Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 miscellaneous => Topic started by: Stevens1 on July 21, 2007, 01:09:17 pm

Title: Cannot add sub albums to a main album anymore
Post by: Stevens1 on July 21, 2007, 01:09:17 pm

I use coppermine for many years and I had never problems until now: I cannot create sub albums to a main album anymore. Only creating of main albums still works.

What I do?
With 'Albums', I create a new album and select a main category. After that, It see it in 'Home'. So far so good. Then I like to add a new sub album to this album. But the album from before doesn't appear in the select category list. Also not in 'Category'. Finally I cannot choose it at anywhere execpt in 'Batch add file'. So it's in 'Home' and I can add files to it, but I cannot choose it as a parent category for any other album. So what's wrong?

I use version 1.4.12 which was updated from 1.4.10 an many other versions before. I always update like the FAQ says: copy albums, copy '', execute 'update.php'. it always worked like that before.
Title: Re: Cannot add sub albums to a main album anymore
Post by: Stramm on July 21, 2007, 04:11:06 pm
Albums can not contain albums but categeries can contain categories and albums
Title: Re: Cannot add sub albums to a main album anymore
Post by: Joachim Müller on July 23, 2007, 07:20:29 am
I use coppermine for many years and I had never problems until now: I cannot create sub albums to a main album anymore. Only creating of main albums still works.
Sub-albums has never been a feature in coppermine - in no version ever.

I always update like the FAQ says: copy albums, copy '', execute 'update.php'. it always worked like that before.
That's not the upgrade method suggested in our docs. In fact, the upgrade steps are quite the other way 'round.
Title: Re: Cannot add sub albums to a main album anymore
Post by: Stevens1 on July 23, 2007, 09:04:30 pm
Sub-albums has never been a feature in coppermine - in no version ever.
That's not the upgrade method suggested in our docs. In fact, the upgrade steps are quite the other way 'round.

Ok,ok, sorry, I meant: I cannot create any sub catergeries in main categories anymore. I can create new categories and they are all displayed in 'Home', but every new category I cannot select in 'Albums' nor edit in 'Categories'. Only in 'Batch add file' it can be chosen.

You can see my gallery at: (
As you see, I created a category called 'Wedding celebration in Switzerland' and I like to put in the sub categories 1 to 6. But 'Wedding celebration in Switzerland' doesn't appear anywhere except in the top of 'Home' and in 'Batch add files'.

I found out, that the problem has nothing to do with the update to 1.4.12. It also doesn't work with 1.4.10. For Update I did exactly this:

If the file install.php exists in the root directory, delete it. When performing an upgrade, it is not needed. Except for the "albums" directory, upload all of the new files and directories making sure not to overwrite the include/ file, your anycontent.php file or the albums directory. Run the file "update.php" in the coppermine directory once in your browser (e.g. http://yourdomain.tld/coppermine/update.php). This will update your coppermine install by making all necessary changes in the database.

Any idea? Thanx a lot.
Title: Re: Cannot add sub albums to a main album anymore
Post by: Nibbler on July 23, 2007, 11:12:01 pm
'Wedding celebration in Switzerland' is an album, not a category.
Title: Re: Cannot add sub albums to a main album anymore
Post by: Stevens1 on July 24, 2007, 08:51:03 pm
'Wedding celebration in Switzerland' is an album, not a category.

Ahhh, now I got it. Create new category with 'Categories', create new Albums with 'Albums', then put Albums in category, actually it makes sense... ;D

But with older version 1.3.x, I always created new categories directly in 'Albums'. No kidding, that has worked before...

Thanx, self-made broblem solved. ;)
Title: Re: Cannot add sub albums to a main album anymore
Post by: Joachim Müller on July 25, 2007, 06:53:13 am
But with older version 1.3.x, I always created new categories directly in 'Albums'. No kidding, that has worked before...
No, definitely not. We know the app that we built. In no version ever was it possible to create categories within the album manager. Definitely not.

Anyway, marking thread as "solved".