Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.2 Standalone Support => Topic started by: Xi_Master on May 02, 2004, 06:47:10 pm

Title: [n/a, 1.3 upload/edImpossible to move. (used search, but no relevant results...)
Post by: Xi_Master on May 02, 2004, 06:47:10 pm
Ok, I'll try to be clear as possible.... :)

Take a look @ this image. That should tell my problem clear enough.
I'm continuing under the image.... c ya.

o'right, now you understand my problem. I've tried serveral things to solve it;

The things is that everybody who gets the 'impossible to move' error, gets a path with it...

I hope someone can solve my problem.... :-\
Title: Re: Impossible to move. (used search, but no relevant results...)
Post by: Casper on May 02, 2004, 07:29:54 pm
What you did not try was reading the correct board.  ;)  This is specific to version 1.3, which is beta, and unsupported yet.

If you read the sticky about the edit/upload problem at the top of the 1.3 testing/bugs board, you will find how to deal with this.

The docs with version 1.3 clearly say it is a beta package.
Title: Re: [n/a, 1.3 upload/edImpossible to move. (used search, but no relevant results
Post by: Xi_Master on May 04, 2004, 05:27:16 pm
ur rught; I did not notice in the download section that it was a beta version....I'm gonna dl the 1.2.0 final version... ;D
Title: Re: [n/a, 1.3 upload/edImpossible to move. (used search, but no relevant results
Post by: Joachim Müller on May 05, 2004, 12:05:20 am
go for 1.2.1, not 1.2.0, since it's the most recent stable version.
