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cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Joachim Müller

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Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« on: September 17, 2004, 08:14:51 am »

The nuke team has abandoned support for the "Coppermine for CMS" page, as they found the core code of phpNuke to be to buggy to continue fixing security holes that exist in phpNuke. That's why you can still visit that page, but there's nobody around there doing any support. The nuke team has moved on to cpgnuke, which is a phpnuke clone with increased stability, security and performance that (of course) includes coppermine as core component ("module", as the nuke people prefer to call it). Everybody looking for support on XXXnuke is recommended to take a look into the new site. The old "Coppermine for CMS" site is reported to be down for now, probably the domain has expired or was even canceled.

There have been heated discussions from angry "Coppermine for Nuke" users on the standalone coppermine board, asking where they could turn for support. They wanted us (the team from the standalone version of Coppermine) to take over support for the nuked version, but we have to turn this requests down: we just don't know the nuked version, it differs greatly from the version we know. It's not that we don't want to support you, we simply can't. Please understand this, there's little we can do to address this issue. I don't know what to advice: try turning to - if it's down or you don't get an answer, and you don't want to use cpgnuke (yet), basically you're lost, sorry!

Maybe you should think about this: the nuke community largely consits of takers and nearly no givers at all, that's why the nuke support was dropped in the first place. If there would have been more users actively participating in the communities (by giving support instead of just asking for it), the nuke support might have been continued. That's part of the idea of free software, maybe you should review your attitude and start helping others on subjects you know your way around (or learn your way around first ;)); the best thing to keep a project alive is an active community.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2005, 08:33:01 am by GauGau »

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« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2004, 07:05:28 am » is now a dead link. As far as we know there is no longer any support for the nuke version to be found.


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« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2004, 05:47:27 am »

All users running "Coppermine for CMS" who are looking for help are recommended to take a look at the thread down (maybe forever)



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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2005, 04:59:42 pm »

The developers have moved on to

phpnuke-cpg users might as well convert since phpnuke has security issues.


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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2005, 01:47:46 am »

Understand, right from the start.

I am NOT trying to flame anyone or point the finger.  I am doing this with FULL respect and understanding of Coppermine's point in this issue.  I fully support and back your product (source) and think that it is a superior graphic-hosting design and I would never do anything to try to take that away from your design team.  Geniuses, all of you.  As a Web owner and designer, I feel that this needs to be said.  Mainly because no-one else will say it.  A lot of hinting, maybe, but now to the point.

I think that it is a damn shame that two, FINE, source creating teams cannot seam to come together and find a common solution to a problem that hinders  THOUSANDS of websites.  I am not placing blame on any team in particular, becaus, I use BOTH sources and do not think that either are wrong in their standpoints.  I also beleive that if Nuke is using Coppermine as a core "module", they need to give credit where credit is due.  And as far as "we just don't know the nuked version" statement.......Come on guys??  Do you NOT use nuke in any way, shape or form? :-\\  An outside user at the link given to download the "compatible" version of Coppermine for Nuke found a solution.  Of sorts.  Am I to understand that the combined knowledge of this team could not figure a way to work through the issue?  I am thinking...No.  The final outcome of this whole thing is this.  Stubborness and unwillingness on both parts to compromise.  It is YOUR baby and you don't want anybody to change what you have concieved.  Same goes for Nuke.  It is obviously not about money, or the source files would not be free.  It is obviously a moot point.  You have moved on and so has Nuke.  

Now the tally of damage, or, loss of users on both parts, can never be known.  With a little more understanding and a little less "me preservation", Coppermine and Nuke could have been an imposing force.  Instead, web owners and designers like myself are forced to choose between the lesser of two evils.  go with the Nuked version of what we REALLY want, or somehow integrate, or host as a sub-domain, the tried and true Coppermine we have all grown to respect.  

Myself......I am searching for an altogether new and unpretentious alternative to the choices laid before me.  If need be, I will script my own and let it be known that it was not such a hard thing to do after all.

You, and Nuke, must understand that the majority of us are just regular folk with little or no knowledge of the true underpinning of the beast!  We just want a simple, functional, user-friendly way to keep our sites going with out so much headache and upkeep.  Most of the users of Coppermine depend on it, because that is the main focus of their respective sites.  Forums are a big part of websites, especially those that host graphics and photos.  Did you all write a script for web-design, including forums?  Then, what are we to do?  Just relay on the "remarks" at the bottom of the pics??

I say again, that, I am not blaming anyone of these teams , and I mean NO disrespect.  You guys are great.  Always have been.  So great that I have NEVER had to come here and write a post!!  But in this instance, my thoughts are clear, concise and well thought out.  Try and see it from the eyes of a "knows enough about websites" to cause himself a lot of trouble.  that is the majority of the website owners out there.  Not enough to make their own site from scratch, but, enough to try and change some scripts and screw the whole server!

With respect and some real sympathy for your cause,

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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2005, 02:43:29 am »

uh, the developers who did the nuke port have moved on to phpnuke is full of security holes so it's a waste of time to develop for it. I don't know nor use nuke and I won't waste my time on it, either.


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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2005, 04:25:58 am »

Ummm.....OK.  Good for you.  Now what about the REST  of the world??  I am happy for you if this is the most you can hope for, and enjoy.  My point was about the REST of society.  Build something and say to hell with what they think.  Real classy.  As for security issues.  WHAT???

Thanks for all you didn't bother to understand.  Design and Developement does not mean you are God, and there is a whole lot of world out there to be so sure of yourself.  I did not try to be sarcastic or point any fingers, but since you care to take it so personally, so will I.  Read the post again and THEN answer.  As a HIGHLY intelligent man, I find it offensive to be responded to in a PERSONAL tone.  I never said "TranzNDance", this is your fault~!!  the point remains.  You cannot smart mouth it away or smugly shrug your shoulders.  Take a look around, honey.  Your forum is not exactly full, and, with the I don't care about the consumer attitude, it is not likely to.  I am willing to bet that the number of actual users of Coppermine has dropped considerably in the last 2 months.  Reason:  there are several clones out there that do run with Nuke.  What is the actual ratio of Nuke-developed sites to the rest of the WWW? 

I was trying to be realistisc and talk as a developer to another developer, but, I guess I came to the wrong place.

It will NOT happen again.  Luck in you ventures.....
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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2005, 05:09:06 am »

Ummm.....OK. Good for you. Now what about the REST of the world?? I am happy for you if this is the most you can hope for, and enjoy. My point was about the REST of society. Build something and say to hell with what they think. Real classy. As for security issues. WHAT???

Thanks for all you didn't bother to understand. Design and Developement does not mean you are God, and there is a whole lot of world out there to be so sure of yourself. I did not try to be sarcastic or point any fingers, but since you care to take it so personally, so will I. Read the post again and THEN answer. As a HIGHLY intelligent man, I find it offensive to be responded to in a PERSONAL tone. I never said "TranzNDance", this is your fault~!! the point remains. You cannot smart mouth it away or smugly shrug your shoulders. Take a look around, honey. Your forum is not exactly full, and, with the I don't care about the consumer attitude, it is not likely to. I am willing to bet that the number of actual users of Coppermine has dropped considerably in the last 2 months. Reason: there are several clones out there that do run with Nuke. What is the actual ratio of Nuke-developed sites to the rest of the WWW?

I was trying to be realistisc and talk as a developer to another developer, but, I guess I came to the wrong place.

It will NOT happen again. Luck in you ventures.....
I'm an intelligent woman so don't be calling me honey when I'm not your significant other.

I never said we were Gods. Although I'm an atheist, theoretically speaking, Gods would be able to do anything. As we are human beings with limited time and effort with bills to pay, we cannot devote the time necessary to do what is requested. We have to prioritize.

I replied from my personal experience because you made it sound like everyone was using Nuke and I was just stating otherwise.

The people who actually worked on this dropped it due to bugs and security issues as stated in the first sentence in the first post of this thread. Did you work on the code? Do you know how to fix it? You can write all you want about your ideal world but unless you can do something about it or commission assistance on it, it won't do anyone any good to act as if the dev team has all the time in the world to make everything a reality.


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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2005, 05:29:04 am »

We make a standalone product.  If you would like to see this as a nuke port again, petition some nuke users to take Coppermine and convert it into a nuke module.  We more than have our hands full developing 1.4 and cpgNG and providing support for our product.
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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2005, 06:10:11 am »

I honestly don't know what this guy's issue is. There is a good group of developers that took on cpg in nuke. Trans pointed him to the project.

There is a direct upgrade available to cpgNuke from the other nukes.  I don't know what more he could want. It's like asking goodyear to look at your failing engine.. Goodyear is gonna tell you: we make tires, we make really good tires, and if you want our tires on your car great, but we can't help you with anything but tires.

The decision to be incorporated into a Nuke Product wasn't the decision of the stand-alone dev team. It was a product of dedicated individuals who had a goal in mind and were relatively successful at the time.  Time has passed, development has weigned, those individuals have moved on.  The coppermine dev team didn't write the nuke ports and weren't involved in the nuke ports.  The only ones that I'm aware of that had both nuke knowledge and coppermine knowledge left to form cpgNuke (Dragonfly CMS)
Dragonfly Core Features  Dragonfly Interface Features  
Dragonfly Core Acceleration
10x Speed Increase Compared to PHP-Nuke
30% Reduction in Base Code
MMCache Control support (if installed on server)
Sitewide cache-based template system
Sitewide cached configuration system

Dragonfly Database Acceleration
Replaced all $dbi calls to $db
Uses 50% Fewer Database Querys than most *nukes
Advanced Database Query (verbose) Debugging
MySql 4.x, MySql 5.x and PostgreSQL 7.3.x or later support

Advanced Security
Secured Against UNION and other Attacks
Removed WebMail for Increased Security
Selectable Security Code (shown only where and to whom you want)
Security Code is Based on Theme
Admin section and members logins controlled by sessions
Allow cookie names to be changed
Register Globals are off

i18n UTF-8 Integration
International Language Support
Dragonfly Autodetects the users language and sets as default.
Configurable by user or admin override
All languages fully UTF-8 encoded, Simplified file structure
afrikaans, Shqip, عربي, Bosanski, Basque Brazilian Português, Chinese simplified, 汉语 , Български, Českı, Dansk, Nederlands, Eestlane, پارسى, Suomi, Français, Galego, Deutsch, Ελληνικά, Magyarul, Íslenska, Indonesian, Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Kurdi, Latvisks, Lietuvių, македонски, Melay, Norsk, Polski, Português, Româneste, РУССКИЙ, Srpski, Slovenskı, Slovenščina, Espanõl, Kiswahili, Svensk, ไทย, Türkçe, Uyghurche, Українська, Tiếng Việt and english ofcourse.

Coppermine Photo Gallery
Multi-Purpose Fully-Featured and Integrated Web Picture Gallery
Complete Groups Integration and Adminstration
Supports Uploads and User Galleries

phpBB Forums
High powered, fully scalable, bulletin board package
Groups Integration and Administration.
Fully Integrated phpBB v2.0.8 (
Clean Linking (session ID is removed from URL)

BBcode Enhancements
Use BBcode in all postings
HTML Support
Multimedia Support (flash, etc)


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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2005, 07:57:52 am »

The coppermine standalone code and the nuke code (the software now named Dragonfly)  have forked a long time ago, both apps going into separate ways. The main reason that keeps us from supporting phpnuke, postnuke, xoops, mambo and the hundreds of other CMS is that coppermine comes with a template system of it's own, while those CMS have their own template system; the core way those apps create the output differs so much that it's impossible to create code that will work both as a standalone and as a nuke module. Menalto gallery (our main "competitor") decided to create a nuke module, which is fine. The coppermine project members chose to fork some years ago, and the dev team members who used nuke and cared for it have moved on to start their own project (as suggested above).
The discussion about the pros and cons of CMS like nuke vs. standalone apps has been lead elsewhere on the net a thousand times, with much flaming and trolling involved, and I think everything has been already said there.

You have to understand the basic motivation for becoming a developer in an open source project:
  • you need something for your own use
  • you find a product that does what you need
  • you start using the app, getting an understanding how it works
  • you code some improvements and contribute it to the community of users of your app
  • you become an actual developer who puts into the code what he wants the app to become
So basically, you start with egoistic motives; but and as you step on, you even code stuff that you don't need for your own use. However, your focus stays on making the app what you would like to make it. You wouldn't write code that you have no use for at all. In the current coppermine dev team, there are no nuke users, that's why we don't think nuke related, and we don't develop for nuke. Everything else is just wishfull thinking - if things were that easy (i.e. a small switch that could be integrated into coppermine that would make it work both within nuke as well as a standalone app), we would do it. But it isn't.

I can't see the whole point of this discussion, after all it's our choice to say "no nuke support". It's the choice of a car dealer to say "I only sell Ford, I won't sell GM". Same thing applies to us as well. If you're thinking differently, you're invited to stay around and do the actual nuke support that get's requested every now and then.



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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2005, 12:40:20 am »

what a major bummer ... i gotta say the coppermine for nuke port was great -- it's sad that the dragonfly consortium has opted to leave a huge chunk of the nuking community out, due to their mysql (and possibly) php requirements (PHP 4.1 or Higher (4.3.x prefered) &  An SQL Server (MySQL 4.x))

thanks for any help your team gave to the old cpg nuke team ... i will miss it.  :-[

i guess that means i go to gallery -- man i'll miss them great scrolly blocks  :\'(


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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2005, 12:43:15 am »

what a major bummer ... i gotta say the coppermine for nuke port was great -- it's sad that the dragonfly consortium has opted to leave a huge chunk of the nuking community out, due to their mysql (and possibly) php requirements (PHP 4.1 or Higher (4.3.x prefered) &  An SQL Server (MySQL 4.x))

thanks for any help your team gave to the old cpg nuke team ... i will miss it.  :-[

i guess that means i go to gallery -- man i'll miss them great scrolly blocks  :\'(

You can always covert to CPG-Nuke.  Having used both PHP-Nuke and CPG-Nuke, I wouldn't ever consider using PHP-Nuke again.  Then again, I stopped using CMS software quite a while ago, so who am I to say?
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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2005, 01:40:58 am »

yeah .. as i stated .. i can't move to cpg-nuke cuz i don't have mysql 4.+

anyway .. i found a site that seems to be carrying on the cpg for nuke ... -- for anyone interested  :D

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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2005, 01:52:45 pm »

yes, they appear to use the old nuke port, and have chosen to remove all reference to the original port and edited the copyright footer. Pretty lame imo...


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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2005, 02:08:27 am »

yes, they appear to use the old nuke port, and have chosen to remove all reference to the original port and edited the copyright footer. Pretty lame imo...

You know if you still want to be referenced in the files MAYBE you could have helped with supporting the old project, but your site dropped support 100%. I understand why, and support you in the choices at the time. But don't get upset when someone else takes over were you left off. I have Coppermine installed on three different websites running PHP-Nuke before you dropped complete support. I tried converting the sites to cpg-nuke and never could get it working and finally just restored the original site so I could have something, You can not expect something like this to happen and have the users that were abandoned feel sorry for you at dropped/forgot us, and we did the same to you....

Thank you for picking up were others stopped.

FYI: If you run PHP-Nuke please also run PHP-Nuke Sentinel and PHP-Nuke Patched  if you need to download these go to and you can find the downloads there and some great support....I have even paypaled (can I even call that a word? lol) over $400 to those sites and use to send donations to the coppermine for phpnuke team as well.


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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2005, 03:06:03 am »

We didn't create the port and we never supported it.  The programmers who did so chose to drop the nuke port due to the many, many security holes in nuke and instead developed their own much more secure port, CPG-Nuke.  Furthermore, by removing credit they are in violation of the GNU GPL license.  If you base work on an existing project, you must give credit to the original author.
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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2006, 06:26:49 pm »

If you never created a port , or never supported it , why is there a forum for it ?

This is ridiculous on PN community to reem on nuke users. This is really funny that a community based dev team is saying how insecure and fragile nuke is when a majority of nuke users have been using it for years (5 + years ). All i can read out of this non support is  "Come to the PN world cause we aren't nuke"

You know what I say , be original ? why the hell is it called post nuke ? It is based off of the original php-nuke. Another point that really annoyxss me , is that we are USERS, we aren'rt dev's. You attitude is so linux and that is why your comminuty dwindles. Cutting off support to the largest fraction of php portal systems is ridiculous and tacky, specially when it is oobvious you are not really supporting anything but yourselves.



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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2006, 06:56:04 pm »

For those who are tired of Dev's abandoning nuke for "better more secure" portals make sure you to got to and check out all the support that is provided by the real nuke community, the community that has always been there , and it is funny how THe DEV's of coppermine seem to fail to see that at nukecops , even though coppermine is not created by nukecops , nukecops and all of its forum members try hard to solve issues. There is probably more fixes there then you will find on any other website.

You really pissed me off  , your lack of understanding what the word community really annoys me.

If you were a real community "member" you would work thru the issues of php-nuke , instead being a tool for a another php cms.

For those who feel like I do you can do a google for a new gallery system , and you WILL find one.



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Re: Please read and understand ==> NO NUKE SUPPORT <==
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2006, 07:06:38 pm »

Look, we work on a *standalone* gallery script and support it to the best of our ability. Stop complaining about something that is nothing to do with us. We are not claiming to be a member of the nuke community, this is the Coppermine community and all you are doing here is pointless ranting.
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