Support => cpg1.3.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.3 Installation & Setup => Topic started by: ibpnyc on September 18, 2005, 08:13:18 am

Title: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: ibpnyc on September 18, 2005, 08:13:18 am
ok here is my situation:

I downloaded coppermine 1.3 and uploaded it to my server.  I plugged in all the info in the install.php file and gettung the following error:

Could not create a mySQL connection, please check the SQL values entered
MySQL error was : Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

I spoke to a support rep from my host and he sent me the following:
David: The database information this page shows is correct (install.php). Also, the database is responding properly on the server.
David: The script does not appear to be connecting to the database server, however. Since the connection defaults to "localhost" when blank, this explains the error message.

I apoligize if this is already covered in a post but i searched and did not understand anything i was reading.  Please note that I am not database savy and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: kegobeer on September 18, 2005, 07:36:59 pm
Post your server details (webserver OS, PHP version, MySQL version) and also post what you entered for the database information during the install process (of course, don't post your password).
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: ibpnyc on September 20, 2005, 03:31:33 am
Post your server details (webserver OS, PHP version, MySQL version) and also post what you entered for the database information during the install process (of course, don't post your password).

Webserver OS: Professional - Windows
Username: ibpnyc
MySQL Hosta:
MySQL Database Name: ibpnyc
MySQL Username: ibpnyc
MySQL table prefix: coppermine

PHP version: I downloaded 5.0.5 but not sure how to install, use or relevance of it
MySQL version: Also downloaded 5.0.12 but not sure how to install, use or relevance of it

I apoligize fo my ignorance with the PHP & MySQL.  Your assistance is highly appreciated.

Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: kegobeer on September 20, 2005, 03:48:47 am
Your webhost has php and MySQL installed - those were the versions I was asking for.  A simple phpinfo script will tell you that.  What is phpinfo? (  Or you can ask your host.  You do not need to install either of those packages on your local computer.  So, your webhost is running Windows?  What version (Server 2003, Server 2000, etc)?  I would also assume that your webhost is using IIS6.  Is this correct?

Go to this message (;topicseen#msg75687) and follow the directions I posted.  Report your success or failure and the script's output.
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: ibpnyc on September 20, 2005, 05:03:03 am
Your webhost has php and MySQL installed - those were the versions I was asking for.  A simple phpinfo script will tell you that.  What is phpinfo? (  Or you can ask your host.  You do not need to install either of those packages on your local computer.  So, your webhost is running Windows?  What version (Server 2003, Server 2000, etc)?  I would also assume that your webhost is using IIS6.  Is this correct?

Go to this message (;topicseen#msg75687) and follow the directions I posted.  Report your success or failure and the script's output.

Here is the phpnfo link

Here is the testphp link
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: kegobeer on September 20, 2005, 05:08:23 am
Uh, you need to put in your information.

Code: [Select]
$localhost = 'your host name';
$mysql_user = 'your mysql user name';
$mysql_password = 'your mysql password';
$mysql_database = 'your mysql database name';

You need to replace the generic placeholder info with your MySQL information.

Your host is also running a very old and potentially unsecure version of PHP.  At this point I recommend finding another host.
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: ibpnyc on September 20, 2005, 05:12:12 am
here is a conversation regarding the IIS6 and windows info:

Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'Mike'
Mike: Thank you for contacting the support department. How may I help you?
ibpnyc: hello
ibpnyc: i got a question
ibpnyc: just wondering i my webhost running IIS6?
Mike: What is your Brinkster User Name?
ibpnyc: ibpnyc
ibpnyc: also can you tell me if my webhost is running on Windows and what version
ibpnyc: thanx
Mike: Your account is on IIS 6.0 and Windows 2003
Mike: Is there anything else I can help you with at this time?
ibpnyc: no
ibpnyc: thanks a lot
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: kegobeer on September 20, 2005, 05:14:36 am
Ask them if they know they are running a very old version of PHP that has potential security risks.  They need to upgrade - this risk is well documented and you can find posts about it on our site, as well as plenty of other sites.
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: ibpnyc on September 20, 2005, 05:16:21 am
Uh, you need to put in your information.

Code: [Select]
$localhost = 'your host name';
$mysql_user = 'your mysql user name';
$mysql_password = 'your mysql password';
$mysql_database = 'your mysql database name';

You need to replace the generic placeholder info with your MySQL information.

Your host is also running a very old and potentially unsecure version of PHP.  At this point I recommend finding another host.

it connected sucessfully and sorry for not filling in the blanks earlier
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: ibpnyc on September 20, 2005, 05:17:38 am
Ask them if they know they are running a very old version of PHP that has potential security risks.  They need to upgrade - this risk is well documented and you can find posts about it on our site, as well as plenty of other sites.

is this something commonly done if asked for.  I guess what im asking is do you think they will update this?
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: ibpnyc on September 20, 2005, 05:21:26 am
Ask them if they know they are running a very old version of PHP that has potential security risks.  They need to upgrade - this risk is well documented and you can find posts about it on our site, as well as plenty of other sites.

is this something commonly done if asked for.  I guess what im asking is do you think they will update this?

also they are asking me what version and I talking about and what version to upgrade to
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: kegobeer on September 20, 2005, 05:21:31 am
So, if you put those exact same values in during the install process, it doesn't connect?

Regarding upgrades: that's entirely up to your host.  However, security issues are normally handled immediately.  My host upgraded within one day after PHP made the next version available.  Ask your host why they haven't upgraded to at least 4.3.11.
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: ibpnyc on September 20, 2005, 05:26:19 am
this is the conversation regarding the PHP version

Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'Mike'
Mike: Thank you for contacting the support department. How may I help you?
ibpnyc: hello
ibpnyc: i was wondering if there is any posibility of upgrading the version of PHP. I've been advised that the current running version is very old and has potential security risk
Mike: What version are you referring to?
ibpnyc: it is currently PHP Version 4.3.6
ibpnyc: i was told that 4.3.11 is a more secure version
Mike: You can send that request to our administrators at I suggest that you insert a link to the "potential security risk" so that our administrators could review it as well.
ibpnyc: thanks
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: ibpnyc on September 20, 2005, 05:28:49 am
So, if you put those exact same values in during the install process, it doesn't connect?

Regarding upgrades: that's entirely up to your host.  However, security issues are normally handled immediately.  My host upgraded within one day after PHP made the next version available.  Ask your host why they haven't upgraded to at least 4.3.11.

this is strange, now when I open the install.php file and click lets go there is no error, is this normal?
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: kegobeer on September 20, 2005, 05:33:40 am
Geez.  A support tech that doesn't even know what version of PHP they are running, and an administrator that doesn't pay attention to security!  They are also running an old version of MySQL (3.23.49).  Unless you have a lot of money tied into this hosting company, I really do recommend looking around for a better host.

Getting back on topic - it's not normal for an error to come and go like that.  Perhaps there was actually something wrong and your host fixed it without telling you.
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: ibpnyc on September 20, 2005, 05:37:44 am
ok after i click "let go" it stays on the install page.  According to the online manual im suppose to log in with the admin username but I have not seen this yet.  Also what do you recommend for a good host?
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: kegobeer on September 20, 2005, 05:45:43 am
There are a lot of posts about install.php staying on the same page - but you need to be more specific about what is on the page (just a logo, the exact same page, etc).  Please scan/search this board for related topics.  There are also threads about good hosts on other boards in our forum.
Title: Re: New to coppermine and having install.php errors
Post by: ibpnyc on September 20, 2005, 05:47:19 am
cool thanks for all you help..... :D