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HTML5 Multiple Files Upload - title for images and textbox for album id


I would like there to be a feature that allows me to place the same title for all images that are being uploaded through Multiple Images Upload. Something similar to keywords, but for the title (all images would have the same title).

Currently, after uploading, I need to add the titles manually one by one, even though it is the same for all images.

It would also be interesting, the option of a text box where the album id is edited, when editing a file (instead of loading all the albums in a combobox). My gallery is a little big (almost 10 thousand albums) and it takes a while to load the title of all the albums and it is difficult to find the exact album to move a file. A text box that would allow editing only the album ID would be much easier, in my case.

In the Plugin Manager, you can configure the HTML5 Upload plugin to include the title in what can be entered for a group of uploads.


--- Quote from: ron4mac on July 24, 2020, 02:36:20 pm ---In the Plugin Manager, you can configure the HTML5 Upload plugin to include the title in what can be entered for a group of uploads.

--- End quote ---

Thank you ron4mac! I didn't know that, it helped me a lot!

I also have another suggestion: to allow an album to be in two different categories, just like images through keywords. I have some albums that fall into two categories and I'm always in doubt as to which category to put.


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