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CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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 Search results for: no right-click

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cpg1.4 JUpload by etienne_sf / JUpload presentation (and last version)
« by etienne_sf on June 10, 2008, 01:27:49 pm »

......  pictures on one unique page. [/li][/list]  Note:  This plugin has no link with the  ............  site, which is not open source. This page is a follow-up of the  ............  corrected. Some bridge configuration would not work (see new cookieConfiguration parameter) 1  ............  could generate during upload (SUCCESS string not found). 21 June 2009 v3.6.0. Two major  ............ . 16 mar 2009 v3.5.0 (official). Also some minor corrections -> Avoid 3.5.x version, the applet  ............ , mandatory to install when PHP magic_quot_gpc and non trusted users may upload pictures. 2 août 2008  ............ , German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, (Brazilian) Portugese, Russian,  ............  improvements are: Uploading several pictures (no limit) in only _two_ web pages: Page1 (click on  ............  to manually resize them before upload (my Canon EOS20D pictures are bigger than the upload limit  ............  web page, Upload all pictures/files in one click, Not wait for each picture upload : if the session  ............  here:  Note: The applet retrieves the session from the  ............  back from the server, in an applet parameter: not nice, but I didn't find any other way), The  ............  is signed. The user is then prompt to accept or not the applet certificate. Accepting it is  ............  configuration from the plugin management page.  No special coppermine configuration.    To access to  ............   Version prior to 2.1.0 Until 2.0.0, JUpload was not a plugin. 2.0.0 is a first, unsuccessfull,  ............  \coppermine\plugins\jupload\page ...  If it was not already before, you'll then have to go the  ............ /jupload/user/ file. This file is not packaged in JUpload releases. So ugrading  ............  'Plugin management' 5) If the Jupload plugin is not installed, install it 6) Click on ''JUpload  ............  file and on the config page: Parameter that has no link with upload:  - albumShowEditFields: allows  ............  users may only upload to existing albums (not create or update albums).  - alwaysVisible: 1  ............  pictures. If the link is visible, a user who may not upload pictures (or is not logged in) will be  ............ , even when Coppermine is itself a plugin of another tool. It controls the path where the jupload. ............ , where standard session management lead to a 'no permission' error.   Parameters to control the  ............  your Coppermine configuration for JUpload.  - maxNonTransformedPictureSize. This parameter is  ............  transmit metadata (IPTC, EXIF) to the server or not. Caution: this currently controls only metadata  ............  by the applet. Picture transmitted as is (small enough, and not rotated) remain unchanged.    6) HOW  ............  installation is a plugin (bridge ?) in another tool, and the applet i not displayed  *  ............ .  * When uploading through the applet, ou get a 'no permission error', or any other message  ............  that you're not connected. Seems to occur sometimes, when your  ............  script, or, while using the applet, do a CTRL + right-click on the status area or the file list of the applet, ............  local to your installation. Check this page to know what means this return code: ............  If you get 200 OK, that means that you get a 'normal' response from the server, that is from  ............  upload was Ok. Any problem you have is after.  If not, the result can be a simple error message or a  ............  mods forum, for this applet. I'll receive a notice in my personal mailbox.  The historical  ............ . Topic number where 35309, then 43432. You should now use the dedicated board: http://forum.coppermine- ............  sourceforge forums. Here again, I'll receive a notice in my personnal mailbox.  Link is: http:// ......
cpg1.5 plugin contributions / JUpload for cpg 1.4/1.5 (v4.1.0)
« by etienne_sf on March 10, 2012, 09:50:26 am »

......  pictures on one unique page. [/li][/list]  Note:  This plugin has no link with the  ............  site, which is not open source. This page is a follow-up of the  ............  corrected. Some bridge configuration would not work (see new cookieConfiguration parameter) 1  ............  could generate during upload (SUCCESS string not found). 21 June 2009 v3.6.0. Two major  ............ . 16 mar 2009 v3.5.0 (official). Also some minor corrections -> Avoid 3.5.x version, the applet  ............ , mandatory to install when PHP magic_quot_gpc and non trusted users may upload pictures. 2 août 2008  ............ , German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, (Brazilian) Portugese, Russian,  ............  improvements are: Uploading several pictures (no limit) in only _two_ web pages: Page1 (click on  ............  to manually resize them before upload (my Canon EOS20D pictures are bigger than the upload limit  ............  web page, Upload all pictures/files in one click, Not wait for each picture upload : if the session  ............  here:  Note: The applet retrieves the session from the  ............  back from the server, in an applet parameter: not nice, but I didn't find any other way), The  ............  is signed. The user is then prompt to accept or not the applet certificate. Accepting it is  ............  configuration from the plugin management page.  No special coppermine configuration.    To access to  ............   Version prior to 2.1.0 Until 2.0.0, JUpload was not a plugin. 2.0.0 is a first, unsuccessfull,  ............  \coppermine\plugins\jupload\page ...  If it was not already before, you'll then have to go the  ............ /jupload/user/ file. This file is not packaged in JUpload releases. So ugrading  ............  'Plugin management' 5) If the Jupload plugin is not installed, install it 6) Click on ''JUpload  ............  file and on the config page: Parameter that has no link with upload:  - albumShowEditFields: allows  ............  users may only upload to existing albums (not create or update albums).  - alwaysVisible: 1  ............  pictures. If the link is visible, a user who may not upload pictures (or is not logged in) will be  ............ , even when Coppermine is itself a plugin of another tool. It controls the path where the jupload. ............ , where standard session management lead to a 'no permission' error.   Parameters to control the  ............  your Coppermine configuration for JUpload.  - maxNonTransformedPictureSize. This parameter is  ............  transmit metadata (IPTC, EXIF) to the server or not. Caution: this currently controls only metadata  ............  by the applet. Picture transmitted as is (small enough, and not rotated) remain unchanged.    6) HOW  ............  installation is a plugin (bridge ?) in another tool, and the applet i not displayed  *  ............ .  * When uploading through the applet, ou get a 'no permission error', or any other message  ............  that you're not connected. Seems to occur sometimes, when your  ............  script, or, while using the applet, do a CTRL + right-click on the status area or the file list of the applet, ............  local to your installation. Check this page to know what means this return code: ............  If you get 200 OK, that means that you get a 'normal' response from the server, that is from  ............  upload was Ok. Any problem you have is after.  If not, the result can be a simple error message or a  ............  mods forum, for this applet. I'll receive a notice in my personal mailbox.  The historical  ............ . Topic number where 35309, then 43432. You should now use the dedicated board: http://forum.coppermine- ............  sourceforge forums. Here again, I'll receive a notice in my personnal mailbox.  Link is: http:// ......
cpg1.6 plugin contributions / Hide My Pics - image protection plugin
« by ron4mac on February 01, 2020, 02:51:16 am »

......  a few seconds. Trying to use the link later will not result in accessing the image file. It is best  ............  overlay" CPG option. It can also inhibit right-clicks on any images.   Configuration options are:  ............  to inhibit right-click and how many seconds before image links become  ............ .  Note: Not compatible with lazy-load plugin unless  ............  2020, v1.1.1  Accommodate systems that may have no PHP encryption extensions installed. ......
cpg1.3 Themes/Skins/Templates / Downloading
« by cameron122000 on March 22, 2005, 07:19:57 am »

......  to be able to download my pictures, but there is no download button. All they can do is right-click  ............  pic. Do you know if there is a way to add a download button to  ......
cpg1.4 plugins / CPG BB Code embed for FLV files
« by ligerzero on February 07, 2010, 05:09:12 am »

......  got the flv player thing going. but now im trying to embed the actual video, so i can  ............ ***********/   if (!defined('IN_COPPERMINE')) die('Not in Coppermine...');  // Add a filter $thisplugin- ............   //unfortunately the Firefox security settings do not allow clipboard copy to work without modifying  ............  alert("Due to Firefox secutrity settings it is not possible to use the copy button. Please manually  ............ ['title'] ? $name = $pic_data['title'] : $name = 'No Title'; //chcking if the pic has a title, if not  ............  set it to 'No title'   //here we define the actual bbcode  ............  won't embed, it just has a white box, and when i right-click it, it shows as "movie not loaded"  Am i missing  ......

......  for all uploaded pictures on one unique page.   Note:  This plugin has no link with the  ............  site, which is not open source. This page is a follow-up of the  ............  repeat it). 14 may 2008 v3.1.0. Uploading to the 'No category' is now possible. The applet manages 301, ............ , when too many files are refused (for instance not pictures) 21 march 2008 v3.0.2. Correction to  ............  v3.0.1. Animated gif correction: animated gif are now transmitted untransformed. 07 feb 2008 v3.0.0.  ............ 's modpack, ... 26 oct 2007 v2.6.3 released. Minor corrections + standard users now only see  ............  they may upload. 26 oct 2007 v2.6.3 released. Minor corrections + standard users now only see  ............  upload. 19 oct 2007 v2.6.2 released. Admin can now upload to its personal gallery (if any). 19 sept  ............  v2.6.1 released. IPTC and EXIF are now always transmitted. 5 sept 2007 v2.6.0 released.  ............ , French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, (Bresilian) Portugese, Russian,  ............  improvements are: Uploading several pictures (no limit) in only _two_ web pages: Page1 (click on  ............  to manually resize them before upload (my Canon EOS20D pictures are bigger than the upload limit  ............  web page, Upload all pictures/files in one click, Not wait for each picture upload : if the session  ............  here:  Note: The applet retrieves the session from the  ............  back from the server, in an applet parameter: not nice, but I didn't find any other way), The  ............  is signed. The user is then prompt to accept or not the applet certificate. Accepting it is  ............  configuration from the plugin management page.  No special coppermine configuration.    To access to  ............   Version prior to 2.1.0 Until 2.0.0, JUpload was not a plugin. 2.0.0 is a first, unsuccessfull,  ............  \coppermine\plugins\jupload\page ...  If it was not already before, you'll then have to go the  ............ /jupload/user/ file. This file is not packaged in JUpload releases. So ugrading  ............  'Plugin management' 5) If the Jupload plugin is not installed, install it 6) Click on ''JUpload  ............  file and on the config page: Parameter that has no link with upload:  - albumShowEditFields: allows  ............  users may only upload to existing albums (not create or update albums).  - alwaysVisible: 1  ............  pictures. If the link is visible, a user who may not upload pictures (or is not logged in) will be  ............ , even when Coppermine is itself a plugin of another tool. It controls the path where the jupload. ............ , where standard session management lead to a 'no permission' error.   Parameters to control the  ............  your Coppermine configuration for JUpload.  - maxNonTransformedPictureSize. This parameter is  ............  transmit metadata (IPTC, EXIF) to the server or not. Caution: this currently controls only metadata  ............  by the applet. Picture transmitted as is (small enough, and not rotated) remain unchanged.    6) HOW  ............  installation is a plugin (bridge ?) in another tool, and the applet i not displayed  *  ............ .  * When uploading through the applet, ou get a 'no permission error', or any other message  ............  that you're not connected. Seems to occur sometimes, when your  ............  script, or, while using the applet, do a CTRL + right-click on the status area or the file list of the applet, ............  local to your installation. Check this page to know what means this return code: ............  If you get 200 OK, that means that you get a 'normal' response from the server, that is from  ............  upload was Ok. Any problem you have is after.  If not, the result can be a simple error message or a  ............  mods forum, for this applet. I'll receive a notice in my personal mailbox.  The historical  ............  be soon) closed.  You should go to this thread, now: ............  sourceforge forums. Here again, I'll receive a notice in my personnal mailbox.  Link is: http:// ............  JUpload should be posted in that sub-board from now on. To make sure that people stop replying to  ......
cpg1.5 miscellaneous / Re: edit footer
« by brynn on December 08, 2013, 08:41:45 pm »

......  frustrating not to be able to edit!  I found the Function for  ............  can see how I might be confused?  Oh ok, I see now. I changed to Color Style theme, and I see it  ............  the sample theme code -- I guess the answer is no.  Thank you very much   PS -- Ah-ha! I did not  ............  until I finish the work, in case I need to ask another question! lol  I want to look at the page  ............  make sure the edit worked properly. But I have NO context or right-click menu in that theme, on any  ............  a problem somewhere? (The new part I added will not be visible. It is a script for something else.  ............    Also something else. When I change themes, I notice the CPG favicon, instead of my site's favicon. ............  needs to be edited to set the favicon? Sorry, I know that's a different topic. But just need a quick  ............  Or maybe no file needs edit, but upload favicon to theme?  ......
cpg1.5 plugins / Re: SVG image plugin?
« by brynn on September 29, 2013, 11:04:58 am »

......  installed -- yay!  However, the uploaded SVG is not displayed as I would expect. Screenshot  ............ 's cropped off is discouraging. Also....I don't know the proper terminology....but it's not clickable. ............  "the finger" when I mouseover, and clicking does not take me to the intermediate/file description  ............  Inside the dashed pink rectangle there's no finger and clicking does nothing. But for an  ............  the blank space on the intermediate page and not on the thumbnail. But hopefully you all might.  ............  new window, tab, etc. So I suppose.....well, I'm not sure. I guess if these problems can't be fixed,  ............  least getting the full size image from right-click > This Frame would be better than nothing. But  ............ . Well, IF it can be gotten rid of. While I know Inkscape pretty well, I don't have much  ............  than sketchy info. But I apologize if it annoys anyone   Please let me know if you need  ......
Mods: Miscellaneous / Another FLV Player
« by rphMedia on April 18, 2007, 02:40:41 pm »

...... ']; if ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight']==240) { // if no file information edit, use default width/height  ............  size of the movie. Also "fullscreen" capability (right-click). ......

......  name of your language in your mother tongue (for non-latin alphabets, use unicode), e.g. 'Ελ ............  'pic_in_invalid_album' => 'Picture is in a non existant album (%s)!?',  'banned' => 'You  ............  currently banned from using this site.',  'not_with_udb' => 'This function is disabled in  ............  software. Either what you are trying to do is not supported in this configuration, or the function  ............  user','show_private',1),    array('Disable right-click on full-size pop-up (JavaScript - no foolproof  ............ ', 1),  array('Disable right-click on all "regular" pages (JavaScript - no foolproof  ............  'comment'=>'Comment',  'your_name' => 'Anon', );  $lang_fullsize_popup = array(  ' ............ ' => 'Error renaming %s to %s',  'error_not_found' => 'The file %s was not found',  ' ............ ;ת), Hungarian (Magyarul), Italian (Italiano), Japanese (日本語), Korean,  ............  , Norwegian (Norsk), Polish (Polski), Portuguese ( ............  (Slovensko), Spanish (Español -Castelano), Swedish (Svenska), Thai (ไทย)  ............  Turkish (Türkce).[/size]  Why is your language not among them? It's easy to do a translation (no  ............  (because there are a lot of people speaking it; no rating!) are marked bold, but all translations  ............ , Burmese, Buruskaski, Catalan (Català), Cebuano, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Chinook, Coptic, Cornish,  ............ , Eaiea, Egyptian, Esperanto, Farsi, Filipino, Frisian, Gaelic (Scottish), Galician (Galego),  ............ , Native American Languages, Neelan, Nepali, Nordic, Occitan, Ojibwe, Oneida, Papiamentu, Pashtu,  ............ , Punjabi, Quechua, Romani, Romanian (Româneste) [No-Diacritics/fara-diacritice], Romanova, Romansch,  ............ , Northern, Sanskrit, Sardinian, Saxon, Scanian,  ............  drive  Open it with your favorite text editor (notepad will be fine) - do not use a WYSIWYG-editor  ............  language (for example the name of your language not in english, but IN your language) and about you ( ............  text with yours  The actual translation: you'll notice that there are variables/array definitions  ............  up on your site for download (remember to let us know it's there) or attach it to a pm (to a member of  ......
cpg1.4 miscellaneous / Solved: Random thumbnails missing
« by thejake420 on May 09, 2006, 11:56:43 pm »

......  (1.4.5) was working fine, everything was perfect. No changes have been made since the time when  ............  show in screenshot). For what it's worth, when I "right-click, properties" on the missing thumb, I get the  ............ 's URL instead of the thumbnail's url, as it would normally do if the image were displaying properly.   ............ .)  The thumbnails associated with SWF files do not appear in any CPG pages, including the "batch  ............  did.) When I am on the batch add files page, and right-click / properties on the missing image (red x), I get  ............ )/thumb_filename.jpg  The only similarity I've noticed between the affected items is that they all  ............  to be albums containing SWF files... not uploaded at the same time, not in the same  ............ , not even in the same categories. It's beyond strange. ............ .swf ERROR creating : albums/flash-games-group-1/normal_flash-game-jakesjokes-1011.swf ERROR creating  ............ .swf ERROR creating : albums/flash-games-group-1/normal_flash-game-jakesjokes-1012.swf ERROR creating  ............ .swf ERROR creating : albums/flash-games-group-1/normal_flash-game-jakesjokes-1001.swf (... continues  ......
cpg1.4 themes/skins/templates / Re: External Viewer Plugin
« by Joachim Müller on November 08, 2008, 11:12:20 pm »

......  context menu fires up triggered by the browser, not by coppermine. However, what would be the use of  ............  right-click gimmick that nobody is aware of? Even if you tell  ............  with some text that they need to right-click, that would not be an elegant solution. There are  ............ 'd need to hack a lot of the code. Using Java is not an option imo - you'd need a Java application  ............  menu created with JavaScript, but that would be no further help - a straightforward link underneath  ......
cpg1.3.x Support / Re: prevent right mouse clicking
« by bean on July 21, 2004, 02:57:18 pm »

......  2004, 12:52:38 pm  P.S. I guess you're aware that no right-click sripts will only prevent complete and  ......
cpg1.3.x Support / Two newbie questions
« by lostandfound on April 15, 2005, 12:43:49 pm »

......  "Allow ZIP-download of favorites" but there's no button. (i have cp132)  Permission question  I  ............  var message="Sorry, right-click has been disabled If you want to save this image  ......
Feature requests / Protect Image Location
« by ethan on January 16, 2005, 02:24:34 pm »

......  and watermark or something like that. but there's no one looks great for me. that's fine, i can do  ............  there are too many place to be modified... it's not good for next upgrade of coppermine also if you  ............  any experience in coppermine, then you properly know the folder tree where all images stored. And the  ............  guess, once i knew the thumbnail filename, just right-click and got it, then i know the original image  ............  separate the place/folder of thumbnails (include normal size image) and original image even renamed  ............  we have to do is protect the original image, even normal size image, by something like watermark to  ......
cpg1.2 Standalone Support / Right-clicking problem...
« by Gekko on December 20, 2003, 03:56:14 am »

...... , but I have a small problem. It seems that no one using IE (I use Safari) can right-click to  ............  these images. In my config, i have it set to not disable right-click, but it seems to be disabled  ............  members are getting a little peeved... Sorry for not searching if this problem has already been  ............ :// Knowing me, I probably overlooked some small detail  ......
cpg1.4 miscellaneous / Re: Three newbie questions
« by theotg on March 25, 2009, 08:14:04 pm »

......  Müller on March 25, 2009, 08:02:25 pm  Do a right-click, properties. Pretty basic skill imo. There's a  ............  image v1.1 Never heard of that, so the asnwer is "no". There's another zoom plugin available though:  ............  img to user defined values and offer download No.  We have a strict "one question per thread"  ......
Feature requests / cpg1.4.2 watermark?
« by sbpoole on December 29, 2005, 05:05:56 am »

......  the forum and trying out suggestions with no luck. I had watermarking working great in cpg1.2. ............  Almost sorry I upgraded now, but I like the new features in cpg1.4.2. I  ............  a living selling photos from my website. Not too easy when they can print their own photos  ............  already on my site. I have managed to disable right-clicking and saving images. This will stop only the  ......
cpg1.4 permissions / Re: URL on large size picture
« by Joachim Müller on January 18, 2010, 10:36:43 am »

......  url over the picture when in large picture mode  No, as that's a feature of your browser and not of  ............  plugin. However, that doesn't keep people from "knowing" the URL of an image: they can still perform  ............  right-click, properties to see the URL of an image. There is  ............  that (and don't even consider using those silly "no-right-click" scripts, as they don't work anyway).  ............  as well. That's how the www works - there's no way for a gallery script to change this  ............  that will get you kicked by your webhost in no time). ......

...... :16:42 am  To type it first: I love this PlugIn! Now, heading over to the installed stuff: -  ............  1.4.9 (stable) - Theme: fruity (changed by me) - no other mods/PlugIns And now the bad news. I used  ............  use the V2.3 of HJighSlide. Now I wanted to update to V3.01. Uninstalled the old  ............  on a blank screen (as using "Bild anzeigen" via Right-Click on a picture). Can anyone tell me what ist  ......
General discussion (no support!) / Re: features of the next version
« by Joachim Müller on October 09, 2003, 10:20:07 am »

......  & identify the category of an album  Added Email notification on Comment  Added 'no right-click'  ......

......  gallery. So far it prevents copying as far as I know without using brute force and digging through  ............  it does exactly what I intended it to do, I cannot call it an actual plugin or add-on. The install  ............  to make it a plugin, but more or less I'd like to not have to be able to modify the following files,  ............  /include/ - the whole script   Nonetheless it works great - been using it for a  ............ : Overlay a blank image over all pictures (prevent right-click copying)  - Hiding Links: Pass all picture  ............  or Album Password Hint --* Seperate with commas, no spaces (unless part of group name) --* Place a  ............  and am too lazy to undo: --* Categories with no visible albums (to the user) and no thumbnail/ ............ . --* Videos default to 640x480 dimensions --* Non-image files can now use custom intermediate  ............  if uploaded (default normal_ prefix) ......
cpg1.4 JUpload by etienne_sf / Re: jUpload don't upload :>
« by h3llc0re on June 07, 2010, 10:52:56 pm »

......  seems to stop when creating new threads (don't know if these details interest you). Strange.. I'd  ............  any particular message.   Can you try on another navigator ?   Then, to see the Java console:  ............  right part of the screen, for Java (a cafe cup). Right-click on it, then choose the 'Java console' menu. 2) In  ............  i can't choose album and category, there is no items for selecting. There is a copy of my Java  ............  "FileUploadManagerThread thread" java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException: Conversion = '1'  at  ............ .util.Formatter.checkText(Unknown Source)  at java.util.Formatter.parse(Unknown  ............ )  at java.util.Formatter.format(Unknown Source)  at java.util.Formatter.format(Unknown  ............ )  at java.lang.String.format(Unknown Source)  at wjhk.jupload2.upload. ............ .run( don't know how to fix it beaucouse i'm not good in Java  ......
General discussion (no support!) / CPG1.2.0 final released
« by Joachim Müller on November 17, 2003, 08:53:55 am »

......  to upgrade to fix some bugs); there are no database manipulations necessary to upgrade from  ............ .0final, just overwrite the files. We removed the "no right-click" option (because it was silly in the  ............  some bugs that existed in the release candidate. No matter if you're doing a fresh install or upgrade  ............  (although it features bbs integration), it can not be used with phpnuke! Cheers  ......

......  can do a million other things to circumvent the no-right-click script and no doubt will. However,  ............  thread that I refered to: you talk about the right-click-prevention plugin inside the announcement thread  ............  an unrelated mod. That's not a clever thing to do, so please respect common  ............ : if you have something to say about the no-right-click-plugin, do so on the proper thread. ......
cpg1.3.x Support / Allow right click & save picture, but gets a file of one pixel?
« by theK on October 07, 2004, 06:12:33 pm »

...... ,  I have noticed how some websites allow us to right click  ............  just made of one pixel. In other words, we can not really save those images. As an example, try  ............  end up with a one-pixel file called spacer.gif.  Now I understand that there is no way to completely  ............  through this forum for topics on this with no luck. I did find lots of discussions on disabling  ............  single and combinations of key words with no luck.  Does anyone know how to incorporate this  ......

......  can find the photo from the code if you disable right-clicking or whatnot. If they want the photo that bad  ............  is why I am asking because as far as I can tell no one has answered this problem in one straight  ......
General discussion (no support!) / Coppermine 1.2.0 RC2 released
« by Joachim Müller on October 15, 2003, 10:32:15 am »

......  "release candidate"), because there are some minor bugs/known issues with it that have to be ironed  ............ . The following slight quirks and tiny issues are known and will be fixed in future releases:Some drop  ............  Various error messages while in debug mode. (Does not affect main CPG app)  Administrators can ban  ............  & identify the category of an album  Added Email notification on Comment  Added 'no right-click'  ............  backup your existing gallery first - you never know); there's an upgrade script that comes with 1.2. ......

......  the working copy and coppermine's core files Now this is the step most regular coppermine  ............  are not familiar with: we'll use the diff viewer to see  ............  based on the extension ".php". Files that have another extension (e.g. ".jpg") should not be parsed.  ............ . You'll have to make sure that there will be no such files left of unknown origin. Those files  ............ , pyw), ASP files (extensions asp, ascx, aspx). Do not blindly delete those files - some of them are  ............  files though, particularly of php files of unknown origin. Zip archives or jpeg files are not  ............  by themselves on the server, as they can not be executed on the server (at least if the  ............  the corresponding configuration, such a file can not do harm. However, it's a trick hackers  ............  include line), the malicious jpeg file can no longer do harm, so it won't hurt if it is still a  ............  payload in all other files that might look innocent (like zip files or similar).   Now, let's  ............  on your desktop or from your start menu. You'll notice that at the very start of the application,  ............  copy and your fresh coppermine package).   We'll now take care of potentially dangerous files. For  ............  files on your webspace) and then upload only the known-good stuff from your local working copy Second  ............ : You just take a note of all files that need to be replaced on your  ............  could re-infect your site  Decide for one method now (or later) - anyway, we'll delete the malicious  ............  from our working copy right now, so let's start: In coppermine's root folder,  ............  anycontent.php, close the new tab (using the right-click/close on the tab). If there are any other files  ............  added by yourself, delete them. If you're not sure about them, review them manually in the  ............  all files (there might be lots of them) that are not meant to be there. This is comparatively easy,  ............  we know what kind of files are supposed to reside within  ............  images (usually jpg-files) are meant to be there. No PHP files, no HTML files, no JavaScript files ( ............ ) should reside there. Delete all files that are not supposed to reside within the albums folder.  ............  potentially malicious files - all files that are not supposed to be there. For this, you have to  ............ , you allow images, movies, documents. Under no circumstances should you allow script files like  ............ , and it's not a clever idea to allow HTML or JS files neither ( ............  of the box, coppermine will not allow you to add those potentially malicious  ............ .html;*.js;*.pl;*.py and then click on the "search now" button. As a result, you should get some files  ............  make sure that the files in your working copy are not hacked, you're welcome to open them using a  ............  text editor (notepad.exe is fine) and review their content.  ............  simply too many of them to check - this should not hurt your gallery at all. For the sub-folder  ............  the files of the fresh package and then chose not to display identical files in WinMerge, there  ............  be no files displayed for the bridge folder. If there  ............  within it (pics and theme)- there should be no other files within those folders except the ones  ............  "Show identical files" turned off). If this is not the case (i.e. there are still files in those  ............  as the clean coppermine package, so you should not see additional files within that folder. If  ............  in WinMerge. To make sure that they have not been tampered with, double-click on ............  file is malevolent code and should be deleted. Do not delete the entire file, but only clean the  ............  as the clean coppermine folder, so you should not see any files in WinMerge's result screen. If  ............  are files that are not supposed to be in it, delete them. The folder  ............  and the clean coppermine folder, so it should not be displayed. If you have enabled logging in  ............  them using the plugin manager. However, it's not very likely that the hacker has infected the  ............  plugins you have installed, as he can not be sure that those plugins reside on each and  ............  should reside in your plugins folder - if you're not using plugins at all, the plugin folder should  ............  as being empty - delete everything that is not supposed to reside in the plugins folder if you' ............  not sure. The folder sql should only contain three  ............  working copy and your clean coppermine folder, so nothing should be displayed within WinMerge's  ............  screen. If this is not the case for you (i.e. there are other files  ............  the time - preferably using WinMerge as well (by now, you should already be a WinMerge expert and  ......
Feature requests / javascript disabling mouse right button
« by Joachim Müller on January 29, 2004, 07:53:43 am »

...... No right-click has been in the coppermine code (I  ............ .net/index.php?topic=2450 In fact, there are many no right-click scripts available, most of which can  ......
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