first level album thumbnails in categories

Use this setting to choose between showing or not showing thumbnails from the first album in the categories.
Sort categories alphabetically (instead of custom sort order)

You can specify to have coppermine sort all categories alphabetically (instead of a customized order) by setting "Sort categories alphabetically" to "Yes". This setting is available both in coppermine config an the category manager. If you enable alphabetical sorting, the up and down arrows that normally let you move the categories will disappear.

[cpg1.4.0 or better required]
Show number of linked files

If you use album keywords to display images/files in more than one album, enabling this option will display additional information for the album stats: if an album doesn't only contain "regular" files, but files linked via the "album keyword" option as well, the number of linked files will be displayed separately like this "3 files, last one added on Oct 07, 2004, 3 linked files, 6 files total".

[cpg1.4.0 or better required]
« Last Edit: October 03, 2005, 09:34:31 am by ben68 »

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Re: German install docs - Deutsche Installationsanleitung
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2005, 08:35:48 am »

( you're ready to go through this task, I recommend translating a version that is most up-to-date. Although cpg1.4.x goes unsupported, the documentation basically is the same, plus some new stuff. My suggestion is to start translating

( Du bereit bist, diese Aufgabe zu übernehmen, dann würde ich empfehlen, die aktuellste Version als Grundlage zu benutzen. Obwohl cpg1.4.x nicht nicht supported wird is die Doku im wesentlichen die gleiche, zuzüglich einigen Neuerungen. Mein Vorschlag wäre, zu übersetzen.

Vielen Dank

Gruß Joachim


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Re: German install docs - Deutsche Installationsanleitung
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2005, 09:42:37 am »

Ich werde mir mal 1 & 2 vornehmen.  :)
@ ben68: Soll ich sie hier posten wenn ich fertig bin oder Dir per Email senden?

Kein Support über PN. Bitte im Forum posten, dann ist anderen auch geholfen.

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