Support > cpg1.6 upload

HTML5 Upload Finishes with a Blank page


I have followed the instructions here

When I upload a photo with the recommended HTML5 upload it sends me to the editpics.php, for example:

But in the browser I get this blank page with message:

--- Quote ---This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.
--- End quote ---

I have created a test user as described in the docs. User is: tester pass is the same as username.

One time I got this error with the HTML5 upload:

--- Quote ---stefito.ivanova.jpg
A valid form token could not be found. #1 /homepathfoo/uniload.php @179
--- End quote ---

The simple one file at a time upload method works just fine from the looks of it.  ???

Moved all plugins to another folder and dropped just the default ones inside /plugins but still file upload fails.

These prints appear with the debug enabled:

--- Quote ---/include/
Notice line 198: Undefined index: log_retention
Notice line 370: Undefined offset: -1
Notice line 370: Undefined index: pic_count
--- End quote ---

Looks like it was a combination of the old cpg 1.5x plugins not being compatible and caching from the host/CDN. At least I think so. Now it looks like everything is fine. It was a very strange issue.

Glad things got resolved. Thanks for reporting back.


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