No Support > Feature requests

Integration with phpBB and more suggestions

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--- Quote from: "gaugau" ---you shouldn't upload into /albums/userpics by ftp - only the http uploads go into /userpics! Create your own structure within /albums and leave /albums/userpics alone. Different albums inside /userpics have been requested and may be included in a future version...

*gaugau takes note to put this into the faq*

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I know... but when USERS(who do not have FTP access) upload those pictures go straight to "userpic" folder and when you have alots of users uploading a lots of pics that folder is bound to fill up... i wish there was a way to leave it alone and each album when created also creates its own directory so any pics going to that album end up in that directory created for it-off course automatically.



Joachim Müller:

--- Quote from: "jack" ---:?  Oh dear .. I had assumed that the phpbb one would be more-or-less working correctly - considering that that is the board that Greg set up on his site.

Seems I 'leap-frogged' most of the included ones when I forst did the yabbse one then  :oops:

Looks like I've got some work to do. It will probably be easier if I install phpbb here for dev work .. thanks for the offer though.
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Even though the support board at was phpBB, it was never linked with the gallery demo (which was 1.1.0).
I think Greg used a customized, older version of phpBB when he coded 1.1.1 on a dedicated dev machine.
Is there anybody monitoring phpBB support forums? Are there people in the phpBB community that have worked on the bridge file?



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