Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.3.x Support => Topic started by: jason7655 on November 10, 2004, 10:46:21 pm

Title: A great addition to the manual
Post by: jason7655 on November 10, 2004, 10:46:21 pm
As I looked at the manual to begin the install, I saw the following line:
Upload all files onto your webserver (make sure to use the correct ftp mode).

I think it would be helpful if you mentioned which one that was.  ASCII or binary.  I'm trying it in binary right now, but I haven't gotten far enough to tell if it worked.  Just thought that might be helpful to put in the documentation instead of just use the correct ftp mode.  Maybe I missed it somewhere else.
Title: Re: A great addition to the manual
Post by: kegobeer on November 11, 2004, 03:26:11 am
Actually, if you look at your ftp program's help files, you'll find great explanations on what mode you should use for each filetype.  And most ftp programs have some sort of auto setting that will take care of it for you.
Title: Re: A great addition to the manual
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 11, 2004, 06:14:29 am
as coppermine usually isn't the first upload people make to their webspace, this is not an issue that applies specifically to coppermine, but to all uploads. People who run their own webpage will have to learn some things, among them is proper ftp uploading. The rule of thumb is (if you're not an "auto" type): binary files should be uploaded in binary mode, text files in ascii mode. Sometimes I experience problems with this rule of thumb (depending on the webserver setup) - then it often helps to upload all files in binary mode (that's my recommendation).
Like I said: this is not specific to coppermine, applies to all kinds of files you upload. Going into details that are not related to coppermine in the manual is impossible, it would fill thousands of pages to write a documentation that covers every aspect of setting up and maintaining websites. Afaik nobody has come up with a comprehensive guide yet (and the longer a documentation gets, the less likely it is people will actually read it).

Title: Re: A great addition to the manual
Post by: xpozay on July 07, 2005, 06:08:00 pm
Actually, I agree with the request - it should be in the manual. I would not have know either had it not been for this thread.  I whole heartedly understand the desire to keep the installation instructions short and sweet.

As a general rule of thumb, good documentation standards either: 1) tell you what to do; or 2) reference another location where it tells you what to do.

In this particular instance it there would not be adverse affects on the length or the quality of the manual (ie to include binary or ascii or even refer to your ftp programme for different types of files).

Personally I believe there are more layman here like myself who do not know the hows, which is why we are truely greatful for the efforts you guys put in.  In the end a few extra words would save a number of posted questions in these forumns saving everybody time.

My 2 cents
Title: Re: A great addition to the manual
Post by: donnoman on July 08, 2005, 04:42:51 am
Instructions for using the internet:

The section on ascii/binary:

A good open-source windows ftp app: