Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 upgrading => Topic started by: cboudier on December 11, 2005, 11:03:39 pm

Title: [Help needed] Gallery completely crashed !
Post by: cboudier on December 11, 2005, 11:03:39 pm
I have upgraded my Coppermine gallery from 1.3.5 to 1.4.2 recently.
It was working, but tonight I went in the admin mode to change the default character encoding to utf-8 (recommanded) instead of western iso (previous).
And suddenly, the window was entierely blank ! No error message, only a blank page.
and nothing works now :-(
I tried to upload again all the Coppermine files to my site and ran update.php, but nothing going better.
From phpmyadmin, I tried to set the language encoding to "latin1" or "language file", but I still get the blank page
I set the debug_mode to 1 if this can help...
You can check by your own if you wish :

What should I do to recover my gallery ?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Title: Re: [Help needed] Gallery completely crashed !
Post by: cboudier on December 14, 2005, 09:02:43 pm
It was a problem with the name of the theme...
I use only igames, so I only upload igames folder, but because I did upload again all the cpg files, the default theme was classic and the classic folder wasn't uploaded : solved

Now, I can see my galerie but I can't login ! Grrrrr
Title: Re: [Help needed] Gallery completely crashed !
Post by: artistsinhawaii on December 14, 2005, 10:14:59 pm

In phpMyadmin, check the "banned" table to make sure you haven't been banned from your own site.  If all looks well there and you still can't log in, you could try the "I forgot my password" option. Hopefully your email is set properly for you to receive the email that automatically sent to the email address you set for your profile.

Title: Re: [Help needed] Gallery completely crashed !
Post by: cboudier on December 15, 2005, 01:20:27 pm

Thank you for the advice !

I already checked if I was banned or not, and it wasn't the problem.
I tried the "I forgot my password" and, of course, the database didn't include my adress...
So I wrote it with phpmyadmin, then clicked again on "I forgot my password" and... the link was not good (it was the default Coppermine adress) ! So I changed it, received the new password, and at least, I can enter my admin mode : Hurray ! :-)

Now, everything is going fine !
Thanks a lot for your time and your help.

Problem solved.