Support > cpg1.6 plugins

Suggestion - a list of plugins that work with 1.6


I've been spending some time with a 1.6 test site and also upgrading a couple of small 1.5.46 sites. Would a list of plugins that work with 1.6 be useful to other gallery users that might think of upgrading? It might also help me find other plugins that I might find useful.

The ones I am using are:-

Keyboard Navigation
Theme switch
HTML5 Slideshow

Also, if a list is created, keep it updated with any new versions and new plugins.

As plugins are being tested, they are added to bothe the 1.6 plugin section of this site as well as over on our github repository.

Oh yes, forgot the git hub. Link under Project at the top of the page.

I can't always find what I'm looking for but the above should help


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