Support > cpg1.5 bridging

CM and SMF - remove bridge?


How do i remove a bridge between CM and SMF?

I have been tasked with helping someone fix their Coppermine gallery.
However, when i try to login to CM it jumps me to SMF. 
So I dont see a way to manage Coppermine.

SMF Forum:
CM Gallery:

I have admin access to both. 

Any help is appreciated!

fyi:  i've tried /bridgemgr.php

i am 100% sure ive entered the correct un/pw for the original admin, yet i get the following error:

"You supplied the wrong credentials. You will have to supply the admin account data of the standalone version (usually the account you set up during Coppermine install). "

Any help is appreciated!

Do you have phpmyadmin access? You can use that to browse to the config table and disable bridging there by changing the 1 to a 0 in the bridged_enable entry


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