Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.1.X Support (standalone) => Topic started by: matmike on September 27, 2003, 10:51:59 am

Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: matmike on September 27, 2003, 10:51:59 am
Some time ago, I saw an interesting page built with Coppermine. As I'm using Coppermine, too (great gallery), I want to build my page similar to the one I saw.
But I can't deal with it.
Would someone please take a look at and tell me how to configure the part with the headline "Singles zum Kennenlernen". In my album, I can only configure the random pictures and the categories, but I can't include albums directly on the start page.
How can this be done?


Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: Joachim Müller on September 27, 2003, 11:05:11 am
they use the first category as start page (isn't visible, because it's inside a frame) - their start page is - so you'll just add the "?cat=0" bit...

Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: matmike on September 27, 2003, 11:21:13 am
Are you sure it is done that way.
Because: When I open the source-code of their page, it defines a frameset with as source.
When I call this page directly, I get the same view. And if I add the ?cat=0 to my coppermine/index.php, it shows ONLY the first category, not the first category AND the overview of the categories.
How can I show the albums within a category and the overview of the categories?

Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: Oasis on September 27, 2003, 02:25:49 pm
hmmm.. it seems that what he has done is make 4 albums that are above the category system, so they are not part of any category and shows up on the first page. If you click on the albums you will find that they do not have "Gallery>Whatever" at the top. So my guess would be that you should add an album with "no category" using the admin account.

I'm not sure whether that's what you want though.. I've wanted to do the same thing, but I wanted random albums to show up on the first page... or maybe even most viewed albums... that would be nice~ better than just photos
Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: Tarique Sani on September 27, 2003, 02:39:36 pm
Go to your config and put the below at the right place ;)


Be sure to have 4 albums in "No Category"

Is that it?
Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: matmike on September 27, 2003, 03:44:28 pm
Thank you very much, that's exactly what I wanted.

Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: TucksMa on September 29, 2003, 03:17:27 am
I came on here to get the answer to this very question but I don't think I like the answer.   :?

Why can't I show the albums that are IN a category.  And for that matter... why does it have the 'alblist' option when it doesn't show the albums.  All my start page shows is the categories and random pics.  this is my line:  catlist/alblist/random,2     But no album or album list is there.  Just the category list and random pics.

What's wrong???
Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: Oasis on September 29, 2003, 05:05:53 am
alblist does not show up on your front page, because the front page itself IS a category itself.. It is above all categories, and is named "No Category". So alblist does not show up because you don't have any albums IN that category. If you want some albums to show up there, you have to add albums to the "No category" category using the admin account. However, as I said before, this is not everyone was expecting. I for example was expecting it to show the first level albums of every category. But I guess you can't have EVERYTHING. Coppermine is good enough already. Maybe you can post in the feature requests section. Personally, I think it would be a good idea to be able to show random albums on the start page.... random albums or top viewed albums...
Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: Tarique Sani on September 29, 2003, 05:21:23 am
Quote from: "oasis"
I for example was expecting it to show the first level albums of every category.

The next version will have this as an admin settable option
Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: moorey on September 29, 2003, 07:24:34 am
It probably could prove useful too if categories can have an admin-specified thumbnail, custom or from album.
Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: TucksMa on September 29, 2003, 08:06:04 pm
Well that's a bummer.  And it's not.

It IS a bummer because I wanted it to work and show albums under categories.  It ISN'T a bummer because this means I'm not an idiot (necessarily).   :P

So when's the next release???
Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: Joachim Müller on September 29, 2003, 10:48:16 pm
Quote from: "TucksMa"
So when's the next release???
hehe, we won't tell - because we don't know :wink: ; we hope to manage it this month (October 2003). There are so many new features we'd like to add; we'll have to agree on a design freeze at some time and release what we have at that point...

Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: jack on September 29, 2003, 10:55:31 pm
Quote from: "gaugau"
we hope to manage it this month (October 2003).

 :shock: no-one told me  :shock:

* Jack screams and runs to the keyboard *
Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: jasendorf on September 29, 2003, 10:56:14 pm
holy moly... guess that means I should really, really start on the rotate stuff...
Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: Joachim Müller on September 29, 2003, 10:57:16 pm
you know the mantra of those open source geeks: release early, release often  :wink:

Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: jasendorf on September 29, 2003, 10:59:48 pm
Did I ever mention I'm just a stupid sax player?

Title: Albums on start page of Coppermine?
Post by: moorey on September 30, 2003, 04:40:32 am
Quote from: "jasendorf"
Did I ever mention I'm just a stupid sax player?

Only in your signature :D