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 Search results for: mySQL error Got error 28 from table handler

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cpg1.3 Upload / Batch Conversion Error
« by Jack Move on August 26, 2005, 08:32:54 am »

...... . However, whenever I try to upload something an error pops up.  Code: [Select]  While executing query " ............  a.aid as aid, a.title as title, as cname FROM cpg134_albums as a, cpg134_categories as c WHERE  ............  a.category < '10000' ORDER BY cname,title" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler  File: / ......

......  gallery. The other day I went to my gallery and got the critical error message, "There was an error  ............ )/1024) as disk_usage, group_name, group_quota FROM cpg132_users AS u INNER JOIN cpg132_usergroups AS  ............  ORDER BY user_regdate DESC LIMIT 0, 25;" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 12 from table handler   DEBUG  ............ -- Array (  => SELECT extension, mime, content FROM cpg132_filetypes; [1] => SELECT * FROM  ............ ) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg132_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1)  [3] => ............  SELECT group_name FROM cpg132_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1  [4] =>  ............  FROM cpg132_banned WHERE expiry < 1128362473  [5] => ............  SELECT * FROM cpg132_banned WHERE ip_addr='' OR  ............ ='' OR user_id=1  [6] => DELETE FROM cpg132_users WHERE user_name = '' LIMIT 1  [7]  ............ => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_users WHERE 1  [8] => SELECT user_id,  ............ )/1024) as disk_usage, group_name, group_quota FROM cpg132_users AS u INNER JOIN cpg132_usergroups AS  ............ ------- PHP version: 4.4.0 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 4.0.25-standard ------------------  ............ ------ GD Support enabled  GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)  FreeType Support enabled  FreeType  ............  enabled  ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ Active Persistent Links 0   ............  Links 1  Client API version 4.0.25  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external  MYSQL_SOCKET /var/lib/mysql............ .sock  MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/include/mysql  MYSQL_LIBS -L/usr/ ............  -lmysqlclient  ========================== Module: zlib -- ............ -- Directive | Local Value | Master Value sendmail_from | no value | no value sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/ ......

......  and when back to the Home part of teh gallery I got:  -- While executing query "SELECT pid, filepath,  ............ , filesize, pwidth, pheight, ctime, aid, aid FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' ORDER BY  ............ () LIMIT 8" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 12 from table handler --   When  ............  mode teh pictures still come up (and theres the error message) but with debug mode off I just get the  ............  the whole thing and there are loads of error messages, undefined variable ones etc...  this  ............ -- Array (  => SELECT extension, mime, content FROM cpg135_filetypes; [1] => SELECT * FROM  ............ ) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg135_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1)  [3] => ............  SELECT group_name FROM cpg135_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1  [4] =>  ............  FROM cpg135_banned WHERE expiry < '2005-11-23 00:49:15' ............   [5] => SELECT * FROM cpg135_banned WHERE ip_addr='' OR  ............ =1  [6] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg135_categories WHERE parent = '0' ORDER BY  ............   [7] => SELECT aid FROM cpg135_albums as a WHERE category>=10000  [8] = ............ > SELECT count(*) FROM cpg135_pictures as p, cpg135_albums as a WHERE p. ............   [9] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg135_categories WHERE parent = '1' ORDER BY  ............   [10] => SELECT aid FROM cpg135_albums WHERE category = 4  [11] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg135_pictures as p, cpg135_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 4  [12] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg135_albums as a WHERE category = '4'  [13] = ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg135_pictures as p  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE aid IN (2, 3, 4) AND  ............   [15] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg135_categories WHERE parent = '4' ORDER BY  ............   [16] => SELECT aid FROM cpg135_albums WHERE category = 5  [17] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg135_pictures as p, cpg135_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 5  [18] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg135_albums as a WHERE category = '5'  [19] = ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg135_pictures as p  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE aid IN (5) AND approved = ' ............   [21] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg135_categories WHERE parent = '5' ORDER BY  ............   [22] => SELECT aid FROM cpg135_albums as a WHERE category = '0'  [23] = ............ > SELECT count(*) FROM cpg135_albums as a WHERE 1  [24] => SELECT  ............ (*) FROM cpg135_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg135_albums as a  ............  a.aid=p.aid WHERE 1  [25] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg135_comments as c LEFT JOIN cpg135_pictures as  ............  a.aid=p.aid WHERE 1  [26] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg135_categories WHERE 1  [27] => SELECT sum( ............ ) FROM cpg135_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg135_albums as a  ............  p.aid=a.aid WHERE 1  [28] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg135_albums as a WHERE  ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg135_pictures as p  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE aid IN (1) AND approved = ' ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE pid='8'  [32] => SELECT  ............ (*) from cpg135_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES'   [33] = ............ , filesize, pwidth, pheight, ctime, aid, aid FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' ORDER BY  ............ () LIMIT 4  [34] => SELECT COUNT(*) from cpg135_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES'   [35] = ............ , aid,title, caption, owner_id, owner_name, aid FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' ORDER BY  ............ ------ PHP version: 4.3.11 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 4.0.25-standard ------------------  ............ ------ GD Support enabled  GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)  FreeType Support enabled  FreeType  ............  enabled  ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ Active Persistent Links 0   ............  Links 1  Client API version 4.0.25  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external  MYSQL_SOCKET /var/lib/mysql............ .sock  MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/include/mysql  MYSQL_LIBS -L/usr/ ............  -lmysqlclient  ========================== Module: zlib -- ............ -- Directive | Local Value | Master Value sendmail_from | no value | no value sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/ ......
cpg1.3 Upload / Coppermine problem with multiple sections of db...
« by ka0tyk on January 04, 2006, 06:23:37 am »

......  until a couple of days ago.  I'm getting this error when i try to select the directory to get the pix  ............  when doing a batch add. Also I get a similar error when I go to the Admin Tools.   While executing  ............  a.aid as aid, a.title as title, as cname FROM cpg133_albums as a, cpg133_categories as c WHERE  ............  a.category < '10000' ORDER BY cname,title" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler     USER:   ............ -- Array (  => SELECT extension, mime, content FROM cpg133_filetypes; [1] => SELECT * FROM  ............ ) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg133_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1)  [3] => ............  SELECT group_name FROM cpg133_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1  [4] =>  ............  FROM cpg133_banned WHERE expiry < '2006-01-03 22:02:32' ............   [5] => SELECT * FROM cpg133_banned WHERE ip_addr='' OR  ............ .35.1' OR user_id=1  [6] => SELECT aid, title FROM cpg133_albums WHERE 1  [7] => SELECT filepath,  ............  FROM cpg133_pictures WHERE filepath LIKE 'xbox%'  [ ............ ] => SELECT aid, title FROM cpg133_albums WHERE category = 0 ORDER BY title   ............  a.aid as aid, a.title as title, as cname FROM cpg133_albums as a, cpg133_categories as c WHERE  ............ ------- PHP version: 5.0.3 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 4.0.23-standard ------------------  ............  doesn't exist ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ Active Persistent Links 0   ............  Links 1  Client API version 4.0.23  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external  MYSQL_SOCKET /var/lib/mysql............ .sock  MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/include/mysql  MYSQL_LIBS -L/usr/ ............  -lmysqlclient  ========================== Module: zlib -- ............ -- Directive | Local Value | Master Value sendmail_from | no value | no value sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/ ......
cpg1.3 Miscellaneous / It stopped working, help
« by noeliakaos on March 01, 2006, 02:09:23 pm »

......  page i get this: While executing query "SELECT * FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' ORDER BY  ............ () LIMIT 10" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler   And this: ............  (  => SELECT extension, mime, content, player FROM cpg140_filetypes; (0.044s) [1] => select * from  ............  order by priority asc; (0s)  [2] => delete from `gconline`.cpg140_sessions where time<1141214829  ............  remember=0; (0.01s)  [3] => delete from `gconline`.cpg140_sessions where time<1140008829;  ............ (0.001s)  [4] => select user_id from `gconline`.cpg140_sessions where session_id=md5(" ............ => select user_id as id, user_password as password from `gconline`.cpg140_users where user_id=1 (0.001s)   ............  AS password, u.user_group+100 AS group_id FROM `gconline`.cpg140_users AS u INNER JOIN `gconline` ............ ='1' (0.001s)  [7] => SELECT user_group_list FROM `gconline`.cpg140_users AS u WHERE user_id='1'  ............ ) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg140_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1) (0.001s)   ............  [9] => SELECT group_name FROM cpg140_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1 (0s)  [10] ............ '); (0s)  [11] => SELECT user_favpics FROM cpg140_favpics WHERE user_id = 1 (0.024s)  [12] ............  => DELETE FROM cpg140_banned WHERE expiry < '2006-03-01 13:07:09' ............  (0.014s)  [13] => SELECT * FROM cpg140_banned WHERE (ip_addr='' OR  ............ )  [14] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg140_categories WHERE parent = '' ORDER BY pos  ............ (0s)  [15] => SELECT aid FROM cpg140_albums WHERE category = 2 (0s)  [16] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg140_pictures as p, cpg140_albums as a WHERE p. ............  category = 2 (0.001s)  [17] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg140_albums as a WHERE category = '2' (0s)  [ ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg140_pictures as p  ............ , max( p.ctime ) AS last_upload, a.keyword FROM cpg140_albums AS a LEFT JOIN cpg140_pictures AS  ............ )  [20] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg140_categories WHERE parent = '2' ORDER BY  ............  (0s)  [21] => SELECT aid FROM cpg140_albums as a WHERE category>=10000 (0s)   ............ [22] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg140_pictures as p, cpg140_albums as a WHERE p. ............ )  [23] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg140_categories WHERE parent = '1' ORDER BY  ............  (0s)  [24] => SELECT aid FROM cpg140_albums WHERE category = 8 (0s)  [25] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg140_pictures as p, cpg140_albums as a WHERE p. ............  AND category = 8 (0s)  [26] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg140_albums as a WHERE category = '8' (0s)  [ ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg140_pictures as p  ............  category=8 ORDER BY a.pos LIMIT 0,2 (0s)  [28] => SELECT a.aid, count( ) AS pic_count,  ............ , max( p.ctime ) AS last_upload, a.keyword FROM cpg140_albums AS a LEFT JOIN cpg140_pictures AS  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='147' (0s)  [30] =>  ............  cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg140_categories WHERE parent = '8' ORDER BY  ............  (0s)  [31] => SELECT aid FROM cpg140_albums WHERE category = 3 (0s)  [32] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg140_pictures as p, cpg140_albums as a WHERE p. ............  AND category = 3 (0s)  [33] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg140_albums as a WHERE category = '3' (0.002s)   ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg140_pictures as p  ............ , max( p.ctime ) AS last_upload, a.keyword FROM cpg140_albums AS a LEFT JOIN cpg140_pictures AS  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='262' (0s)  [37] =>  ............  cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg140_categories WHERE parent = '3' ORDER BY  ............  (0s)  [38] => SELECT aid FROM cpg140_albums WHERE category = 4 (0s)  [39] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg140_pictures as p, cpg140_albums as a WHERE p. ............  category = 4 (0.001s)  [40] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg140_albums as a WHERE category = '4' (0s)  [ ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg140_pictures as p  ............ , max( p.ctime ) AS last_upload, a.keyword FROM cpg140_albums AS a LEFT JOIN cpg140_pictures AS  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='1157' (0.025s)  [44] ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='1150' (0s)  [45] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='1106' (0s)  [46] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='1074' (0s)  [47] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='1000' (0s)  [48] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='1032' (0s)  [49] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='1030' (0s)  [50] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='993' (0s)  [51] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='990' (0s)  [52] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='723' (0s)  [53] =>  ............  cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg140_categories WHERE parent = '4' ORDER BY  ............  (0s)  [54] => SELECT aid FROM cpg140_albums WHERE category = 6 (0s)  [55] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg140_pictures as p, cpg140_albums as a WHERE p. ............  AND category = 6 (0s)  [56] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg140_albums as a WHERE category = '6' (0.002s)   ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg140_pictures as p  ............ , max( p.ctime ) AS last_upload, a.keyword FROM cpg140_albums AS a LEFT JOIN cpg140_pictures AS  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='9' (0s)  [60] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='14' (0s)  [61] =>  ............  cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg140_categories WHERE parent = '6' ORDER BY  ............  (0s)  [62] => SELECT aid FROM cpg140_albums WHERE category = 9 (0s)  [63] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg140_pictures as p, cpg140_albums as a WHERE p. ............  AND category = 9 (0s)  [64] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg140_albums as a WHERE category = '9' (0s)  [ ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg140_pictures as p  ............ , max( p.ctime ) AS last_upload, a.keyword FROM cpg140_albums AS a LEFT JOIN cpg140_pictures AS  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE pid='1067' (0s)  [68] =>  ............  cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg140_categories WHERE parent = '9' ORDER BY  ............  (0s)  [69] => SELECT aid FROM cpg140_albums as a WHERE category = '0' (0s)  [ ............ ] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg140_albums as a WHERE 1 (0s)  [71] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg140_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg140_albums as a  ............ .aid WHERE 1 (0.001s)  [72] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg140_comments as c LEFT JOIN cpg140_pictures as  ............ .aid WHERE 1 (0.019s)  [73] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg140_categories WHERE 1 (0s)  [74] => SELECT  ............ (hits) FROM cpg140_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg140_albums as a  ............ .aid WHERE 1 (0.005s)  [75] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE approved = 'NO' (0.001s)   ............  [76] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg140_albums as a WHERE category = '0' (0s)  [ ............ ] => SELECT COUNT(*) from cpg140_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' (0.001s)   ............  [78] => SELECT * FROM cpg140_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' ORDER BY  ............ ------- PHP version: 4.4.1 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 4.0.26-standard-log ------------------  ............  version: 1.4.2(stable) ========================== Module: GD ----------- ............ ------- GD Version: bundled (2.0.28 compatible) FreeType Support: 1 FreeType Linkage:  ............  Support: 1  ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ MySQL Supportenabled Active  ............  0  Active Links 1  Client API version 4.0.26  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external  MYSQL_SOCKET /tmp/mysql............   MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/local/mysql/include  MYSQL_LIBS -L/ ............ /local/mysql/lib -lmysqlclient  ==========================  ......

......  problems until TODAY.  The gallery starts with an error:         There was an error while processing a  ............  query.         While executing query "SELECT * FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES'  ORDER BY  ............ () LIMIT 10" on 0 mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler  If I  ............  (     => SELECT extension, mime, content, player FROM cpg132_filetypes; (0.001s)      [1] => select *  ............  order by priority asc; (0.001s)     [2] => delete from `scalesof_album`.cpg132_sessions where time< ............  and remember=0; (0.001s)     [3] => delete from `scalesof_album`.cpg132_sessions where time< ............ ; (0s)     [4] => select user_id from `scalesof_album`.cpg132_sessions where session_id= ............ => select user_id as id, user_password as password from `scalesof_album`.cpg132_users where user_id=1 (0s) ............  AS password, u.user_group+100 AS group_id FROM `scalesof_album`.cpg132_users AS u INNER JOIN ` ............ ='1' (0s)     [7] => SELECT user_group_list FROM `scalesof_album`.cpg132_users AS u WHERE user_id=' ............ ) as  priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg132_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1) (0s)     [ ............ ] => SELECT group_name FROM  cpg132_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1 (0s)     [10] ............ '); (0s)     [11] => SELECT user_favpics FROM cpg132_favpics WHERE user_id = 1 (0.001s)     [12] ............  => DELETE FROM cpg132_banned WHERE expiry < '2006-03-13 14:43:04' ............  (0s)     [13] => SELECT * FROM cpg132_banned WHERE (ip_addr='' OR  ............ )     [14] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = ''  ORDER BY pos  ............ (0.001s)     [15] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category>=10000 (0s)      ............ [16] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............ )     [17] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = '1'  ORDER BY  ............  (0s)     [18] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 20 (0s)     [19] => ............  SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............ )     [20] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = '20'  ORDER BY  ............  (0s)     [21] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 21 (0s)     [22] => ............  SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 21 (0s)     [23] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 14 (0s)     [24] => ............  SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='3595' (0s)     [26] =>  ............  aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 13 (0s)     [27] => ............  SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 13 (0.001s)     [28] => SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, ............  pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='2046' (0s)     [29] =>  ............  aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 6 (0s)     [30] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............ )     [31] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = '6'  ORDER BY  ............  (0s)     [32] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 15 (0s)     [33] => ............  SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 15 (0s)     [34] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 16 (0s)     [35] => ............  SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  AND category = 16 (0.001s)     [36] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 17 (0s)     [37] => ............  SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 17 (0s)     [38] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 4 (0s)     [39] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  category = 4 (0.001s)     [40] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category = '4' (0s)     [ ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg132_pictures as p  ............ , max( p.ctime )  AS last_upload, a.keyword FROM cpg132_albums AS a  LEFT JOIN cpg132_pictures AS  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='4233' (0s)     [44] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='1089' (0s)     [45] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='539' (0s)     [46] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='271' (0s)     [47] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='290' (0s)     [48] =>  ............  cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = '4'  ORDER BY  ............  (0s)     [49] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 7 (0s)     [50] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  category = 7 (0.001s)     [51] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category = '7' (0s)     [ ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg132_pictures as p  ............ , max( p.ctime )  AS last_upload, a.keyword FROM cpg132_albums AS a  LEFT JOIN cpg132_pictures AS  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='1443' (0s)     [55] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='3982' (0s)     [56] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='103' (0s)     [57] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='393' (0s)     [58] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='422' (0s)     [59] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='456' (0s)     [60] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='611' (0s)     [61] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='915' (0s)     [62] =>  ............  cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = '7'  ORDER BY  ............  (0s)     [63] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 9 (0s)     [64] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............ )     [65] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = '9'  ORDER BY  ............  (0.005s)     [66] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category = '0' (0s)     [ ............ ] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE 1 (0s)     [68] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg132_albums as a  ............ .aid WHERE 1 (0.004s)     [69] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_comments as c LEFT JOIN cpg132_pictures as  ............ .aid WHERE 1 (0.004s)     [70] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_categories WHERE 1 (0s)     [71] => SELECT  ............ (hits) FROM cpg132_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg132_albums as a  ............ .aid WHERE 1 (0.015s)     [72] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE approved = 'NO' (0.004s)     ............  [73] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category = '0' (0s)     [ ............ ] => SELECT COUNT(*) from cpg132_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES'  (0.003s)   ............    [75] => SELECT * FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES'  ORDER BY  ............ ------ PHP version: 4.3.10 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 4.0.25-standard ------------------  ............  version: 1.4.4(stable) ========================== Module: GD ----------- ............ ------- GD Version: bundled (2.0.28 compatible) FreeType Support: 1 FreeType Linkage:  ............  Support:   ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ MySQL Supportenabled Active  ............  0  Active Links 1  Client API version 4.0.25  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external  MYSQL_SOCKET /var/lib/mysql............ .sock  MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/include/mysql  MYSQL_LIBS -L/usr/ ............  -lmysqlclient   ========================== Module: zlib -- ............ -- Directive | Local Value | Master Value sendmail_from | no value | no value sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/ ......
cpg1.3.x Support / There was an error while processing a database query.
« by schumiskinn on November 08, 2004, 01:15:09 pm »

......  fine for lots of days but now i have a critical error.the error is below  While executing query "SELECT  ............ , filesize, pwidth, pheight, ctime, aid, aid FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' ORDER BY  ............ () LIMIT 8" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 12 from table handler  also i  ............ ------ Array (  [ID] => 0c5c07ec13a866a2dc5330652861a638  [am] => 1  [liv] => Array  (   ............ -- Array (  => SELECT extension, mime, content FROM cpg132_filetypes; [1] => SELECT * FROM  ............ ) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg132_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1)  [3] => ............  SELECT group_name FROM cpg132_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1  [4] =>  ............  FROM cpg132_banned WHERE expiry < 1099915741  [5] => ............  SELECT * FROM cpg132_banned WHERE ip_addr='' OR  ............ =1  [6] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = '' ORDER BY pos  ............  [7] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category>=10000  [8] = ............ > SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  a.aid AND category >= 10000  [9] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 2  [10] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 2  [11] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 4  [12] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 4  [13] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category = '4'  [14] = ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg132_pictures as p  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE aid IN (22, 27) AND  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='496'  [17] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='427'  [18] =>  ............  aid FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category = '0'  [19] = ............ > SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE 1  [20] => SELECT  ............ (*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg132_albums as a  ............  a.aid=p.aid WHERE 1  [21] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_comments as c LEFT JOIN cpg132_pictures as  ............  a.aid=p.aid WHERE 1  [22] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_categories WHERE 1  [23] => SELECT sum( ............ ) FROM cpg132_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg132_albums as a  ............  p.aid=a.aid WHERE 1  [24] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category = '0'  [25] = ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg132_pictures as p  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE aid IN (12, 30) AND  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='498'  [28] =>  ............  COUNT(*) from cpg132_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES'   [29] = ............ , filesize, pwidth, pheight, ctime, aid, aid FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' ORDER BY  ............ ------- PHP version: 4.3.9 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 4.0.22-log ------------------ Coppermine  ............ ------ GD Support enabled  GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)  FreeType Support enabled  FreeType  ............  enabled  ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ Active Persistent Links 0   ............  Links 1  Client API version 4.0.22  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external  MYSQL_SOCKET /tmp/mysql............   MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/local/include/mysql  MYSQL_LIBS -L/ ............ /local/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient  ========================== Module: ............ -- Directive | Local Value | Master Value sendmail_from | no value | no value sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/ ......
cpg1.4 upload / I got the error message , please help
« by fishman88 on June 01, 2006, 07:01:54 am »

......  albums , i can not open the "Album List" and i got the error message in the web page !  "Critical  ............    There was an error while processing a database query.   While  ............  query "SELECT * FROM cpg143_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES'   ............  BY RAND() LIMIT 8" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler    File: / ............  (  => SELECT extension, mime, content, player FROM cpg143_filetypes; (0s) [1] => select * from  ............  order by priority asc; (0s)  [2] => delete from `tornado-unit_com_-_test-gallary`.cpg143_sessions  ............ <1149134816 and remember=0; (0s)  [3] => delete from `tornado-unit_com_-_test-gallary`.cpg143_sessions  ............  time<1147928816; (0s)  [4] => select user_id from `tornado- ............ => select user_id as id, user_password as password from `tornado-unit_com_-_test-gallary`.cpg143_users  ............  AS password, u.user_group+100 AS group_id FROM `tornado-unit_com_-_test-gallary`.cpg143_users AS  ............ ='3' (0s)  [7] => SELECT user_group_list FROM `tornado-unit_com_-_test-gallary`.cpg143_users AS  ............ ) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg143_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1) (0s)  [ ............ ] => SELECT group_name FROM cpg143_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1 (0s)  [10] ............ '); (0s)  [11] => SELECT user_favpics FROM cpg143_favpics WHERE user_id = 3 (0s)  [12] =>  ............  FROM cpg143_mod_online WHERE last_action < NOW() -  ............ ', '', NOW()) (0s)  [14] => DELETE FROM cpg143_banned WHERE expiry < '2006-06-01 13:06:56' ............  (0s)  [15] => SELECT * FROM cpg143_banned WHERE (ip_addr='' OR  ............ )  [16] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg143_categories WHERE parent = '' ORDER BY pos  ............ (0.001s)  [17] => SELECT aid FROM cpg143_albums WHERE category = 12 (0s)  [18] => ............  SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_pictures as p, cpg143_albums as a WHERE p. ............  category = 12 (0s)  [19] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_albums as a WHERE category = '12' (0s)   ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg143_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg143_pictures as p  ............ , max( p.ctime ) AS last_upload, a.keyword FROM cpg143_albums AS a LEFT JOIN cpg143_pictures AS  ............ )  [22] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg143_categories WHERE parent = '12' ORDER BY  ............  (0s)  [23] => SELECT aid FROM cpg143_albums as a WHERE category>=10000 (0s)   ............ [24] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_pictures as p, cpg143_albums as a WHERE p. ............ )  [25] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg143_categories WHERE parent = '1' ORDER BY  ............  (0s)  [26] => SELECT aid FROM cpg143_albums WHERE category = 9 (0s)  [27] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg143_pictures as p, cpg143_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 9 (0.001s)  [28] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_albums as a WHERE  ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg143_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg143_pictures as p  ............ , max( p.ctime ) AS last_upload, a.keyword FROM cpg143_albums AS a LEFT JOIN cpg143_pictures AS  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg143_pictures WHERE pid='651' (0s)  [32] =>  ............  cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg143_categories WHERE parent = '9' ORDER BY  ............  (0.001s)  [33] => SELECT aid FROM cpg143_albums WHERE category = 14 (0s)  [34] => ............  SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_pictures as p, cpg143_albums as a WHERE p. ............  category = 14 (0s)  [35] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_albums as a WHERE category = '14' (0s)   ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg143_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg143_pictures as p  ............ , max( p.ctime ) AS last_upload, a.keyword FROM cpg143_albums AS a LEFT JOIN cpg143_pictures AS  ............ )  [38] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg143_categories WHERE parent = '14' ORDER BY  ............  (0s)  [39] => SELECT aid FROM cpg143_albums as a WHERE category = '0' (0s)  [ ............ ] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_albums as a WHERE 1 (0s)  [41] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg143_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg143_albums as a  ............ .aid WHERE 1 (0.002s)  [42] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_comments as c LEFT JOIN cpg143_pictures as  ............ .aid WHERE 1 (0.001s)  [43] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_categories WHERE 1 (0s)  [44] => SELECT  ............ (hits) FROM cpg143_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg143_albums as a  ............ .aid WHERE 1 (0.006s)  [45] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg143_pictures WHERE approved = 'NO' (0.003s)   ............  [46] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_albums as a WHERE category = '0' (0s)  [ ............ ] => SELECT COUNT(*) from cpg143_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' (0.001s)   ............  [48] => SELECT * FROM cpg143_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' ORDER BY  ............ ------ PHP version: 4.3.10 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 3.23.58 ------------------ Coppermine  ............ : 1.4.3(stable) ========================== Module: GD ----------- ............ ------- GD Version: bundled (2.0.28 compatible) FreeType Support: 1 FreeType Linkage:  ............  Support:   ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ MySQL Supportenabled Active  ............  1  Active Links 2  Client API version 3.23.58  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external  MYSQL_SOCKET /var/lib/mysql............ .sock  MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/include/mysql  MYSQL_LIBS -L/usr/ ............ /mysql -lmysqlclient  ========================== Module: ............ -- Directive | Local Value | Master Value sendmail_from | no value | no value sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/ ......
cpg1.3 Upload / Re: MySQL broke?
« by olegario on November 15, 2004, 12:50:03 am »

...... 't made any changes to my system. Any ideas? My error is a little different. Here it is:  While  ............  aid, CONCAT('(', user_name, ') ', title) AS title FROM cpg11d_albums AS a INNER JOIN cpg11d_users AS u  ............  = (10000 + user_id) ORDER BY title" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler   TIA! ......
cpg1.4 miscellaneous / gallery just stoped working =/ (debug info included)
« by rava on March 24, 2006, 06:38:21 pm »

...... , other parts work fine, its the main page thats errors out.  here si the debug info:   ............  error_______________  While executing query "SELECT *  ............  approved = 'YES' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 8" on 0  mySQL error: Got error -1 from table handler       ............  (  => SELECT extension, mime, content, player FROM cpg143_filetypes; (0.001s) [1] => select * from  ............  order by priority asc; (0s)  [2] => SELECT * FROM cpg143_bridge (0s)  [3] => SELECT u.userid, u. ............ , u.usergroupid+100 AS usergroupid FROM `cwcc_vbb`.user AS u, `cwcc_vbb`.session AS s  ............  AS password, u.usergroupid+100 AS group_id FROM `cwcc_vbb`.user AS u INNER JOIN `cwcc_vbb`. ............ ) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg143_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1) (0s)  [ ............ ] => SELECT group_name FROM cpg143_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1 (0s)  [7]  ............ => SELECT user_favpics FROM cpg143_favpics WHERE user_id = 1 (0.001s)  [8]  ............ => DELETE FROM cpg143_banned WHERE expiry < '2006-03-24 17:26:48' ............  (0s)  [9] => SELECT * FROM cpg143_banned WHERE (ip_addr='' OR  ............ )  [10] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg143_categories WHERE parent = '' ORDER BY pos  ............ (0.001s)  [11] => SELECT aid FROM cpg143_albums as a WHERE category>=10000 (0s)   ............ [12] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_pictures as p, cpg143_albums as a WHERE p. ............ )  [13] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg143_categories WHERE parent = '1' ORDER BY  ............  (0s)  [14] => SELECT aid FROM cpg143_albums as a WHERE category = '0' (0s)  [ ............ ] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_albums as a WHERE 1 (0s)  [16] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg143_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg143_albums as a  ............ =p.aid WHERE 1 (0s)  [17] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_comments as c LEFT JOIN cpg143_pictures as  ............ =p.aid WHERE 1 (0s)  [18] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_categories WHERE 1 (0s)  [19] => SELECT  ............ (hits) FROM cpg143_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg143_albums as a  ............ =a.aid WHERE 1 (0s)  [20] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg143_pictures WHERE approved = 'NO' (0s)  [ ............ ] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg143_albums as a WHERE category = '0' (0.001s)   ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg143_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg143_pictures as p  ............ , max( p.ctime ) AS last_upload, a.keyword FROM cpg143_albums AS a LEFT JOIN cpg143_pictures AS  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg143_pictures WHERE pid='45' (0s)  [25] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg143_pictures WHERE pid='17' (0s)  [26] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg143_pictures WHERE pid='2' (0s)  [27] =>  ............  COUNT(*) from cpg143_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' (0.001s)   ............  [28] => SELECT * FROM cpg143_pictures WHERE approved = ............ ------- PHP version: 4.4.1 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 4.0.25-standard ------------------  ............  version: 1.4.4(stable) ========================== Module: GD ----------- ............ ------- GD Version: bundled (2.0.28 compatible) FreeType Support: 1 FreeType Linkage:  ............  Support:   ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ MySQL Supportenabled Active  ............  1  Active Links 2  Client API version 4.0.25  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external  MYSQL_SOCKET /var/lib/mysql............ .sock  MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/include/mysql  MYSQL_LIBS -L/usr/ ............  -lmysqlclient  ========================== Module: zlib -- ............ -- Directive | Local Value | Master Value sendmail_from | no value | no value sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/ ......
cpg1.3 Miscellaneous / Query Error
« by MadMoon on September 16, 2005, 01:35:50 pm »

......  for some weeks but now all of a sudden I get this error message. But it only appears in the admin-area  ............  searched for a solution but I repaired all db tables and there should be also enough space on the  ............  aid, CONCAT('(', user_name, ') ', title) AS title FROM cpg133_albums AS a INNER JOIN cpg133_users AS u  ............  = (10000 + user_id) ORDER BY title" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler    Quote   ............ -- Array (  => SELECT extension, mime, content FROM cpg133_filetypes; [1] => SELECT * FROM  ............ ) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg133_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1)  [3] => ............  SELECT group_name FROM cpg133_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1  [4] =>  ............  FROM cpg133_banned WHERE expiry < '2005-09-16 13:31:49' ............   [5] => SELECT * FROM cpg133_banned WHERE ip_addr='xxx.1xx.81.157' OR  ............ ='xxx.1xx.81.157' OR user_id=1  [6] => SELECT * FROM cpg133_albums WHERE aid='50'  [7] => SELECT  ............ , title FROM cpg133_albums WHERE category < '10000' ORDER BY  ............  aid, CONCAT('(', user_name, ') ', title) AS title FROM cpg133_albums AS a INNER JOIN cpg133_users AS u  ............ ------- PHP version: 4.3.4 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 4.0.18 ------------------ Coppermine  ............  enabled  ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ Active Persistent Links 0   ............  Links 1  Client API version 4.0.18  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE none  MYSQL_SOCKET /var/lib/mysql............ .sock  MYSQL_INCLUDE no value  MYSQL_LIBS no value  =========== ............ -- Directive | Local Value | Master Value sendmail_from | |  ......

......  help!   After uploading some pictures got this error There was an error while processing a  ............  gallery ( same error appeared.  Thanks in advance... Quote  While  ............ , aid,title, caption, owner_id, owner_name, aid FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' ORDER BY  ............  DESC LIMIT 0 ,4" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 134 from table handler   File: / ............ .php - Line: 105      Debug Info Quote  Warning: mysql_query(): Unable to save result set in /home/ ............  USER:  ------------------ Array (  [ID] => 871028de31c2c5a6b5af1c0adb4caac0  [am] => 1  [liv]  ............ -- Array (  => SELECT extension, mime, content FROM cpg132_filetypes; [1] => SELECT * FROM  ............ ) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg132_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1)  [3] => ............  SELECT group_name FROM cpg132_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1  [4] =>  ............  FROM cpg132_banned WHERE expiry < 1114881421  [5] => ............  SELECT * FROM cpg132_banned WHERE ip_addr='' OR  ............ ='' OR user_id=1  [6] => DELETE FROM cpg132_users WHERE user_active = 'NO' AND  ............   [7] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = '' ORDER BY pos  ............  [8] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category>=10000  [9] = ............ > SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............   [10] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = '1' ORDER BY  ............   [11] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 2  [12] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 2  [13] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category = '2'  [14] = ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg132_pictures as p  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE aid IN (11, 14, 19, 31, 16,  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='9052'  [17] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='9099'  [18] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='7055'  [19] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='8415'  [20] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='8997'  [21] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='9039'  [22] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='8902'  [23] =>  ............  cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = '2' ORDER BY  ............   [24] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 5  [25] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 5  [26] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 6  [27] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 6  [28] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = ............  7  [29] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 7  [30] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 8  [31] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 8  [32] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 9  [33] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 9  [34] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category = '9'  [35] = ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg132_pictures as p  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE aid IN (1, 2, 9, 8, 7, 10)  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='8336'  [38] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='8394'  [39] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='8962'  [40] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='9085'  [41] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='8783'  [42] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='6910'  [43] =>  ............  cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = '9' ORDER BY  ............   [44] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 10  [45] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 10  [46] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 11  [47] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 11  [48] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 13  [49] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............   [50] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = '13' ORDER BY  ............   [51] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category = '0'  [52] = ............ > SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE 1  [53] => SELECT  ............ (*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg132_albums as a  ............  a.aid=p.aid WHERE 1  [54] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_comments as c LEFT JOIN cpg132_pictures as  ............  a.aid=p.aid WHERE 1  [55] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_categories WHERE 1  [56] => SELECT sum( ............ ) FROM cpg132_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg132_albums as a  ............  p.aid=a.aid WHERE 1  [57] => SELECT COUNT(*) from cpg132_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES'   [58] = ............ , aid,title, caption, owner_id, owner_name, aid FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' ORDER BY  ............ ------- PHP version: 4.3.3 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 4.0.21-Max ------------------ Coppermine  ............  enabled  ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ Active Persistent Links 0   ............  Links 1  Client API version 3.23.58  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external  MYSQL_SOCKET /var/lib/mysql............ .sock  MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/include/mysql  MYSQL_LIBS -L/usr/ ............ /mysql -lmysqlclient  ========================== Module: ............ -- Directive | Local Value | Master Value sendmail_from | |  ......
cpg1.3.x Support / Critical error
« by heyyoukidd on November 07, 2005, 01:59:14 pm »

......  to my gallery because now all I see is "Critical error" where the album list should be. I read in  ............  post to put it on debug mode and I got this message:  There was an error while  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE aid IN (23) AND approved = ' ............ ' GROUP BY aid" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 127 from table handler  And then  ............ -- Array (  => SELECT extension, mime, content FROM cpg135_filetypes; [1] => SELECT * FROM  ............ ) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg135_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1)  [3] => ............  SELECT group_name FROM cpg135_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1  [4] =>  ............  FROM cpg135_banned WHERE expiry < '2005-11-07 07:47:30' ............   [5] => SELECT * FROM cpg135_banned WHERE ip_addr='' OR  ............ =1  [6] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg135_categories WHERE parent = '' ORDER BY pos  ............  [7] => SELECT aid FROM cpg135_albums as a WHERE category>=10000  [8] = ............ > SELECT count(*) FROM cpg135_pictures as p, cpg135_albums as a WHERE p. ............   [9] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg135_categories WHERE parent = '1' ORDER BY  ............   [10] => SELECT aid FROM cpg135_albums WHERE category = 2  [11] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg135_pictures as p, cpg135_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 2  [12] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg135_albums as a WHERE category = '2'  [13] = ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg135_pictures as p  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE aid IN (3, 24, 4, 9, 11, 20, ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE pid='225'  [16] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE pid='224'  [17] =>  ............  cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg135_categories WHERE parent = '2' ORDER BY  ............   [18] => SELECT aid FROM cpg135_albums WHERE category = 3  [19] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg135_pictures as p, cpg135_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 3  [20] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg135_albums as a WHERE category = '3'  [21] = ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg135_pictures as p  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE aid IN (1, 2) AND approved = ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE pid='2'  [24] => SELECT  ............ , name, description, thumb FROM cpg135_categories WHERE parent = '3' ORDER BY  ............   [25] => SELECT aid FROM cpg135_albums WHERE category = 4  [26] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg135_pictures as p, cpg135_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 4  [27] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg135_albums as a WHERE category = '4'  [28] = ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg135_pictures as p  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE aid IN (21, 22, 18, 19) AND  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE pid='155'  [31] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE pid='159'  [32] =>  ............  cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg135_categories WHERE parent = '4' ORDER BY  ............   [33] => SELECT aid FROM cpg135_albums WHERE category = 5  [34] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg135_pictures as p, cpg135_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 5  [35] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg135_albums as a WHERE category = '5'  [36] = ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg135_pictures as p  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE aid IN (26, 12, 8, 13, 15,  ............ , 28, 29, 17, 30, 7, 16) AND approved = 'YES' GROUP BY  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE pid='231'  [39] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE pid='235'  [40] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE pid='233'  [41] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE pid='133'  [42] =>  ............  cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg135_categories WHERE parent = '5' ORDER BY  ............   [43] => SELECT aid FROM cpg135_albums WHERE category = 6  [44] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg135_pictures as p, cpg135_albums as a WHERE p. ............   [45] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg135_categories WHERE parent = '6' ORDER BY  ............   [46] => SELECT aid FROM cpg135_albums WHERE category = 7  [47] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg135_pictures as p, cpg135_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 7  [48] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg135_albums as a WHERE category = '7'  [49] = ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg135_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg135_pictures as p  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg135_pictures WHERE aid IN (23) AND approved = ' ............ ------- PHP version: 4.4.0 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 4.0.25-standard-log ------------------  ............ ------ GD Support enabled  GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)  GIF Read Support enabled  GIF Create  ............  enabled  ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ Active Persistent Links 0   ............  Links 1  Client API version 4.0.25  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external  MYSQL_SOCKET /var/lib/mysql............ .sock  MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/include/mysql  MYSQL_LIBS -L/usr/ ............  -lmysqlclient  ========================== Module: zlib -- ............ -- Directive | Local Value | Master Value sendmail_from | no value | no value sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/ ......
cpg1.3 Installation & Setup / Another critical error
« by usmooth on February 16, 2005, 07:53:57 am »

......  was working just fine and then all of a sudden I got the following error: There was an error while  ............ . I'm running this script on several other sites from the same server. Out of about nine galleries,  ............ .title AS title,cpg132_albums.aid AS aid FROM cpg132_pictures,cpg132_albums WHERE  ............  BY cpg132_pictures.ctime DESC LIMIT 0 ,4" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler  File: / ............  03:45:15  [user_regdate] => 2004-12-25 22:53:28  [user_group_list] =>   [user_email] =>    ............ -- Array (  => SELECT extension, mime, content FROM cpg132_filetypes; [1] => SELECT * FROM  ............ ) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg132_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1)  [3] => ............  SELECT group_name FROM cpg132_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1  [4] =>  ............  FROM cpg132_banned WHERE expiry < 1108535860  [5] => ............  SELECT * FROM cpg132_banned WHERE ip_addr='' OR  ............ =1  [6] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg132_categories WHERE parent = '0' ORDER BY  ............   [7] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 2  [8] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 2  [9] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 3  [10] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 3  [11] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 4  [12] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 4  [13] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 5  [14] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 5  [15] => SELECT aid FROM cpg132_albums WHERE category = 6  [16] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p, cpg132_albums as a WHERE p. ............ .aid AND category = 6  [17] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category = '6'  [18] = ............ , filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_albums as a LEFT JOIN cpg132_pictures as p  ............ , max(pid) as last_pid, max(ctime) as last_upload FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE aid IN (102, 103, 104) AND  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='175'  [21] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='182'  [22] =>  ............  filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM cpg132_pictures WHERE pid='184'  [23] =>  ............  aid FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE category = '0'  [24] = ............ > SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_albums as a WHERE 1  [25] => SELECT  ............ (*) FROM cpg132_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg132_albums as a  ............  a.aid=p.aid WHERE 1  [26] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_comments as c LEFT JOIN cpg132_pictures as  ............  a.aid=p.aid WHERE 1  [27] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg132_categories WHERE 1  [28] => SELECT sum( ............ ) FROM cpg132_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg132_albums as a  ............  p.aid=a.aid WHERE 1  [29] => SELECT COUNT(*) from cpg132_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES'   [30] = ............ .title AS title,cpg132_albums.aid AS aid FROM cpg132_pictures,cpg132_albums WHERE  ............ ------ PHP version: 4.3.10 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 4.0.22-standard ------------------  ............ ------ GD Support enabled  GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)  GIF Read Support enabled  GIF Create  ............  enabled  ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ Active Persistent Links 0   ............  Links 1  Client API version 3.23.49  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE builtin  MYSQL_SOCKET /var/tmp/mysql............   MYSQL_INCLUDE no value  MYSQL_LIBS no value  =========== ............ -- Directive | Local Value | Master Value sendmail_from | no value | no value sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/ ......
cpg1.3.x Support / yet another error
« by usmooth on April 27, 2005, 04:44:13 am »

......  back. okay. I'm getting the message "There was an error while processing a database query." It's mostly  ............  This is the error message:  While executing query "SELECT *, ............ .title AS title,cpg130_albums.aid AS aid FROM cpg130_pictures,cpg130_albums WHERE  ............  BY cpg130_pictures.ctime DESC LIMIT 0 ,5" on 0  mySQL error: Got error -1 from table handler   Debug  ............   ------------------ Array (  [ID] => adcae012c22873c4f9ae95838520930d  [am] => 1  [lap] => 1   ............ -- Array (  => SELECT extension, mime, content FROM cpg130_filetypes; [1] => SELECT * FROM  ............ ) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg130_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1)  [3] => ............  SELECT group_name FROM cpg130_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1  [4] =>  ............  FROM cpg130_banned WHERE expiry < '2005-04-26 21:45:33' ............   [5] => SELECT * FROM cpg130_banned WHERE ip_addr='' OR  ............ =1  [6] => SELECT cid, name, description, thumb FROM cpg130_categories WHERE parent = '' ORDER BY pos  ............  [7] => SELECT aid FROM cpg130_albums as a WHERE category>=10000  [8] = ............ > SELECT count(*) FROM cpg130_pictures as p, cpg130_albums as a WHERE p. ............  a.aid AND category >= 10000  [9] => SELECT aid FROM cpg130_albums WHERE category = 2  [10] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg130_pictures as p, cpg130_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 2  [11] => SELECT aid FROM cpg130_albums WHERE category = 3  [12] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg130_pictures as p, cpg130_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 3  [13] => SELECT aid FROM cpg130_albums WHERE category = 4  [14] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg130_pictures as p, cpg130_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 4  [15] => SELECT aid FROM cpg130_albums WHERE category = 5  [16] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg130_pictures as p, cpg130_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 5  [17] => SELECT aid FROM cpg130_albums WHERE category = 6  [18] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg130_pictures as p, cpg130_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 6  [19] => SELECT aid FROM cpg130_albums WHERE category = 7  [20] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg130_pictures as p, cpg130_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 7  [21] => SELECT aid FROM cpg130_albums WHERE category = 50  [22] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg130_pictures as p, cpg130_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 50  [23] => SELECT aid FROM cpg130_albums WHERE category = 59  [24] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg130_pictures as p, cpg130_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 59  [25] => SELECT aid FROM cpg130_albums WHERE category = 65  [26] =>  ............  count(*) FROM cpg130_pictures as p, cpg130_albums as a WHERE p. ............  = a.aid AND category = 65  [27] => SELECT aid FROM cpg130_albums as a WHERE category = '0'  [28] = ............ > SELECT count(*) FROM cpg130_albums as a WHERE 1  [29] => SELECT  ............ (*) FROM cpg130_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg130_albums as a  ............  a.aid=p.aid WHERE 1  [30] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg130_comments as c LEFT JOIN cpg130_pictures as  ............  a.aid=p.aid WHERE 1  [31] => SELECT count(*) FROM cpg130_categories WHERE 1  [32] => SELECT sum( ............ ) FROM cpg130_pictures as p LEFT JOIN cpg130_albums as a  ............  p.aid=a.aid WHERE 1  [33] => SELECT COUNT(*) from cpg130_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES'   [34] = ............ .title AS title,cpg130_albums.aid AS aid FROM cpg130_pictures,cpg130_albums WHERE  ............ ------ PHP version: 4.3.10 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 4.0.22-standard ------------------  ............ ------ GD Support enabled  GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)  GIF Read Support enabled  GIF Create  ............  enabled  ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ Active Persistent Links 0   ............  Links 1  Client API version 3.23.49  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE builtin  MYSQL_SOCKET /var/tmp/mysql............   MYSQL_INCLUDE no value  MYSQL_LIBS no value  =========== ............ -- Directive | Local Value | Master Value sendmail_from | no value | no value sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/ ......
cpg1.3.x Support / Database corruption...
« by crashnet on April 22, 2005, 01:38:43 am »

...... ), but a few minutes ago when I visited it I got a critical database error from a query. This is  ............  my integrated IPB Board said  Quote  mySQL query error: SELECT f.*, as cat_id, c. ............ , m.group_id, m.group_name, m.mid  FROM ibf_forums f, ibf_categories c   ............   ORDER BY c.position, f.position  mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler mySQL  ............ :09 PM   Cpanel has a check for the database, and errors were thrown on the cpg11d_pictures  ............ :  Quote  papered_ivbd.cpg11d_pictures warning : Table is marked as crashed and last repair failed  ............  Size of datafile is: 67892 Should be: 62384 error : Keypointers and record positions doesn't  ............  538 parts Should be: 304 parts error : Corrupt    Here is what mySQL said:  Quote   ......
cpg1.3 Miscellaneous / Database Error message.
« by Frederick on January 31, 2006, 05:58:29 pm »

......  all,  I tried to edit an image and got an error: "There was an error while processing a  ............  went fine. I then went into "admin tools" and got the same error.  In debug mode, I got this report  ............ , ') ',title), CONCAT(' - ', title)) AS title FROM cpg135_albums AS a LEFT JOIN cpg135_users AS u ON  ............  (10000 + user_id) ORDER BY category, title" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler   Code: [ ............  [user_email] =>   [user_website] =>  [user_location] =>  ............  (  [0] => SELECT extension, mime, content FROM cpg135_filetypes;  [1] => SELECT * FROM  ............ ) as priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg135_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1)  [3] => ............  SELECT group_name FROM cpg135_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1  [4] =>  ............  FROM cpg135_banned WHERE expiry < '2006-01-31 18:50:13' ............   [5] => SELECT * FROM cpg135_banned WHERE ip_addr='' OR  ............ , ') ',title), CONCAT(' - ', title)) AS title FROM cpg135_albums AS a LEFT JOIN cpg135_users AS u ON  ............ ------- PHP version: 4.3.4 - OK ------------------ mySQL version: 4.0.24_Debian-10 ------------------  ............  enabled  ========================== Module: mysql ------------------ Active Persistent Links 0   ............  Links 1  Client API version 3.23.56  MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE external  MYSQL_SOCKET /var/run/ ............ /mysqld.sock  MYSQL_INCLUDE -I/usr/include/mysql   ............  -L/usr/lib -lmysqlclient  ========================== Module: zlib -- ............ -- Directive | Local Value | Master Value sendmail_from | |  ............  tells me the incident is related to these errors. Unfortunately I didn't pay much attention to it  ......
cpg1.3 Upload / Re: critical error =(
« by kegobeer on December 14, 2004, 04:21:11 am »

...... 's not a Coppermine error, it's a MySQL error. A Google search for your  ............  (Got error 28 from table handler) revealed this link:  ......

......  from: ultraboon on July 29, 2004, 12:34:38 am  Thanks  ............  reply below is my error  While executing query "SELECT aid, CONCAT('(',  ............ , ') ', title) AS title FROM cpg11d_albums AS a INNER JOIN cpg11d_users AS u  ............  = (10000 + user_id) ORDER BY title" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler  File: / ......

......  aid, CONCAT('(', user_name, ') ', title) AS title FROM cpg132_albums AS a INNER JOIN cpg132_users AS u  ............  = (10000 + user_id) ORDER BY title" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler    I then  ............  a search on error 28, but still an unable to figure out how to  ............  the error. Any and all help will be appreciated! ......
cpg1.3 Installation & Setup / Re: Install keeps screwing it's self!
« by PCGUY112887 on August 17, 2004, 07:31:10 am »

......  page... Quote  ig_data); echo << EOT; endtable(); pagefooter(); ob_end_flush(); ?>   I enabled  ............ , ') ',title), CONCAT(' - ', title)) AS title FROM cpg131_albums AS a LEFT JOIN cpg131_users AS u ON  ............  (10000 + user_id) ORDER BY category, title" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler   And I  ......
cpg1.4 miscellaneous / Re: Error with Database Query?
« by Sami on July 05, 2006, 08:59:42 pm »

......  error , indicates a lack of disk space (mySQL error:  ............  error 28 from table handler) you should contact your  ......
cpg1.4 miscellaneous / Re: Error in database........
« by on July 22, 2006, 10:54:04 pm »

......  executing query "SELECT * FROM cpg146_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' ORDER BY  ............ () LIMIT 8" on 0  mySQL error: Got error 28 from table handler   ......
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