Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 cpmFetch by vuud => Topic started by: nomadman on January 06, 2007, 01:55:18 am

Title: How to stretch thumbs and some other features using cpmfetch.php?
Post by: nomadman on January 06, 2007, 01:55:18 am

It's late and i've mustered every ounce of energy i have looking for a solution. Lots of questions all over the place, but i've found no solution. All I want are stretched/evenly spaced thumbnails with size 1 border, and and possibly the owner of the image below the thumbs. I'm running cpmfetch.php in an iframe on myBB forum index. I've managed to center the thumbs but looks hidiouse scrunched up at ~4px from each other.

Anything pointed in the right direction would really be helpful.
Title: Re: How to stretch thumbs and some other features using cpmfetch.php?
Post by: Nibbler on January 06, 2007, 01:57:03 am
Just use css styles to set whatever margins and borders you want.
Title: Re: How to stretch thumbs and some other features using cpmfetch.php?
Post by: nomadman on January 06, 2007, 02:03:05 am
Hi, can you possibly post a simple css (stretched/evenly spaced thumbnails with size 1 black border) and I can possibly work with it adding though trial and error. I'm not at all proficient with CSS.
Title: Re: How to stretch thumbs and some other features using cpmfetch.php?
Post by: vuud on January 06, 2007, 02:06:40 am
Hi, can you possibly post a simple css (stretched/evenly spaced thumbnails with size 1 black border) and I can possibly work with it adding though trial and error. I'm not at all proficient with CSS.

This does not set the width of the images, but gets you borders and such.

Google on CSS and whatever you want to do - the web is rife with examples.
Title: Re: How to stretch thumbs and some other features using cpmfetch.php?
Post by: nomadman on January 06, 2007, 02:21:31 am
Sorry, I know how it must have sounded. My forum is 100% width. I meant make the far right and far left image go as far as possible on either side, with about 4px padding to the edge of the border of the frame.

I can search and find a billion hits on css, but I wouldn't know where to start and I've got to start somewhere. There are a lot of doctors out there that read technical subjects and still can't comprehend it. So give us poor folks a break. We know what google is. Maybe more than 1 or 2 examples with different/simple frames on your site might greatly help some of us.
Title: Re: How to stretch thumbs and some other features using cpmfetch.php?
Post by: vuud on January 06, 2007, 03:28:45 am
Sorry, I know how it must have sounded. My forum is 100% width. I meant make the far right and far left image go as far as possible on either side, with about 4px padding to the edge of the border of the frame.

I can search and find a billion hits on css, but I wouldn't know where to start and I've got to start somewhere. There are a lot of doctors out there that read technical subjects and still can't comprehend it. So give us poor folks a break. We know what google is. Maybe more than 1 or 2 examples with different/simple frames on your site might greatly help some of us.

I am really not angry, but see now that tweaks me a bit, maybe it came across the wrong way:

At first I thought that just putting up a simple chunk of code would help
But then people wanted to do other things, so i added it on
Then more things were requested, so I added some more on
Then more things, and it needed to be rewritten
Then someone wanted something to do RSS feeds and work in html, so I learned how to do RSS and wrote new programs
Then someone wanted documentation, so I learned how to do DocBook formatting and wrote documentation
Then we wanted to bridge with other things, so I learned how CPG bridges with Forums
So 5000+ lines of code later, I have had to write a lot, learn alot...
Someone is saying my album to categogy code is broken, so I need to figure that out...
CpmFetch was never meant for people who don't know HTML/PHP

So in a kind-hearted manner, I really am not angry or anything, to your plea:

So give us poor folks a break

I have already, I wrote thousands of lines of code so you do not have too, spent hundreds of hours working on it.  I've already put down my pound of flesh.   Granted I made a lot of money off of it, oh wait, I don't get paid to do this... 

I would love to have more tips up there - I would love to answer everyones every possible question - heck, I would love to just make everyones web site for them... But I don't have the time.

Otherwise, good luck with your problem,

Have a nice day,


Title: Re: How to stretch thumbs and some other features using cpmfetch.php?
Post by: nomadman on January 06, 2007, 01:09:42 pm
Don't get me wrong. You have done a wonderful job with your product. I just think it's too complicated for an enthusiasts that just want get it working out of the box. I am envious of a product called vBGallery, but I don't think buying the application ii justified for the amount of work I do on my family website. I think even if I was told how to edit the code to achieve the simple thing I want your product to do is easier than learning CSS.

I never expected anyone to hold my hand with coding. All we expect from any support team is a little push start. Just a simple correctly spaced thumbnails on 100% width site will do and I think I can go from there. If instructions were posted on your site on how to achieve this, this post wouldn't have been created.

Anyway, best of luck with your product. I hope to back to it one day and find it more idiot friendly.

Best regards,
Title: Re: How to stretch thumbs and some other features using cpmfetch.php?
Post by: vuud on January 06, 2007, 04:51:22 pm
Don't get me wrong. You have done a wonderful job with your product. I just think it's too complicated for an enthusiasts that just want get it working out of the box. I am envious of a product called vBGallery, but I don't think buying the application ii justified for the amount of work I do on my family website. I think even if I was told how to edit the code to achieve the simple thing I want your product to do is easier than learning CSS.

I never expected anyone to hold my hand with coding. All we expect from any support team is a little push start. Just a simple correctly spaced thumbnails on 100% width site will do and I think I can go from there. If instructions were posted on your site on how to achieve this, this post wouldn't have been created.

Anyway, best of luck with your product. I hope to back to it one day and find it more idiot friendly.

Best regards,

Ah see, that is where we are disconnected... there is no support team.  vbGallery has a motivation ($$$) for that sort of thing.  Free Open Source Software is "generally" based on (or originated from) the concept of:

Prog: "Hey, I wrote this for myself... I think I will let other take it if they want it"

Others: "Hey this is cool, but I need it to do this also, I'll write it in and send a copy back with the improvements"

Others2: "Wow, look at this..."

Also I take exception to the term "idiot friendly".  I know its mostly used in fun, but in the computer world it can be used pretty harshly.  I prefer to think of it as a beginner skill level.  Regrettably, cpmFetch has gotten to be about as low a skill level as I can make it without wasting time.  I would love for people to volunteer time to write some nice doc's and whatnot, but in reality that has not / does not happen.

So you see, this is not a traditional business model...  there is no incentive whatsoever for myself, or any other FOSS programmer, to make the product more useable for more people.  If I get more users I do not get larger profits or any.  So where is my incentive to do that?  Some do it for ego, and place links on places like hotscripts and stuff and shout vote for me, vote for me - like some big popularity contest.  I don't care much about that - bless em that do, but for me eh.  So instead I work on the parts I like and enjoy (very few programmers like writing documentation) which mostly involves the code part.

So what do I get for getting more users?  More tech support questions.  The easier I make it to use, the more people use it and the more questions get posted.  Boy that sounds greedy.  Hmmm.  I guess I am getting particularly possessive of the scant moments of free time (I had one a few weeks ago) so I guess thats it.  If anyone wants to come over and do any of a number of projects around the house, I promise to spend the time working on docs and stuff :)

Anyway, feel free to post here for others to help - perhaps someone can.  I have no problem with it.  You should be able to also hit a few forums or something that focuses on CSS for help.  I hope you persever.  I am convinced the human brain is capable of learning anything - its just a matter of effort and will.

Take care,
