Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 upload => Topic started by: cpthk on January 05, 2006, 08:57:53 am

Title: Bug report, after I pressed "crop and rotate," says "error on page."
Post by: cpthk on January 05, 2006, 08:57:53 am

It's the fresh installed cpg 1.4.3(newest version).
I'm sure my computer is fine, cuz it happens on my friend's pc too.
Windows XP SP2+
Internet Explorer
Any other pages are fine, only this one has error.
After tried many ways to figure out the problem. I have tried to install again(fresh install, not upgrade or copy old fileS) with different directory and database, error still apears.
Tried older version(1.3), realized that error doesn't apears at older version, it only happens on this version, so i'm sure it's not my server's problem, cuz the older version works fine.
I have uploaded the page source code.

Here is the detail of the error after I set IE to display the details of the error.

Title: Re: Bug report, after I pressed "crop and rotate," says "error on page."
Post by: Joachim Müller on January 05, 2006, 03:04:31 pm
Title: Re: Bug report, after I pressed "crop and rotate," says "error on page."
Post by: cpthk on January 05, 2006, 09:33:11 pm
Which one is the Known Issue you talking about?
There are so many over there.

Crop/rotate doesn't work with GD1...?
Rotate causing distorted image for large files...?
EXIF and IPTC information are lost when rotating...?
Title: Re: Bug report, after I pressed "crop and rotate," says "error on page."
Post by: Joachim Müller on January 08, 2006, 11:32:19 am
all of them might apply, depending on your setup, but most importantly "Rotate causing distorted image for large files". It should tell you that there might be issues with rotation. Details can be viewed by browsing the bugs board.
You tried uploading your pic to the competition album ( of the demo - don't do that in the future (I deleted it). Only actual contributions should go there.
To solve your issue, rotate on your client before upload!
Title: Re: Bug report, after I pressed "crop and rotate," says "error on page."
Post by: energy0m on January 12, 2006, 03:11:23 am
I think im getting the same error ..... 

another error appears when you click the "Enable clipping, apply to crop" box which throws an error on line 402 character 1

on line 331 it states
<body onload="libinit()">
and on line 402 it states

but im not using GD1 im using imageMagick ... 

would the bug still apply o me ...  ??
SPefcifically just to restate i am getting this error when going to the crop/rotate page ...
and the functionality that is lost is the ability to crop or rotate the picture ... 

Title: Re: Bug report, after I pressed "crop and rotate," says "error on page."
Post by: energy0m on January 12, 2006, 03:15:41 am
Wait i think i fixed it  ... look on line
451 - 354 of picEditor.php

Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">


i edited this to

Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">

then on line
1021 i removed the     ]]>

then on line
1153 i removed the    <!--

Then on line
1209 i removed the    -->

after i did this and uploaded and replaced my picEditor.php it started functioning normal again ... had the litle handles for cropping the files and it looks like there were a afew more options that were commented out such as scaling ... havent tried those yet bt im guessing they work??? anyone know?

ANyhow ...this seems to of fixed it... can someone please verify if these were correct actions to take ?