Support > cpg1.5 upload

Script called without the required parameter(s) Line 70

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Hi - I am receiving the error when uploading a 30MB file.  The server itself can handle files larges than that size, I have checked the settings.  If I upload a file that is 10MB it works fine, but I get this error when its larger.

Critical error

Script called without the required parameter(s).

File: /home/junaidiq/public_html/ - Line: 70

Website is --

Username is -- Test
Password is -- Test

Debug mode is enabled.

I would appreciate the assistance to get this resolved.


Well done on providing all the required details and settings. That is seems to be a rarity at the moment.

What you are experiencing is quite common. Most servers will run into limitations set by your host. If you have full control over your php settings you could try looking at everything outlined here -,24088.0.html

However, with files that large you are much better off uploading via ftp and using batch add.

Joachim Müller:

--- Quote from: jiqbal on May 11, 2010, 06:12:11 pm ---Username is -- Test
Password is -- Test
--- End quote ---
That's not true. Actually, it's test/test (lower case). Capitalization does matter.

Regular uploads work as expected (see and - it's expected behaviour that such huge files will time out when http-uploading. Use FTP-upload plus batch-add to upload such huge files. If that doesn't work for you, post a link to one of the files you're having issues with when batch-adding.

--- Quote from: jiqbal on May 11, 2010, 06:12:11 pm ---The server itself can handle files larges than that size, I have checked the settings.
--- End quote ---
Yeah, really? What settings did you check? How about your browser?



Thank you for the feedback.

1. I apologize for the uppercase, didn't realize the caps, the username/password is test/test.

2. The settings i have are the following in the .htaccess file:

php_value upload_max_filesize 2000M
php_value max_execution_time 10000
php_value max_input_time 10000

3. I have another script that uses http uploading from another site and I did not have a Issue uploading the same file.

4. I have not tried the FTP upload through the batch add, I am pretty sure that will work, I was just hoping to get http working fine for users to upload videos or large zip files.

5. I tried on all three browsers (Chrome/Firefox/IE), got same error.


I think you need to read up on php settings as those are just silly IMHO. Does the .htaccess file actually have an effect? I doubt any host would allow such silly limits. Whay does you phpinfo suggest is set? What does your host actually allow as the settings you see will almost certainly be  above what your host allows.


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