Support > cpg1.5 upload

Cannot upload files - nothing happens

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Yes yes  ;)

Username: upload
Pass: test123

Now the SIMPLE upload worked (after creating a test album and a test account) which is some improvement. However, the flash upload does not work. It only returns a 500 error for every image.

Please test, and let me know what additional permissions to give

I can confirm that simple upload works and flash upload returns 500 on sven's gallery.

Joe Carver:

--- Quote from: sven on May 02, 2010, 12:28:14 pm --- .....In many themes the 'browse button' is simply missing........

--- End quote ---

Coppermine META seems to be missing with your default theme.

I advise to anyone trying to help here to use a standard cpg 1.5.x theme. Otherwise you will see too many errors.

Joe Carver:
Flash debug returns this:

An ActionScript error has occured

Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2038: File I/O Error.

Joachim Müller:
Moving from cpg1.5 Testing/Bugs


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