Support > cpg1.5 plugins

Native MP4 Player


most modern browsers have support for native mp4 and it works well, much better than flash.

I used the plugin called mp4_player

file codebase.php comment lines that start with $pic_html

just under the commented lines add the line:

--- Code: ---$pic_html = "<video {$autostart} loop poster=\"{$thumb}\" width=\"{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pwidth']}\" height=\"{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight']}\" controls><source src=\"{$file}\" type=\"video/mp4\">Your browser does not support the video tag.</video>";
--- End code ---

and you will get a native mp4 player

the original plugin

I have to plug my site  ;)  please, no ddos  ;D ;) ;) ;D


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