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cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

 Search results for: remove files in albums and categories with comments viewed times

Pages: [1]

......  by default. Maybe it works when you move images (instead of deleting them) in a hidden, password  ............  checked that). If that's no option you'd have to insert a new value in the database that counts up  ............ ). Then you'll have to modify/extend the following row, so it just reads your new value instead of  ............  it from all available images: Quote  303 files in 7 albums and 2 categories with 4 comments  ............  23419 times   ......
cpg1.5 miscellaneous / Question about file count displayed on the bottom
« by phil1011 on October 18, 2016, 10:32:02 pm »

......  the bottom of the home/top page, we can see "xx files in xx albums and xx categories with xx comments  ............  xx times". This file count, does it include the number of  ............  files too? ......
cpg1.6 miscellaneous / Turning off random album
« by treehstn on May 19, 2022, 11:41:49 pm »

......  my main page and on the category page there is a random ( ............  think) album showing with 4 photos. It's at the  ............  of the page under the line that says something like "28 files in 6 albums  ............  9 categories with 0 comments viewed 191 times". It does not  ............ . I'd like to turn this totally off. I cannot find where the option is to turn it off. I've looked  ............  groups, admin tools, album categories, album properties and I' ............  read every line in the Config at least 3 times. I'm either not  ............  what it's called or I'm just not finding it.  I did find the documentation on how to  ............  "random" & "lastup" under the "content of the main page" ............  and assumed that it must be something similar to  ............ . Mine is set as breadcrumb/catlist/alblist/2.  Here is  ............  link to my page: ......
cpg1.6 miscellaneous / Album views apparently disagree.
« by Johnfromhere on October 06, 2019, 06:27:02 pm »

......  have installed 1.6.06 from scratch and loaded several  ............  The header bar reads :Quote  2,068 files in 30 albums with 0 comments viewed 10 times    ............ , in the album listing, one album's views are stated  ............ .  Another album shows 32 views on the album listing page but 1 under the 'Album properties reset  ............ '.  I have searched the forum but can't find an answer.  I may be totally misinterpeting the  ......

......  operator here: easy  I was looking through some files (index and anycontent) to  ............  generated the text (that builds the output string) "723 files in 34 albums and 8 categories with 9  ............  viewed 90,874 times." to see what variable represents  ............  If it is a summation of many variables from a few files, na, I don't need it that badly. Having it would  ............  be a nicety.  Being retired I have the time, having reverse  ............  6800 machine code in the past, I have the ability, but not so  ............  the desire (chemo brain is nasty), to go on a scavenger hunt and do the  ............  engineering now.  Maybe one day.  Thanks,  ......
cpg1.4 themes/skins/templates / Re: Hide File Counter
« by Joachim Müller on February 17, 2009, 11:57:57 am »

......  result for "files in albums and categories with comments viewed  ............ ". Has been asked so often. I'm not ready to post instructions over and over. ......
cpg1.5 themes (visuals) / Remove Comment Count Display
« by mr.bena on March 17, 2012, 12:06:12 am »

...... , I am replacing my gallery comment system with facebook comment  ............ . My Main Page still display "688 files in 20 albums and 2  ............  with 58 comments viewed 12,942 times". I want to  ............  the "58 comments" part and let it look like "688 files in 20  ............  and 2 categories viewed 12,942 times". How can I  ............  this? Please help me..  Benjamin......

......  for solutions quiet often, but now I am stuck with a problem, that I can't solve by reading through  ............  forum.  I want to change the standard display of the viewcount at the bottom of the  ............  a bit.  Typically there is a sentece like this "X files in X albums and X categories with X comments  ............  X times" How can I hide out some of these variables?  So  ............  shows the over all views?  I searched the forum and found threads like this (http://forum.coppermine- ............ .net/index.php?topic=74208.0) but this did not help me  ............  my problem - I hope you can!   Thanking you in anticipation  ......
cpg1.4 themes/skins/templates / Can i move the file counter?
« by gavu on March 17, 2008, 02:28:12 pm »

......  managed to hide the counter "x files in x albums and x categories with x comments  ............  x times" but i cannot put a simple: "Number of files: x"  ............  in my gallery, i would actually like to put it in my  ......
cpg1.4 miscellaneous / [Solved]: Removing Statistics Information
« by typomaniac101 on June 27, 2010, 03:46:29 pm »

...... , my apologies if I'm in the wrong category and also for not being able to  ............  what I'm looking for via searches. I know this has probably been  ............  a million times. Anyway, I'm trying to eliminate the string that  ............  how many files in how many albums and number of categories with  ............  of comments viewed how many times times which is displayed  ............  each category. Also would like to eliminate the words Category, Alblums, and Files along  ............  the integers displayed under Alblums and Files. The url  ............  the site is Just did the upgrade to cpgi 1427. Maybe I' ............  entering the wrong information in the searches. PHP is  ......
cpg1.5 themes (visuals) / Re: RELOCATE A STATICS
« by johnfelipe on December 22, 2012, 07:52:24 pm »

...... :36 pm  Hi everyone, please tell me how relocate in template this:  "19 files in 6 albums and 2  ............  with 0 comments viewed 752,355 times"  I need it in  ............  place  Tnks    This is something:  <!-- BEGIN footer -->  <tr>   ............ " class="tableh1" align="center"><span class="statlink">{STATISTICS}</span></td>  </tr> <!-- END  ......
cpg1.4 themes/skins/templates / Re: Removing statistics from index.php display
« by onthepike on May 08, 2010, 06:52:24 am »

...... 's in two files: index.php and (language).php, in your  ............ , english.php. I think the easiest way to remove the line would be to  ............  the stat1 display in lang/english.php by simply deleting everything  ............  the single quotes.  Line 1283, find 'stat1' => '<b>[ ............ ]</b> files in <b>[albums]</b> albums and <b>[cat]</b>  ............  with <b>[comments]</b> comments viewed <b>[views]</b>  ............ ', and remove everything on the line, leaving only '',   ............  So, your line should read: 'stat1' => '',  There may be  ......
cpg1.5 themes (visuals) / Re: Modify front page
« by Αndré on May 28, 2013, 01:22:39 pm »

......  you talking about Quote  Category Albums Files  and  ............   57,012 files in 1,137 albums and 114 categories with 0  ............  viewed 660,065 times  ? ......
cpg1.5 themes (visuals) / Gallery content bar (main page)
« by whatsername1985 on December 16, 2010, 10:21:20 pm »

...... !  I want this bar to appear on the main page of my gallery, but I don´t know how to do it. ............  I have seen it on many galleries:  ... files in .... albums and .... categories with ...  ............  viewed .... times     ......
cpg1.5 themes (visuals) / no thumbs showing for main category
« by Galen on February 15, 2011, 10:37:47 pm »

......  have read the docs and searched posts and am still confused about how to  ............  the structure and appearance I want on the main page of my gallery.  ............  My gallery -  My intention is to create a place on my website where  ............  of a product I make, can create their own albums to upload pics of how they use the product, and  ............  for any visitors to the site to see, while they maintain control of the album itself  I have installed  ............  am testing coppermine to see how it might fulfill my  ............ . I have set-up my admin account and 2 mock user accounts. I have created  ............  albums in all 3. I am not setting up categories, so "no  ............  "user gallery" to "owner gallery".   What I am trying to resolve is why these 3 test albums I have  ............  are displaying differently from each other.  On the main page  ............  the gallery there is a heading called "Category". Beneath this is a link called  ............ "Owner Galleries" Beneath this there is a line of text that says, "This category contains  ............  that belong to Coppermine users." Two of the 3 test albums are in this " ............  Gallery", and were uploaded through the 2 mock user accounts.   ............  issue for me is that there are no thumbs showing in this view under the category. Only the link " ............ ". When I click on it then I arrive at a page with the thumbs. Can I change this to where the thumbs  ............  represent an album can be viewed on the main gallery page, instead of a visitor  ............  seeing a text link to owner galleries. In other words I  ............  arrive at the "owner gallery" page when they type in the url to the page. Also can I get rid of the  ............  that says "This category contains albums that belong to Coppermine users."  The  ............  thing, is that on my main page below "Category" is a  ............  of text that says ... "9 files in 3 albums and 1 categories with 0 comments  ............  5 times"  The "owner gallery" category only lists 2  ............ , called "test" shows up right beneath the "9 files..." line of text....there is no heading for the  ............  the album. This is the album I loaded from my admin account.   Why is this album separate from those  ............  in the owner gallery?  If I could I would want all  ............  albums to show up on the main page with name and  ............ " gallery does. Is this a default way that the admins albums are displayed? How can I get the admin  ............ ? ...or vice-versa.  I also note the thumbnails in the owner galleries are about half the size as  ............  in the "test" gallery. I have searched the different  ............  pages for albums, images, thumbs and have missed how to resize  ............  resize thumbnails?  I would be greatful for any insights to help me get this project underway   ......
cpg1.5 themes (visuals) / How to show No. of views at top of the page
« by mr.bena on January 11, 2012, 08:48:57 pm »

......  at the top of the Category. Currently it is showing at the bottom of the Category like this "536  ............  in 20 albums and 2 categories with 58 comments  ............  12,245 times" . I want to show this at the top of the Category  ............  that user will see instantly when the page load and will not have to  ............  would I do this, please help me..  Thanks, Benjamin......

......  see 12,782 FILES IN 894 ALBUMS AND 58 CATEGORIES WITH 0 COMMENTS  ............  7 TIMES below the category list. ......
cpg1.5 miscellaneous / Re: Display Stats
« by allvip on June 24, 2014, 04:20:45 pm »

......  can see jquery 1.4.2 is loding on your page.  1.add in the head of your page (< ............  $( "#showStats" ).load( " .statlink" );  }); </script>  2.add to  ............ .css:  Code: [Select] .statlink p {  display: block;  margin: 0px;   ............ : 0px; } .statlink p strong {  display: inline; } .statlink  ............   4.Open find:  Code: [Select] $lang_list_categories['stat1'] = ............  '[pictures] files in [albums] albums and [cat] categories with............ ] comments viewed [views] times'; // do not translate the  ............  in square brackets    and replace with:  Code: [ ............ ] $lang_list_categories['stat1'] = '<p>[pictures] files </p><strong>in</ ............ > <p>[albums] albums </p><strong>and</strong> <p>[cat]  ............  </p><strong>with</strong> <p>[comments] comments</p><p> viewed............ ] times</p>'; // do not translate the stuff in square  ............  to themes/curve/style.css :  Code: [Select] .statlink p,.statlink strong {  display: inline; }  ......

...... In order to de-clutter, I have applied the following  ............  to my website,   Infos aus der Album-Übersicht löschen : http://forum. ............,64406.0.html#top  Album view  ............  :,65125.0.html  Topic:  ............  to remove TITLE + - FILENAME +- DATE +- etc order sorting :  ............ ://,48218.0.html  I  ............  theme.php and included the above in a number of themes and have  ............  them (after renaming the themes). See attached theme.php. (I notice  ............  select different themes from a drop-down menu, as with cpg 1.4.x., or have I missed it?)  Donovan's  ............  Final Extract for cpg1.5.x v1.1 works very well and  ............  buttons. Right on, Don! How about this plugin also enables redefining these buttons, such as  ............  a different link?  Album List View in the config menu has options  ............  modify the Contents of the main page. Image View and Thumbnail View also have  ............  options for more de-cluttering, while 'x Albums on x Page(s)' and x files in x  ............  and x categories with x comments viewed x times' can  ............  removed by unticking Display Stats on Index page in  ............  and Statistics. I am still searching for an easy  ............  on how to remove 'Category' , 'Albums' and 'File' counts from  ............  .   Although these solutions work, they are not in an organised package. Perhaps someone with the  ............  skills who feels challenged or inspired, would be able to integrate these options  ............  a future version of Coppermine, or develop a plugin offering these options.  ......
cpg1.6 miscellaneous / Re: How big is to big ..
« by Outlaw Photos on August 18, 2023, 08:32:10 pm »

......  1.6.25 as it shows ..   stats... 513,069 files in 11,634 albums and 722 categories with 1  ............  viewed 8,172,977 times     Location.. https:// ............ .. It's been a great Gallery.. just wondering if it's become to big?  ......
Looking for Freelancers / Paid help / Re: Need Coding Help for a Fan Gallery!
« by gmc on October 09, 2016, 04:50:12 pm »

......  first - then see what is left that you need help with...  First - and not in your list - is your  ............  should be upgraded. 1.5.44 is the latest - including several security related fixes since 1.5. ............  that it appears you are running. Upgrades are not difficult unless you have  ............  CPG code. Staying within the 1.5.x family should mean your plugins  ............  fine. Upgrade info: http://forum.coppermine-gallery. ............ /index.php/topic,78867.0.html  Your items: 1: you  ............  'Album List View'. You will see 'The content of main page' specified as something like 'breadcrumb/ ............ /alblist/random,6/lastup,3'... You should be able to adjust  ............  you asked for at least... See the help associated with that selection.  3. I don't see 'Stella' listed  ............  site...  Would need to know who to change it to in some cases (name/email used to report any  ............ , but mostly outside of CPG.  4. Not familiar with the plugin specifically (know of it) - but  ............  the plugin - the config option (under 'Thumbnail view') of ' ............  thumbnail to full-sized image' would bypass any intermediate images.  If intermediate images don't  ............  - the original would also be displayed (unless it has been  ............  by intermediate via admin tools).  5.I believe there is  ............  plugin to do this - try searching the forum.  6. This  ............  likely be a change in your theme - shouldn't be a difficult change.  7.  ............  you already have turned off the ability to leave comments - which removes most of the visible support.   ............  references I saw with a quick look are 'Last Comments' in menu, and '10, ............  files in 422 albums and 68 categories with 0 comments  ............  647,852 times' on home gallery page... Are there other items  ............  need to remove too?  8. In config under 'Thumbnail Settings' you  ............  adjust the size of thumbnails (and what aspect to base it on...) Admin tools allow  ............  rebuilding thumbnails... The size of album thumbnails is  ............  under 'Album List View' settings.  9. A theme change here - don't expect that  ............  the above can get you through... If you are still interested in help - I will send you a PM with my  ............  info... I will have limited availability this coming  ......
cpg1.4 themes/skins/templates / Re: Changing statistics on category list page
« by Gizmo on August 15, 2006, 03:22:03 am »

......  you're looking for is the language files so if you check the  ............ .php file in the lang folder, you'll find this bit of code:  ............ : [Select] $lang_list_categories = array(  'home' => 'Home',  'stat1' => '<b>[ ............ ]</b> files in <b>[albums]</b> albums and <b>[cat]</b>  ............  with <b>[comments]</b> comments viewed <b>[views]</b>  ............ ',  'stat2' => '<b>[pictures]</b> files in <b>[albums]</b> albums viewed <b>[views]</b>  ............ > '%s\'s Gallery',  'stat3' => '<b>[pictures]</b> files in <b>[albums]</b> albums with <b>[comments]</b>  ............  viewed <b>[views]</b> times', );  Edit to suit you needs. ......
cpg1.3 Installation & Setup / Re: deleting certain phrases in the main page
« by Nibbler on April 01, 2005, 01:49:39 pm »

...... /english.php  Code: [Select] '<b>[pictures]</b> files in <b>[albums]</b> albums and <b>[cat]</b>  ............  with <b>[comments]</b> comments viewed <b>[views]</b>  ............ ' remove anything you don't want. ......
cpg1.4 miscellaneous / Change 'Views' to "Downloads'
« by Artin1 on May 12, 2009, 06:32:33 am »

...... , I tried searching the forum, but I couldn't find anything. I am  ............  my coppermine gallery as a way for people to download zip  ............ . Is it possible to change 'views' to 'downloads' instead for under the thumbnail. And in the  ............  bar where it says 'x files in x albums and x categories with x comments  ............  x times' to 'downloaded x times'  Thanks. ......
cpg1.5 install / Re: Migrating coppermine gallery to another server
« by ohara on December 28, 2012, 11:31:49 am »

...... , big load of information. This is the situation as it stands now.  ............  have not attempted to do any upgrades to the ORIGINAL gallery install. I downgraded PHP to 5.2 on my  ............  server, unpacked the backup of the original install and it works perfectly (version 1.4.. I  ............  managed to upgrade the new install to 1.4.20 If I go to 1.4.21 it breaks the  ............  category images - was BBcode in category descriptions removed in this version?  ............  from my custom login box, everything else works fine.  I talked to the  ............  who originally made the custom theme that I am using and she  ............  the situation. It was intended that certain sub-categories would have  ............  own themes. As this was apparently not supported in 1.4.8, some custom coding was done in order to  ............  it. There was also some hard coding done in order to allow adverts at the side of  ............  page (also not supported in 1.4.8 I am told). These modifications were done  ............  team (I can't remember the name but will find out) in return for payment.  Obviously my end  ............  the latest version of 1.5. Due to the custom coding done on my gallery, this is not something I  ............  be able to achieve by myself, and my theme would obviously need re-writing. If  ............  would be willing to take on this challenge (basically getting my  ............  onto the current version of cpg, looking and working exactly like it does now) then I  ............ .  I am fairly confident that this is the largest install of coppermine gallery currently in the world  ............  it has been going for over 7 years without fault. We have over 150, ............  registered users. 1290274 files in 19501 albums and 192 categories with 57461  ............  viewed 18862714 times. I was informed by the person who  ............  made the theme that at one point our gallery was actually being used by your  ............  team for testing due to its sheer size.  I would be very grateful  ............  can help me get this sorted. I have this morning transitioned over to using the new server, the  ............  servers should be updating sometime around now so my new site is pretty  ............  live.  Thanks, and I hope you all had a great christmas. ......
General discussion (no support!) / Re: Share your galleries
« by chrono on March 10, 2010, 05:43:27 am »

......  73662 files in  ............  albums and 54 categories with 1687 comments viewed  ............  times  My album, all pictures taken by me! ......
cpg1.5 miscellaneous / Re: Category Totals
« by Αndré on May 23, 2012, 08:55:07 am »

......  you speak of that line? Quote  19 files in 6 albums and 2 categories  ............  0 comments viewed 631,407 times   ......
cpg1.4 cpmFetch by vuud / CpmFetch + Lightbox and Highslide Integration
« by fangweile on June 30, 2008, 04:21:55 am »

......  there,  After my trials and errors, searching this forum and spending  ............  reading thoroughly this manual  http://cpmfetch. ............ .com/docs/stable_advanced/index.html I finally made it. I finally made an  ............  with cpmfetch using lightbox and highslide. I am not  ............  adept in php coding and I simply know some html basic so I  ............ 't expect that I will made. And i am   I know that many of us will like it So  ............  is the code to share:  CpmFetch and Lightbox Integration First you must installed the  ............  In my site I have used the SMF Integrate LIghbox mod  ............  it to get work.  This is  ............  code used: Code: [Select] //Start of cpmfetch and lighbox integration by fangweile echo "<CENTER>";  ............  include "./gallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch.php"; $objCpm =  ............ /cpmfetch_config.php"); $option = array( 'linktemplate'=>' ............ {{pFilepath}}{{pFilename}}" title="{{pTitle}} <br> Viewed: {{pHits}} times | Filename: {{pFilename}} | Size: ............  {{pFilesize}} bytes | Dimension: {{pWidth}} x {{pHeight}} < ............ .php?album={{pAid}}&pos=-%i>| View Photo |</a>', 'linkstyle' =>'image" rel="lightbox[smf]', 'alttag' =>  ............ 'Click to enlarge', 'tablestyle' => 'windowbg" width="150" bordercolor="#0099ff" border="5" ............  height="150"', 'cellstyle' => 'windowbg windowbg_hover" valign="middle" align=" ............  |</a>'; echo '</center>'; //End of cpmfetch and lighbox integration by fangweile  CpmFetch and  ............  Integration Demonstration See it in action: Demo     ............  let move further: Here it is:  CpmFetch and Highslide Integration First, you must have the  ............  plugin intalled in your coppermine: http://forum. ............,36558.0.html then used this code:   ............ : [Select] //Start of cpmfetch and highslide integration by fangweile echo "<CENTER>" ............ ;   include "./gallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch.php";  $objCpm  ............ /cpmfetch_config.php"); $option = array( 'linktemplate'=>' ............ /{{pFilepath}}{{pFilename}}" id="{{pFilename}}', 'linkstyle' =>'highslide" onclick="return hs.expand............  'alttag' => 'Click to enlarge', 'tablestyle' => 'windowbg" width="150" bordercolor="#0099ff" border="5" ............  height="150"', 'cellstyle' => 'windowbg windowbg_hover" valign="middle" align=" ............ ={{pAid}}&pos=-%i>| View Photo |</a></b><br><i>Viewed: {{pHits}} times, Filename: {{pFilename}}, Size: { ............ {pFilesize}} bytes Dimension: {{pWidth}} x {{pHeight}}<br> ............ .net/gallery">| View Gallery |</a>'; ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href=" ............ /plugins/highslide/include/highslide.css" type="text/css"  ............ " src=""></script> <style type=" ............ : url(''), pointer; }   . ............ : url(''), pointer; }   . ............    background-color: #FFFFFF; }   .highslide-loading { background-image: url('http://www.allkoreans. ............ /gallery/plugins/highslide/graphics/loader.gif'); }   . ............ : url(''); width:  ............ ; height: 34px; margin-top: 25px; margin-right: 25px; }  .hscontrolbar  ............ -image: url(''); }  < ............  = '';  hs.loadingText = 'Loading. ............ ..';  hs.loadingTitle = 'Click to cancel';  hs.restoreTitle = ' ............  to restore thumbnail';  hs.expandSteps = 10;  hs.expandDuration = 250;  hs. ............ ;  hs.captionSlideSpeed = 1;  hs.allowMultipleInstances = 1;  hs.fullExpandTitle = 'Click for  ............  size';  // remove the registerOverlay call to disable the  ............ ',  hideOnMouseOut: true  }  );  hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white';  </script> <div id=" ............ -move" onclick="return false" title="Click and drag to move"></a>  <a href="#" class="close"  ............  $objCpm->cpm_close(); ?>  //End of cpmfetch and highslide integration by fangweile     ............  and Highslide Integration Demonstration See it in  ............ : Demo   Read: You must made an edit and change in the above codes on your own.  You can  ............  customized the way the caption and image displayed. It is recommended for you to  ............  read the manual in cpmfetch website to be able to understand the  ............  that I used and you may use. It is really higly customizable. No  ............  to edit any coppermine files.   ------------ I am not that expert in  ............  coding so I can't assure to provide a definite support  ............  I will do my best to help for further inquiry and assistance.  I am not yet finish with  ............  code and I still seeking to simplify and improve it. Any  ......
cpg1.4 themes/skins/templates / How to remove the stats on the main page?
« by damiens2 on November 24, 2008, 08:11:34 am »

...... 've looked through theme.php and played with all of my css styles, however I can't  ............  any way to remove the stats on the bottom of the main index page.   ............  - "83 files in 84 albums and 38 categories with 0 comments  ............  1 times "  Has anyone been able to remove this  ......
cpg1.3 Miscellaneous / Re: editting the table on the main page.
« by Casper on January 26, 2005, 09:40:17 pm »

......  your lang/language file, and find this section of code;  Code: [Select] $ ............  'home' => 'Home',  'stat1' => '<b>[pictures]</b> files in <b>[albums]</b> albums and <b>[cat]</b>  ............  with <b>[comments]</b> comments viewed <b>[views]</b>  ............ ',  'stat2' => '<b>[pictures]</b> files in <b>[albums]</b> albums viewed <b>[views]</b>  ............ > '%s\'s Gallery',  'stat3' => '<b>[pictures]</b> files in <b>[albums]</b> albums with <b>[comments]</b>  ............  viewed <b>[views]</b> times', ); Just remove this bit ( ............ )  Code: [Select]  with <b>[comments]</b>  ......
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