Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 install => Topic started by: pelican on December 20, 2005, 07:59:54 pm

Title: More errors than I can count trying to run the install...
Post by: pelican on December 20, 2005, 07:59:54 pm
I have installed many Coppermine galleries, and have never run into this:

Code: [Select]
continue with the install.  If you are using a nuke portal, you might want to take a look into CpgNuke or use one of the (unsupported)  coppermine ports  - do not continue!"  ); } // end check  // Report all errors except E_NOTICE // This is the default value set in php.ini error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);  require('include/sql_parse.php'); // ---------------------------- TEST PREREQUIRED --------------------------- // function test_fs() {  global $errors, $DFLT;  // include must be writable to create config file  if (! is_dir($DFLT['cfg_d'])) {  $errors .= "

A subdirectory called '{$DFLT['cfg_d']}' should normally exist in the directory where you uploaded Coppermine. The installer can't find this directory. Check that you have uploaded all Coppermine files to your server.

";  } elseif (! is_writable($DFLT['cfg_d'])) {  $errors .= "

The '{$DFLT['cfg_d']}' directory (located in the directory where you uploaded Coppermine) should be writable in order to save your configuration. Use your FTP program to change its mode to 777.

";  }  // albums must be writable to upload pictures  if (! is_dir($DFLT['alb_d'])) {  $errors .= "

A subdirectory called '{$DFLT['alb_d']}' should normally exist in the directory where you uploaded Coppermine. The installer can't find this directory. Check that you have uploaded all Coppermine files to your server.

";  } elseif (! is_writable($DFLT['alb_d'])) {  $errors .= "

The '{$DFLT['alb_d']}' directory (located in the directory where you uploaded Coppermine) should be writable in order to allow pictures upload. Use your FTP program to change its mode to 777.

";  }  // userpics must be writable to upload pictures  if (! is_dir("{$DFLT['alb_d']}/{$DFLT['upl_d']}")) {  $errors .= "

A subdirectory called '{$DFLT['upl_d']}' should normally exist in the 'albums' directory. The installer can't find this directory. Check that you have uploaded all Coppermine files to your server.

";  } elseif (! is_writable("{$DFLT['alb_d']}/{$DFLT['upl_d']}")) {  $errors .= "

The '{$DFLT['upl_d']}' directory (located in the 'albums' directory on your server) should be writable in order to allow pictures upload. Use your FTP program to change its mode to 777.

";  }  // edit must be writable to edit pictures  if (! is_dir("{$DFLT['alb_d']}/{$DFLT['edit_d']}")) {  $errors .= "

A subdirectory called '{$DFLT['edit_d']}' should normally exist in the 'albums' directory. The installer can't find this directory. Check that you have uploaded all Coppermine files to your server.

";  } elseif (! is_writable("{$DFLT['alb_d']}/{$DFLT['edit_d']}")) {  $errors .= "

The '{$DFLT['edit_d']}' directory (located in the 'albums' directory on your server) should be writable in order to allow pictures upload. Use your FTP program to change its mode to 777.

";  }  // sql directory must exist  if (! is_dir("{$DFLT['sql_d']}")) {  $errors .= "

A subdirectory called '{$DFLT['sql_d']}' should normally exist in the directory where you uploaded Coppermine. The installer can't find this directory. Check that you have uploaded all Coppermine files to your server.

";  } } // ----------------------------- TEST FUNCTIONS ---------------------------- // function test_sql_connection() {  global $errors;  if (!function_exists('mysql_connect')){  $errors .= "

PHP does not have MySQL support enabled.

";  } elseif (! $connect_id = @mysql_connect($_POST['dbserver'], $_POST['dbuser'], $_POST['dbpass'])) {  $errors .= "

Could not create a mySQL connection, please check the SQL values entered

MySQL error was : " . mysql_error() . "

";  } elseif (! mysql_select_db($_POST['dbname'], $connect_id)) {  $errors .= "

mySQL could not locate a database called '{$_POST['dbname']}' please check the value entered for this

";  } }  function test_admin_login() {  global $errors;  if ($_POST['admin_username'] == '' || $_POST['admin_password'] == '')  $errors .= "

It is much better for you to provide a 'username' and a 'password' for the admin.

";  if (!preg_match('/\A\w*\Z/', $_POST['admin_username']) || !preg_match('/\A\w*\Z/', $_POST['admin_password']))  $errors .= "

Admin username and password must only contain alphanumeric characters.

"; }  function test_im() {  global $errors, $DFLT, $im_installed;  $im_installed = false;  if ($_POST['impath'] != '') {  if (!preg_match('|/\Z|', $_POST['impath']))  $_POST['impath'] .= '/';  if (!is_dir($_POST['impath'])) {  $errors .= "

The installer can not find the '{$_POST['impath']}' directory you have specified for ImageMagick or it does not have permission to access it. Check that your typing is correct and that you have access to the specified directory.

";  } elseif (preg_match('/ /', $_POST['impath'])) {  $errors .= "

The path you have entered for ImageMagick ('{$_POST['impath']}') contains at least one space. This will cause problems in the script.

 You must move ImageMagick to another directory.

";  } elseif (!file_exists($_POST['impath'] . 'convert') && !file_exists($_POST['impath'] . 'convert.exe')) {  $errors .= "

The installer can not find the 'convert' or 'convert.exe' ImageMagick program in directory '{$_POST['impath']}'. Check that you have entered the correct directory name.

";  } else {  $output = array();  $tst_image = "{$DFLT['alb_d']}/{$DFLT['upl_d']}/im.gif";  exec ("{$_POST['impath']}convert images/coppermine_logo.png $tst_image", $output, $result);  $size = getimagesize($tst_image);  unlink($tst_image);  $im_installed = ($size[2] == 1);  if (!$im_installed)  $errors .= "

The installer found the ImageMagick 'convert' program in '{$_POST['impath']}', however it can't be executed by the script.

 You may consider using GD instead of ImageMagick.

";  if ($result && count($output)) {  $errors .= "The convert program said:
                foreach($output as $line) $errors .= htmlspecialchars($line);
                $errors .= "

";  }  }  }  return $im_installed; } // Test is safe_mode is misconfigured function test_silly_safe_mode() {  global $DFLT;  $test_file = "{$DFLT['alb_d']}/{$DFLT['upl_d']}/dummy/dummy.txt";  @mkdir(dirname($test_file), 0755);  $fd = @fopen($test_file, 'w');  if (!$fd) { @rmdir(dirname($test_file));  return true;  }  fclose($fd);  @unlink($test_file);  @rmdir(dirname($test_file)); } // -------------------------- DETECTION FUNCTIONS -------------------------- // // What package is available for image manipulations function detect_img_package() {  global $errors, $notes, $DFLT, $im_installed;  $no_img_package_detected = false;  $tst_image = "{$DFLT['alb_d']}/{$DFLT['upl_d']}/gd1.jpg";  $size = @getimagesize($tst_image);  @unlink($tst_image);  $gd1_installed = ($size[2] == 2);  $tst_image = "{$DFLT['alb_d']}/{$DFLT['upl_d']}/gd2.jpg"; $size = @getimagesize($tst_image);  @unlink($tst_image);  $gd2_installed = ($size[2] == 2);  if ($im_installed) {  $_POST['thumb_method'] = 'im';  } elseif ($gd2_installed) {  $_POST['thumb_method'] = 'gd2';  } elseif ($gd1_installed) {  $_POST['thumb_method'] = 'gd1';  } else { $_POST['thumb_method'] = 'gd2';  $no_img_package_detected = true;  $notes .= "

Your installation of PHP does not seem to include the 'GD' graphic library extension and you have not indicated that you want to use ImageMagick. Coppermine has been configured to use GD2 because the automatic GD detection sometimes fail. If GD is installed on your system, the script should work else you will need to install ImageMagick.

";  }  if (!$no_img_package_detected) $notes .= "

Your server supports the following image package(s): " . ($im_installed ? ' ImageMagick (im),':'') . ($gd1_installed ? ' GD Library version 1.x (gd1),':'') . ($gd2_installed ? ' GD Library version 2.x (gd2),':'') . " the installer selected '" . $_POST['thumb_method'] . "'.";  if ($_POST['thumb_method'] == 'gd1' || $_POST['thumb_method'] == 'gd2')  $notes .= "

Important : the GD graphic library supports only JPEG and PNG images. The script will not be able to create thumbnails for GIF images. If you want the script to create thumbnails for GIF images, you need to use ImageMagick."; } // ------------------------- HTML OUTPUT FUNCTIONS ------------------------- // function html_header() {  ?>

After it displays that, it shows what looks like all of the options to proceed:


I don't even know where to begin.  I'm beyond confused.  I have completely deleted, re-uploaded, and attempted re-installs several times, and always land here.  When I try and view it in IE, all I get is the entire PHP page displayed as text.  It is only when in Safari that I can see the jpg I attached above.

Any thoughts?
My thanks in advance!
Title: Re: More errors than I can count trying to run the install...
Post by: Nibbler on December 20, 2005, 08:04:58 pm
Does the server support PHP ?
Title: Re: More errors than I can count trying to run the install...
Post by: pelican on December 20, 2005, 08:20:25 pm
Most definitely!!!  It's on a box that has several sites that have Coppermine galleries running... that's why I'm so confused with this install.
Title: Re: More errors than I can count trying to run the install...
Post by: Nibbler on December 20, 2005, 08:22:43 pm
Upload a phpinfo() file and verify php functionality.
Title: Re: More errors than I can count trying to run the install...
Post by: kegobeer on December 20, 2005, 08:23:44 pm
Download a fresh copy of 1.4.2 from our site, upload all of the files again, delete the install.lock file and file (if applicable) and try again.  Looks like at least one file is corrupt.
Title: Re: More errors than I can count trying to run the install...
Post by: pelican on December 20, 2005, 10:22:39 pm
I verified that PHP was enabled and running, re-downloaded the zip file from a different mirror, and re-attempted the install.  Everything worked this time around.

I don't know what was up - but everything is in order now!
Thanks for your help!!!