Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 bridging => Topic started by: attempt on January 07, 2008, 09:49:34 am

Title: Users brigding questions
Post by: attempt on January 07, 2008, 09:49:34 am
I have some questions regarding coppermine and e107 working togheter. This is not e107 specific question. Coppermine has all the registered users
I want both to use same table for login. I can copy the cpg users table to the other one, but the questions are:

1. Can I make or there exists a custom way of bridging? because e107 is not in the list. Maybe changing an existing .inc bridge file.
2. If enabling brigding that means that I'll loose all the users form cpg. How to deal with it?
3. How the user table is kept sycronized after bridge?
Title: Re: Users brigding questions
Post by: Joachim Müller on January 07, 2008, 01:03:13 pm
1. Can I make or there exists a custom way of bridging? because e107 is not in the list. Maybe changing an existing .inc bridge file.
Afaik there is a user-contributed e107 bridge file around. Search the board for it.
2. If enabling brigding that means that I'll loose all the users form cpg. How to deal with it?
Has been asked and answered before. In short terms: not at all unless you know your way around very well. You could then use phpMyAdmin to change all reference from the old user ID to the new ones. If this doesn't mean anything to you, then you're lost.
3. How the user table is kept sycronized after bridge?
That's how the bridging mechanism is designed to work. The sync is performed each time your users log in or perform any user-related action. The sync of groups (in case your e107 groups structure changes) is performed by the gallery admin: all you have to do is visit coppermine's groups control panel to trigger a sync. This is being explained in the docs, please read them before asking.