Support > cpg1.5 themes (visuals)

Themes drop down

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Do we really don't have a drop down to choose themes from any more in version 1.5.x?
I remember to have read something that way in the docs. How can some (theme developer) choose a theme in a easy way without such a option to switch between different themes while working on them? Do I miss some important?

The change is that the theme and language selector placeholder tokens are now optional. If a theme has the tokens present then the dropdowns are displayed. If they are not present then they are not displayed. Even if the selectors are not displayed you can still adjust the theme via the url (index.php?theme=foo).

Joachim Müller:
See as well.

Thanks for the hint, I must be blind.

Joachim Müller:
Even more details about the migration from cpg1.4.x to cpg1.5.x:


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