Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 themes/skins/templates => Topic started by: amichan on July 25, 2007, 03:19:06 pm

Title: IE/Firefox mix up in theme layout.
Post by: amichan on July 25, 2007, 03:19:06 pm
I downloaded a theme that's based on a Wordpress theme. The Readme's that came with it assured the theme had been tested in IE and FF before it was given for upload and that it would work in both.
When I installed it I found that doesn't appear to be the case.

In IE the gallery section bumps down to below the menus throwing everything out of alignment. In Firefox things are fine.
I've tried altering the table widths in the theme.php and template.html to see if I can get things to line up. The most I've succeeded in doing is throwing FF off and making the gallery section narrower so that the colors don't line up, but nothing ha affected IE it continues to have the gallery languishing at the bottom of the page.

Any suggestions from anyone? I'm at the point where the more I stare at the code the more it just turns into mush and I feel like I should just throw the whole theme out and find something else.

Thanks in advance for helping my brain out of meltdown.
Title: Re: IE/Firefox mix up in theme layout.
Post by: Tranz on July 26, 2007, 04:40:37 am
It looks fine, and the same, to me in both browsers. If you make changes to css, make sure to do a forced refresh since stylesheets get cached.

Oh, which IE version are you using? I'm using IE6.
Title: Re: IE/Firefox mix up in theme layout.
Post by: Joachim Müller on July 26, 2007, 08:26:25 am
You should have clarified what theme you actually use. It's "greenweek"; the corresponding announcement thread is here:

Did you read the announcement thread thoroughly? Sista reported issues with IE7:
Beautiful theme- the content however falls to the bottom of the screen though in I.E7.
However, there's no known fix available yet.
Title: Re: IE/Firefox mix up in theme layout.
Post by: amichan on July 31, 2007, 12:51:40 am
I apologize for whatever information was lacking, and that I hadn't found it myself. Kinda braindead from wracking my brain over the code for so long...
I do have IE7, so I guess that's the problem. Will have to let my friend know of the issues with IE7 compatibility and see if she wants a different theme installed.