Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 upgrading => Topic started by: Teune on January 04, 2006, 08:28:32 pm

Title: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: Teune on January 04, 2006, 08:28:32 pm
After following the upgrade instructions from 1.3.x to 1.4.2, and running the update.php file, I tried going to my index, and any other page besides update.php and it says, cryptically,
"Fatal Error:"
that's it, nothing else and I can't go to any page, including admin stuff such as config
Title: Re: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: Nibbler on January 04, 2006, 08:30:02 pm
Post a link to your gallery.
Title: Re: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: Teune on January 04, 2006, 08:39:59 pm
Title: Re: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: Nibbler on January 04, 2006, 08:47:18 pm
You need to update all your files with new versions from the package before you run update.php. I can see the files in the sql directory are still 1.3.5
Title: Re: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: B12 on January 06, 2006, 02:19:34 pm
i got the same problem, and my files are all 1.43 checked and doubble checked

edit: nevermind got it solved, i made a fresh install en then i used phpmyadmin to get te picture, album and categories data over to the new database.
Title: Re: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: jd_aus on January 08, 2006, 01:33:42 am
Upgraded from 1.3.2 to 1.4.3

I get the same problem as above, and have removed all old files to another folder (will delete when finished).

don't particularly want to stuff around with phpmyadmin unless i have to (don't have time to learn how to use phpmyadmin properly ... and my site is just a family pix site)

have done the upgrade process previously on older versions (from 1.1 and up) with no hassles.
Title: Re: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: Joachim Müller on January 09, 2006, 08:58:59 am
did you run versioncheck.php ?
Title: Re: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: Keanuette on January 10, 2006, 04:40:54 pm
i got the same problem, and my files are all 1.43 checked and doubble checked

edit: nevermind got it solved, i made a fresh install en then i used phpmyadmin to get te picture, album and categories data over to the new database.

How do you copy the database?

Is it difficult??
Title: Re: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: Joachim Müller on January 10, 2006, 04:46:14 pm
not recommended, definitely not newbie proof. Do as suggested and follow the upgrade guide from the docs.
However, if you think you're up to this: you usually create a database dump using a tool like phpMyAdmin or mySqlDumper. You restore the dump using another table prefix (you'll have to edit the dump file manually for this) with the same tool. As I said: not recommended for newbies, usually a good method to ruin your install.
Anyway, you already started an upgrade thread of your own, please stick to it.
Title: Re: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: Keanuette on January 10, 2006, 04:53:49 pm
Well, actually I added to an existing thread [which has been amended, so I see].

I don't want to have to mess about with transferring databases. I don't need the hassle. If you can help answer my query, I will love you forever!

Title: Re: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: Teune on January 11, 2006, 04:21:05 am
You need to update all your files with new versions from the package before you run update.php. I can see the files in the sql directory are still 1.3.5

Ok, I'm following the instructions, where does it say 'update your files'?
I uploaded all the files from the package already, overwriting the old ones (except the ones noted in the instructions) shouldn't they just be the new files? I then ran update.php per the instructions. What am I missing?

3.4 Upgrading from cpg1.2.x or cpg1.3.x to version cpg1.4.3
First, make a backup (dump) of your database.
Backup your include/ file, your anycontent.php file and your "albums" directoy.
Unpack the archive
If the file install.php exists in the root directory, delete it.
Except for the "albums" directory, upload all of the new files and directories making sure not to overwrite the include/ file, your anycontent.php file or the albums directory.
Delete all leftover, outdated language files in the lang folder that are named XXX-utf-8.php
If you have not already done so, create a folder called "edit" within your "albums" directory - this folder will be used by coppermine as a temporary folder, do not ftp-upload files there. Make sure the new "edit"-folder is CHMODed the same way your albums-directory is (755 or 777, depending on your server's config)
Run the file "update.php" in the coppermine directory once in your browser (e.g. http://yourdomain.tld/coppermine/update.php). This will update your coppermine install by making all necessary changes in the database.
If you have made a custom theme, apply the changes that were introduced in the themes structure to your custom-made theme - refer to the theme-upgrade guide.
You can not use language files from older versions of Coppermine - make sure you only have the language files that come with this package inside of your lang folder (delete or rename all files from older versions within the lang folder)
Please note: as there have been changes both in the coppermine files and the database from cpg1.3.0beta to cpg1.3.0 (final) and then on to cpg1.4.x, users of the beta will have to apply all steps mentioned above: both the files have to be replaced and the update.php script has to be run once.

Title: Re: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: Teune on January 11, 2006, 04:35:14 am
i got the same problem, and my files are all 1.43 checked and doubble checked

edit: nevermind got it solved, i made a fresh install en then i used phpmyadmin to get te picture, album and categories data over to the new database.

This sounds like a much simpler solution.
Why even have an update.php if it seems so hit or miss and requires you to overwrite all the old files anyway?
Title: Re: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: Tranz on January 11, 2006, 05:27:15 am
update.php alters the database for you... unless you'd like to do that yourself.
Title: Re: Upgrade result "Fatal Error:" on every page, no '.' in my database either
Post by: Joachim Müller on January 11, 2006, 11:14:32 am
OK, to stop others hijacking this thread over and over again, I'm locking this one. Message to everybody: upgrade as suggested in the docs, don't try anything else unless you know your way around extremely well. Failure of upgrade process is almost always caused by users not doing as suggested and replacing all needed files.