Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 permissions => Topic started by: Nussini on November 19, 2006, 09:18:11 pm

Title: Invisible Folders
Post by: Nussini on November 19, 2006, 09:18:11 pm
Hallo !

How can I manage it to have one or more folders invisible on gallery mainpage, but still available links to this albums ?

What I want is this:

I want to create an album with some pics, named "handicraft". Normally after creation, this album would be viewed on gallery mainpage, but instead to view there I just need a full functionally link to this gallery (without to be registered and logged in to view this gallery).

Thank you for your answers... Michael
Title: How to make albums invisible but leave full working links to them ? - Part II
Post by: Nussini on November 23, 2006, 12:48:00 pm
Hallo again !

I´m worried about not getting answers to my first question, so I thought you didn´t understand me...
Here again (a bit better - hope you understand my bad english):

How can I manage it to set up the album "X" invisible, but with still available link it ?

I know how to make an album invisible for unregistered people, but in this cause everybody should get the possibility to view this gallery by click on a link.
I want to create 2 different pages the visitor have to see before he´s entering album "X".

He should go this way: "firstpage.htm"  to  "secondpage.htm"  to  "./gallery/thumbnails.php?album=3"
If the album would be viewable on gallery mainpage, he wouldn´t see the first and second page. He would go directly to the album !

Thank you for your answers... Michael
Title: Re: Invisible Folders
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 23, 2006, 06:25:50 pm
Usually, if nobobody answers to a question then nobody knows the answer. You're allowed to bump your thread after some time, but you mustn't start another, identical thread. That's why I merged your threads.

Read for a list of possible reasons why nobody so far has answered your question.